7 cheapest way to attach your cell phone to a tripod and many other ways to set up anywhere else
No need to watch other people's videos since this video covers all! The cheapest and easiest ways for all different situations are covered. No problem even if you don't have any equipment.
There are 5 Billion mobile phone users in the world. For various reasons, you may sometimes need to place or attach the cell phone to somewhere where there is no obvious mechanism for attaching it. In addition, perhaps you do have regular proper holders or adapters, but since you go to different places with your mobile phone, you may be somewhere where you do not have the access to your usual gear, hence we have provided many different ideas in this video.
I promise some of these ideas cannot be found anywhere else. To make a DIY device, other people may say buy this and buy that, but I always use what I have on hand. So bear with me for the longer video since I will show you various different ways that can then be adapted to suit your own situation and inspire you to create something new.