6G: Expected to Be an Enabling Platform for Innovation
It’s not time to jump off 5G for 6G, but business analysts believe it behooves organizations to at least be following the 6G journey and plan accordingly for a digital future that will look very different from today.
While no one is exactly sure what 6G will consist of, generally everyone agrees that 6G will?bring about new business opportunities due to its faster speeds, increased bandwidth, and lower latency.
For example, new business enterprises will likely emerge with the development of advanced applications in areas like IoT and machine learning.
Experts in this area also believe businesses need to plan carefully around 6G technology as it develops because 6G will amplify and accelerate competitiveness among rivals.
At the very least, 6G technology will be used to improve operational efficiency, better engage with customers and to develop new products and services.
New products and new services mean greater innovation.
Organizations can expect employees in the 6G technology to require new skills an talent. For companies, innovation will also involve new infrastructure investments creating opportunities for collaboration and innovations.
Some go further in speculating that 6G will have ripple effects on business and society barely imaginable currently.
Several different reports have predicted similar: unlike 5G and previous generations of wireless technologies aimed at driving network performance toward higher bandwidth 6G is seen as an enabling platform for innovations in computing, artificial intelligence (AI), connectivity, sensors, virtualization, and other advances.
In other words, 6G technology will be designed to meet higher requirements of global coverage, greater spectral efficiency, lower carbon footprint, and more.
Want to learn more? Tonex offers 6G Technology Training, a 2-day course where participants will learn how the sixth generation standard for wireless communications technologies is expected to support cellular data networks.
Participants also learn how 6G technology is expected to be designed to meet the revolutionary needs of our society, integrated into the 5G network architecture and related wired and wireless communications systems.
In the Tonex 6G Technology Training course, attendees will also examine the 6G Vision, 6G Roadmap, and 6G Technologies being touted for 6G. There’s also a thorough look at 6G Applications Use Cases that will likely be part of the 6G journey.
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