6th Letter to the Citizens of the World - The Everyone's Health

6th Letter to the Citizens of the World - The Everyone's Health


Dear friends,

In the previous letter (5th) I noted at the end, as a basic mission for a UN/WHO attentive to its constitutional concept and treaties on health and peace, the following action:

World Socialization and Education for peace and health.

The world cultural organization of 7 to 9 billion people for the care of peace and health based on the socio-family cultural management of the physical, mental and social well-being of the Human Being.

I ended the letter with a commitment to present to all of you an initial plan in this direction. That's what I have to present in this letter. Thank to all for your attention.

The initial plan

An initial plan for socialization and education for peace and health for a world population of this magnitude is far from simple. But it's entirely possible.

We have to consider a fundamental step and a structural step for this action.

The fundamental step

The fundamental step in this direction is the personal and family human step. This step is the beginning of everything. A natural and domestic individual and family process.

Basically because it is not restricted to the idea and command of science, force, defense, government and authority - political, religious, philosophical, economic-labor or military.

It is a step basically linked to knowledge, energy, meaning, will and care that each person and family of the world's population can observe, experience, apply, share and guide in contact and relationship with the different elements (including their ability to vote) of life. and individual, family and social nature. The elements of being that involve the definition, presence, influence, change or absence of the forces of belonging, care and command of their affines.

The structural step

The next step is the structural one. This is the social step of regulation the referred trelated similar forces of?each person?on the safety and common well-being of life on/on the planet in all its divisions and relationships of belonging, command, freedom, work, fun or leisure.

And, for the implementation of this regulation, we need to be able to unite politics, religion and science again for the justice, unity and diversity that each person and family of the world population represents.

A process of collective national, international and universal social order that involves as a whole the formation of a global cultural alliance of our different civilizations based on the tripod of world order of justice, democracy and governments defined with the UN - Charter, Universal Declaration of Rights Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child with all associated treaties.

This action is more complex. It demands the configuration of the alliance of cultural authorities, powers and political-economic and social governments, deeply addicted to domination and command for power and not knowing. This configuration is an act of responsibility of the world political authority legitimized with the UN and the higher cultural authorities. However, it is an act hitherto relegated to the ignorance of these authorities.

So let's talk specifically about the initial aspect of the process. The fundamental step that refers to health care between the people and families in their condition of citizenship, autonomy and right and not exactly those treatments that are the domain of industrial organization and governments.

Human health care – before of the industrial care.

While in industrial health management we are dealing with the hegemonic power of market medical science, in human health care management the reality is different. More than dealing with problems of politics, authorities, governments and diseases, we are going to deal with the knowledge, will and strength of the world's population. It is the extra scientific field that gave and gives rise to reason and scientific research.

Regardless of the fear and pressure that we are all suffering from the economic, psychological and biological warfare of Covid 19 and other diseases, you (people, organizations and nations) citizens of the world, can align and prepare socially to guarantee your know, your will and strength on the objective of peace, health and obtaining a better autonomy of life?

Because this is the proposal in the face of truth and the universality of life for all our generations in action.

In this proposal, schools, universities and services will not be scientific, technical or of market and assistance work competition, related to the treatment and cure of diseases. They will be the experiences that you have and can share in past and present stories and lives. These are not services that are pre-classified or legitimized for the market as specialties for providing work on diseases – such as one of the different areas of medicine or acupuncture, homeopathy, phytotherapy, etc. It is about the application of human care on health from their observations, personalities, wisdoms and the provision in relation with attention to their loved ones - in their daily lives, in the face of personal and family relationships of care, survival and love.

Health promotion

Within this proposal, we will definitively leave the concept and industrial management of health based on disease (biomedicine) or on the control of regulated power over the absence or elimination of specific diseases,

I invite you to think about the integral health of life - to conceive human and planet health in their different civilizations, living environments and systems of relationship and education as a social production of an environmental and family cultural nature.

It means thinking about a state of well-being in the presence or absence of diseases, illnesses or conflicts built, maintained and sustained by you and among you in each movement and territory or country, until death do you part. Naturally, always counting on the support of the approach, treatment or cure of diseases that may emerge in their different times and life situations and relationships. Because that might be necessary. But it is with the social production of their well-being in any condition that health will be strengthened. Let's repeat: as registered by the WHO, “health is the complete physical, mental and social well-being of the Human Being, and not simply the absence of disease or infirmity”. It's what mothers or women around the world guarantee to their children or the like in war conditions - such as the Russian-Ukrainian - covid 19, immigration, violence, hunger, physical or mental disabilities, prejudice, etc. What hospitals and psychologists cannot do. And, perhaps for this strength and care they are so attacked by abusive or controlling male power.

The goal of health administration

The goal of disease management in the name of health you already know.

It consists of approaching the fragmentation, commodification and economic administration of health through the presence and effect of diseases, illnesses or traumas classified in a specific way - and, from there, it is based on their surgical elimination or containment and maintenance of containment by medical specialties and elaborate chemicals and also subject?to disastrous side-effects. This is ingrained and written in history. Onle it's just not well accepted by everyone – although everyone can suffered any side-effects.

On the other hand, the goal of health management in the name of the well-being of the person, family and social community in the presence or absence of disease, illness or conflict, is another that science has not yet been able to incorporate:

It is to minimize as much as possible - or to satisfactorily balance - the human dependence on the assistance system of diseases, illnesses or traumas, from birth to death. Which leads us to have to understand the starting point of health development – its beginning and trajectory. .

?The health trajectory

The trajectory of health begins in the relationship and in the gestation of humanity in its unity, duplicity and diversity - in a simple way, man, woman, children or masculine, feminine and be created (and it should be noted that of the point-of-view cientific , this is real: woman's natural immune system creaty?placental barriers, maternal bodies and amniotic fluids to ensure health for the human being who is developing in the uterus). And, from that point on, health follows within each context and direction of life from birth to death.

From this point this process accompanies the development of health:

The construction of the concept of the life of generations, of life of children, the life of adolescents, the life of adults and the life of the elderly. Each one in their own time and intergenerational movement and of living conditions.

The stages of life influenced by the sum and multiplication of the own and common characteristics of each entity, period, relationship and human generation within nature. Nature in its different territories and family and environmental environments.

In fact, health can be fragmented by the presence and effect of illness, illness or trauma at any of these stages. But it is not characteristic of these elements.

Health is inherent to the well-being of the being in the presence or absence of the elements described above.

Following this path, in the next letter we will then talk about the social development of health in people's daily lives and their living conditions. Thank you all for your attention. Anyone interested, please share this letter, access and evaluate the data we recorded in the letters passed in this group, https://t.me/+bKp7Mr4VstY4ZDlh and in this petition addressed to the UN https://www.abaixoassinado.org/ undersigned/57073.

With love, peace and light

Divine Roberto Verissimo


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