6am ?? Creativity Flows from The Rooftop - Overlooking the Mountains
Nappy.co | Vaycarious

6am ?? Creativity Flows from The Rooftop - Overlooking the Mountains

I used to hear these roosters crowing in Tanzania too.

But here I am in Mauritius on my balcony early in the morning.

It’s still dark but the sun is delicately embraced the skyline as it rises.

Deep breath*

The trees sway in the wind and sound like gentle ocean waves.

This is what I need to spark creativity.




I know you need it too.

But, most days you’re strapped to your computer trying to write your own email copy because it generates revenue.

But what if it could be better?

What if you could use a system to magnetize people to your marketing message and sell like crazy?!

My client Bernice is living this lifestyle.

Traveling more, investing in more people on her sales team, all while doing less (since I’m writing the emails 2x per day)

“But, what if people don’t wanna hear from me more often?”

I promise they do —> but they want to hear from you about VALUE which is:

1) Something relatable or entertaining

2) A quick win they can receive and apply today

3) A new (non regurgitated) minder shift

4) A personal expose (in my French accent since I’m in Mauritius) about something you’ve learned recently in business

I’m doing a WorkShop soon on Psychological Emails

Should I add you to the list?

This workshop will enable you to:

+ Receive 100+ subject line ideas (that other people don’t have because this is from testing on client accounts)

+ Strategize 3 Months worth of email campaigns

+ Create a Sales Enablement deck (similar to the one here) so you have a dashboard to revert back to and reverse engineer your sales

Should I loop you in?

Anyway, I have to go now and prepare for a speaking engage I have in a few weeks.

Talk soon,

Tiffany Garside

Masterful Copywriter

Subscribe free to Relatable Content That Converts Here + Stay Updated for when this workshops is released -- > https://tiffanygarsidecopywriter.lpages.co/magnetic-email-marketing-demo/


