6G: Time for Managers to Get Familiar
Managers need to know about 6G technology because it will likely replace 5G and its associated hardware and software that help to run an office environment.
Beyond boosting applications for enhanced effectiveness and accessibility, the layout of 6G networks will include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to support greater sustainability outcomes, increase security and widen and enhance connections with faraway regions of the world.
Analysts predict that 6G will likely change work habits. 6G will impact businesses and managers in particular by proving a plethora of smart gadgets.
6G-enabled enterprise technologies will transform the way companies process information, communicate, make decisions, and train employees.
HR managers, for example, will likely make use of various 6G applications to help with the hiring, onboarding and training of employees. With 6G technology, companies will provide immersive VR and AR training experiences that streamline the transfer of knowledge between teams and boost knowledge retention.
In many circles, 6G technology is being referred to as 6G business because of 6G’s expected impact on commerce.
In the business world, 6G will be game-changing for the metaverse, enabling holographic meetings without the need to wear a headset.
Managers, team leaders, CEOs and all stakeholders associated with businesses should be coming to terms with what 6G technology can accomplish because 6G will be here sooner than you know it.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers Fundamentals of 6G for Managers, a 1-day introduction to 6G technology.
Fundamentals of 6G for Managers is not meant to make a technical specialist out of every manager, but to make every manager confident in resolving technical issues and even working with IT staff to make better decisions and to deliver better process change.
Fundamentals of 6G covers the most important aspects of 6G without getting too involved in the technical nitty gritty.
Participants will learn why 6G is receiving so much attention and how it will likely differ from 5G technology.
In the business world, 6G will be game-changing for the metaverse, enabling holographic meetings without the need to wear a headset.
For more information, questions, comments, contact us.