7 Breakdown of the Pokhara to Annapurna Base Camp Distance

7 Breakdown of the Pokhara to Annapurna Base Camp Distance

Pokhara to Annapurna base camp(ABC) Distance

Pokhara to Annapurna base camp(ABC) distance?between? 81.1 km long. It takes three days to reach Annapurna base camp from Nayapool. The driving distance from Pokhara to Nayapool is 44 km, and from Nayapool to Annapurna base camp is 37.1 km. The?distance to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC)?in Nepal can be broken down into sections that provide a breakdown of the distance from various points along the famous ABC Track. Here are:

1. Nayapool to Tikhedhunga Distance

Tour Duration:?4-6 hours

Trek Distance: 10-12 kilometres/6- 7.5 miles

Highest Altitude: 1480 meters(4855 feet)

The distance between Nayapool and Tikhedhunga in Nepal may differ marginally due to the numerous footpaths or paths along the traversed route. On the popular trekking course to Tikhedhunga, a component of the Annapurna Circuit trek, the distance is approximately 10 to 12 kilometres (6 to 7.5 miles).

Trekking distances vary depending on the particular trail, the terrain, and deviations from the designated route. Please consult local guides or trekking agencies at all times to get the most current and accurate information about distances and trail conditions.

2. Thikedhunga to Ghorepani Distance

Tour Duration:?4-5 hours

Trek Distance:?9.4 kilometres/5.8 miles

Highest Altitude:?2775 meters

The trek from?Thikedunga to Ghorepani?starts while crossing Thikhedunga over a suspension bridge. After crossing the river, the trail dips, and you have to cross the Bhurungdi River again. Then, the steep ascent of 2070 meters starts on the stone steps to Ulleri village. This village is a beautiful village of the Magar community. The trail then ascends alongside beautiful pastures and farmland. After climbing a little further, you will reach a thick forest of oak and rhododendron. Besides, cascading waterfalls can also be seen on the way.

At 2250 meters, you will reach Banthanti. On the way to Nangethanti 2460m, you will walk across excellent streams and a scenic ridge. After having lunch there, trekking towards Ghorepani can be started. Finally, it takes roughly an hour to reach Ghorepani at 2840 meters.

3. Ghorepani to Tadapani Distance

Tour Duration:?5-6 hours

Trek Distance:?9.7 kilometres

Highest Altitude:?2540 meters


Firstly you have to hike Poon Hill at first, and you can do the hike in the early morning from Ghorepani village. From Poon Hill, the sunrise view is the best. So, after enjoying the sunrise, you will go back to Ghorepani.

When you reach Ghorepani, you may notice the stone steps. Try to follow them as you ascend towards Deurali. Finally, from Deurali village, the trail goes down into a green forest. In this way, you will notice outstanding waterfalls and streams. Then, you will reach Banthati. Follow the exceptional trails, and finally, you will go to Tadapani.?Ghorepani to Tadapani distance?is 9.7 kilometres.

4. Tadapani to Chhomrong Distance

Tour Duration:?3-5 hours

Trek Distance:?9.8 kilometres

Highest Altitude:?2170 meters?


First, start walking from Tadapani beside the shades of the Rhodendron tree. After starting the trail, you will find a stream called Kimrong Khola within one hour.

The trail continued slowly to a mini village, Gurung Village, called Chule Village. From this village, you will notice mysterious Himalayan views. Continuously follow the path and slowly climb the ascend through the forest. Finally, you will reach Chhomrong village, the main gateway to the Annapurna Sanctuary trek. In a nutshell,?Tadapani to Chhomrong’s distance?is 9.8 kilometres. The trekking takes 3-5 hours to reach the Chhomrong.

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