As A 67-Year-0ld, Lifelong Cancer Patient, There Are Only Two Lifelong Goals That I Have Not Accomplished... If Intertested In Either, Let Me Know!
Both Are In Honor Of Very Special People
Many years ago now, a very good friend - Marlene, I called her Marlena, and she loved that - had been fighting Cancer for many years. She, and her family, were struggling with what they each were dealing with, as a result. My having had Cancer my whole life meant that others often came to me when they needed to talk with someone that understood; or when they needed a shoulder to cry or lean on; or to vent - again at someone that would understand, or to ask questions and share experiences.
I spoke daily with Marlena the last six-months of her life. In fact, I spoke with her minutes before she passed - more on that in a moment. We would talk, and laugh, and reminisce about our times together - I worked with her husband in Boston, and their daughter has been a decades-long love of mine. Marlena was a wonderful artist, and Professor of Art at Colby College for many years. We shared a history with, and love of Art as well.
The day she died, we spoke for quite awhile on the phone - I could sense that she would soon pass. But, as usual, we talked and laughed and reminisced. Then at the end of our conversation she said, "Richard, I'm Scared!" I told her that I understood that, and asked her what she was scared of most. She said that she was most worried about her husband and daughter. I told her that it was going to be difficult for them, But, that they would be O.K. She asked, "How Do You Know?" I said, "Because you did a good job!" She sighed and giggled, and said, "Yes I Did!" Then she said, "Richard, I'm afraid of dying." I told her that I understood that too, and then I asked her, "Marlena, in your wildest dream, WILDEST DREAM, could it be worse than what you are going through right now?" She sighed again, and said, "No Way!" We said our Goodbyes and I Love Yous, and she added, "Richard, You have to keep doing this for others as you have for me.", and we hung up. Perhaps 20-minutes later her husband called me to tell me that she had passed, and to thank me for giving her, "...Permission To Go." Interestingly I was pronounced dead six-months later, but that's another, and much less important story.
SO, at Marlena's urging I have always dreamt of opening a restaurant in her name and honor. A "Pay What You Can, If And When You Can" place. A place where no matter what serious health problem you are dealing with, no matter how you look, you, your friends and family are welcome to come and enjoy good comfort-food meals, and good entertainment surrounded by those who understand, and support those that are there.
And I think I have an interesting idea for the franchise-ability of this idea as well.
Fried Chicken Richard's
I was raised by an amazing woman for much of my childhood. Viola was my parents' housekeeper, and she came to work for us when I was about six years of age. She was also an amazing cook, and she taught me how to fry chicken. This was before Air Fryers, but I have mastered her recipe in the Air Fryer as well.
Viola was with me through more than 1,000 Cancer surgeries, and dozens of surgeries unrelated to my Cancer, over more than two decades. And I was with her through her fight against Oat Cell Lung Cancer that took her life too soon. I miss her everyday.
Back to frying chicken... Each Summer I would have a pool party out by my parents' pool - lots of hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, ribs, and of course my fried chicken based on Viola's recipe. "Vi" would take the leftover fried chicken with her to the family church in Culpepper Virginia the next day. She had a huge extended family that had a reunion each year in Chicago, L.A. or Culpepper - the Washington Post once did a multi-page story on this family's reunion. One of the years that the reunion was in Culpepper, Vi asked me to come take pictures of and for the group. When we got there she introduced me to an elderly member of the extended family. The woman responded, "Richard? Richard? Are you Fried Chicken Richard?" I laughed and said, "Well I have never been referred to that way before, But, Yes I guess I am." She turned to the crowd of 600 or so gathered and shouted that, "Fried Chicken Richard is here!" They all came running over to tell me that my fried chicken was the best fried chicken they have ever had. And lots of people have said the same thing, including for my Air Fried Chicken, since.
So here is my, I think nearly unique idea for Fried Chicken Richard's. Big Corporation, Fast-Food places often rub people the wrong way - especially in small towns and cities - because their franchise agreements often require them to buy their foodstuffs, produce, side dishes and desserts from corporate approved suppliers. We would require them to use our recipes - herbs, spices and the like, and processes, but we would encourage franchisees to get their foodstuffs, produce and the like, from local suppliers, approved by their local Health Departments. We would even encourage them to add non-conflicting local dishes - Seafood or the like - to their Chicken Offerings.
Well, those are the two most important life goals that I have not achieved. And being in honor of these two amazing women, just getting them open - whether I do it in partnership with others that like the idea(s) - or know people that might find the idea(s) interesting enough to discuss, or whether someone with the experience needed to do this wants to run with it on their own - with whatever help I can be, is fine with me. What I might receive from doing either or both of these is unimportant. Seeing either or both open would be a lifelong dream come true for me - and that is more than enough.