7 Principles Of Artful Leadership

7 Principles Of Artful Leadership

Business leadership, urbane and effective business leadership?must be respectfully viewed and applied as a disciplined art form. Yes, an art form. A direct relative and close cousin to leading painters, musicians, writers, vocalists, actors, sports legends, composers, Olympians, ballerina’s and others schooled to mesmerize our hearts and minds, lead us down a path of artistic joy and balance. All art forms are?enveloped into core constructs, core disciplines time curated, practiced, corrected and matured over time. All art forms stimulate emotions, can warm and energize the course of hearts and minds, can mentor skills, stimulate inclusion, build foundations and futures: auger dreams to be fulfilled.?

There are many key elements to successful artistry.?All these factions mirror successful artists who discipline down a fastidious and dauntless road called accomplishments. We are not taught these most valuable artist construct pillars and anthems in school. As leaders, we do not pause to mindfully ponder or consider how an artist matured to a point that we demand to watch and listen to them in motion, in offering and brand accomplishment recognition. We applaud, we enjoy heartfelt and mind-felt emotions, but we do not stop to examine why we are so magnetically engaged with a cordon bleu artist: so, we may also strive to become such an artist, such a leader that others may be stimulated to follow, to pause for, to admire; to emulate.

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Certainly, we can all name with admiration?a multitude of artistic leaders in business, sports, music, dance, authors, etc. with direct carnets and cadence to our hearts and minds. But as leaders, it is their commonality we must docent, the core construct to refulgent artistry we so admire to be passed onto and upon our team members at work, our children at home. To teach those with wide eyes and ears who passion for more knowledge in life to fuel and fulfill their own hearts, minds, and dreams. In point of fact, that person may be your child, your next-door neighbor, your friend, your colleague at work; your entire team you are charged with to lead.

First, I pay creative tribute to just one of many forms of artistry which well amplifies and mimics a righteous path to august leadership. A music video to remind us that musical orchestration metaphorically is very similar to business leadership. That organizational leadership, whether in art and or in business, demands and congeners a multitude of permutation touch points to arrive to a successful conclusion: the desired outcome. I offer this thru a creatively mindful orchestrated weekend music video in Studio W.?It is titled FRAGILE.

Second, I offer?7 prescribed, simple leadership principles, a dogma?to exercise the path to epic artistry in any field or endeavor you or they-you-care-for may choose.

?+?Dream:?Without a specific dream, without a passion for achievement, without a pathway to feed desire and want, artful leadership is not possible. Ask a team member what they dream and pine for in business, in life. Dream and achieve with them to best scope and curate your own path to success and happiness.

?+?Focus:?Professional artists thru any endeavor rely on their heartful finesse, their intense focus to perform complex, stimulating artistic routines. Their intense sobriety in muscled concentration of mind, heart and body stimulates, and cause success. Same for the artist , same for the leader.

?+?Be Patient:?Excellence to be achieved is congressed through fastidious determination, trials, tribulations and discipline; always with respectful patience. A pro-artist does not achieve overnight. They achieve through kinetic practice and patience; thru their team leader also known as a “patient docent.”.

?+?Be Disciplined:?The core artistic and leadership elements for steady and dauntless accomplishments include: endurance, repetition, respect, training, organization, rigor, rules regimen and most importantly, perseverance married to patience.

+ Enlist Creativity:?An artists core is creativity. Creativity allows you to spin around competitors, enforces your art work, builds passion into the hearts and minds of your listeners, of your targeted audience. Creativity is the essence of art, the core of urbane leadership. The formula for artistic and leadership success is always CREATIVITY + RELEVANCY = WON. Whether a business leader or artist, ?

?+?Passion To Compete: Great artists are incredible, self-motivated competitors. Their gravitas is flinty yet caring and sharing, mindful and respectful of others they admire, they compete with. They passion the fight, they humbly respect victories and losses just like business leaders.

?+?Be Goal Oriented: To transcend competition, to achieve one’s artistic dream, goals must be set along the path, perpetually. Goals can multiply, they can change, they can be added or subtracted but-in-the-end, they are there to be reach for; to be achieved.?

Viceroy artists and business leaders have a commonality in heart and language known as “fragile artistry.”?They hunger for recognition; they strive and quietly pine for assiduous success. They sponge-learn, self-discipline, share and care amongst their circulated crowds. They mollify and maverick hearts and minds of those that surround them, those they personally stimulate. They motivate and docent others that pine for artistic leadership, that lionize what has already been accomplished by so many leading artists who touch our hearts and minds every day.?Artistry, just like leadership, can be such a fragile thing, so easily upset by even our best intentions. And yet, we lead, we create, we perform each and every day guided by our hearts desire and these 7 artistic principles.

Peter is author of Green Reign Leadership:?Available Here

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9 个月

Absolutely agree, Peter Weedfald ! Your perspective on business leadership as a disciplined art form resonates deeply.



