7 Best Legal Advice for Your Business.
Shikana Group
Leading investment and advisory firm specialized in foreign investments in Africa.
In today’s Legal Update, we will talk about the 7 Best Legal Advice for Your Business.
We all know about the basic laws related to theft, assault, etc., because we grew up learning and applying them in our lives. However, business law differs from the laws we have learned since childhood.
Business law affects how your business is run and involves everything, including contract law, employment law, tax law, and more. Lawyers have to spend years studying to ace this field so they can help you with your business. You must ensure that you know the potential risks and basics of the company. Then, you can work together with an experienced lawyer to help your business thrive.
Here is some advice that all business owners might need.
1. ?Both Parties Should Develop an Understanding Of Binding Contract
The meeting of minds is essential at the time of the contract. Simply put, both parties should be on the same page and clearly understand the agreement for it to be binding. The problem arises when there’s a room open for interpretation in the contract, each party can interpret it in its way, and it can cause problems in the future. Be clear about what you are signing and agreeing to; if you are confused, first clear that out then make any commitment.
2. ?Oral Contracts Are Valid
We know it is hard to believe, but it’s the law. If a contract is done verbally and not signed, that doesn’t mean the contract is invalid. While it can’t be proven who said what when the only proof of the commitment is words, the law considers an oral agreement valid. However, there are a few agreements where a verbal contract is regarded as invalid.
3. ?Protection Of Your Intellectual Property
Suppose someone steals your company’s logo; how will you prove it without copyright or trademark? Laws about copyright, patents, and trademarks protect your company’s intellectual property. Protecting your intellectual property is much easier than applying for unfair use of your property. If you want to protect your intellectual property, consult an attorney who specializes in the field.
4. ?Privacy Policy For Customers
One concern everyone has in this digital world is the violation of privacy. If you run your business online and your customers must put their personal information on your website, you must make an adequate privacy policy to protect them from harm. Some companies sell their customer’s personal information, i.e, address, contact number, email ID, etc.; if you are found doing anything like that, you will be obligated to disclose this to your customers in accordance with data protection laws.
5. ?Safeguard Data
Similar to the previous law, this is also related to privacy. Many organizations have fallen prey to hacking and cyber crimes. No matter how big or small your business might be, everyone must keep the data of customers and employees safe. Antivirus measures and high-tech software can save your business from this theft.
6. ?Keep Personal And Business Funds Separate
Your business must have a separate bank account and credit card. Using your funds for business is not ideal, and this commingling can cause legal issues in the future. Make sure you keep both funds distinct and don’t use your business funds for personal use.
7. ?Maintain Insurance
Insurance is crucial in case of accidents for your workers or if your company is sued. You must have something that can protect your business. Any business must maintain insurance regardless of its size.
Starting a new business, big or small, without knowing the basics of business law is not a smart move, and it can harm your new business. Suppose you engage in an illegal activity unknowingly. In that case, your lack of knowledge will not make up for it, and you cannot get out of it with that excuse, which is why it is essential to seek advice from those who are qualified and have adequate experience to help you.
Remember, if you do not have contracts in place or if you have not been compliant on a number of fronts, it is not too late to start. Feel free to reach out to us if you want to discuss how you can make the necessary steps to safeguard your business.
Until then, have a great rest of the week!