7 common insulation mistakes
1. Installing the Wrong Insulation
There are many different types of insulation, and each type has a different use. For instance, not every type of insulation can be installed everywhere. For example, some insulation is highly flammable and cannot be installed near water heaters or furnaces. Also, you shouldn't install fiberglass insulation in damp locations such as basements, because it can hold moisture and potentially lead to mold growth. Instead, it’s a better plan to go with a spray foam that resists mold when insulating your basement. When in doubt about what insulation materials to use, contact professionals like us who can and want to help you.
2. Leaving Too Many Gaps
One of the biggest problems homeowners face is leaving too many gaps in their insulation. Gaps or insulation that isn’t secured correctly can leave the building structure open to air and moisture leaks. Spray foam insulation is best for reaching into small cracks and any areas left open. You can also use caulk on very small openings to seal them up.
3. Insulating around Lights and Vents
As mentioned above, most insulation material can be flammable, so you have to be mindful when installing it around lights or vents. The rule of thumb is to leave at least three or four inches around each light fixture clear of insulation unless your light fixtures are rated for contact with insulation. It’s also not the best idea to wrap some insulation around electrical wiring. Spray Foam can be installed around electrical wiring, but it’s best to have professionals install it. Keep insulation away from vents and water heaters to avoid a potentially dangerous situation as well.
4. Not Preparing for Your Insulation Project
Be sure to have proper safety equipment, such as full face masks and tyvek suits if you’re installing insulation material yourself. While Spray Foam greatly reduces the amount of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) floating around in the air, you still need to be careful, whether you’re dealing with fiberglass or chemicals. That’s another reason to call on professionals when your family’s safety is at risk.
5. Not Following Instructions
For example, fiberglass insulation comes with a backing that helps protect your home from condensation and rot. It’s called a “vapor retarder” because it resists and slows moisture penetration. It is important to install this to the correct side of the building. This facing should always be installed with the facing towards the warm side in the winter. Installing this incorrectly could cause moisture building within the home and lead to rot and mold. For this reason, be sure you understand how to properly install the insulation or hire a professional!
6. Removing Old Insulation
Most of the time when you’re doing DIY insulation, you would not remove old insulation unless there is a mold problem. Some older types of insulation may contain asbestos and release toxic particles into the air. This is why they are better left alone. Instead, if you want to install new insulation, you should add it to your existing insulation assuming that is acceptable to the manufacturer of the new insulation. Some types of insulation cannot be installed over old insulation. This is another reason why it’s always the best course of action to have a professional address your insulation needs. But again, don’t remove what’s already there if you’re not certain what kind of insulation it is!
7. Taking Shortcuts to Save Money
It’s best to use higher R-value insulation products because they will be better at keeping warm or cool air inside. They may be a little more costly than lower R-value products, but you’ll save much more on energy bills in the long run. Also, don’t cut corners by not using enough insulation. In this case, more IS better, because a thoroughly insulated house or office building will be able to maintain a more comfortable temperature as long as the air leakage is addressed. Adding R-value doesn’t help when you don’t stop the air. That’s why using a products like spray foam and caulk on an air barrier is so effective.