About of 666.
The idea of the end of the world is a mistaken way of thinking, and 666 is the Hebrew word for WWW, and 666 is also hidden as a secret number for security on POS cash registers. 666 will never be engraved on the head or right hand of a human being. It was a prediction of the arrival of a new era in which we can enjoy shopping at POS cash registers and online shopping sites such as Amazon. Aeon Corporation President and Representative Director Masahiro Ishizuka 090-7555-5011https://aon.tokyo https://aon.co.jphttps://aon.tokyo https://aon.co.jpFormer Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu is a descendant of the “Amur (Amur people) / Ama people” who ruled ancient Rome and ancient Greece ? ancient Mesopotamia ? ancient Greece ? ○ ? ○ ? Japanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDk2TK5EI9Ahttps://www.facebook.com/masahiro.ishizuka.54/videos/425602373520321https://www.dhirubhai.net/embed/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7193125935498334208The common roots of Brahmanism, Judaism and Zoroastrianism are said to be in the Iranian plateau. Episode 5: “Tell the truth” - the order from God has come! The relationship between the prophet Isaiah and the God of the Jews is revealed! The gods Susanoo and Okuninushi, who brought the Ark to Awa and Tokushima, are revealed from historyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6DNpphD9Hchttps://www.facebook.com/masahiro.ishizuka.54/videos/665851435062343/https://aon.tokyo/iran/https://aon.tokyo/iran/ The brother of the prophet Muhammad translated the Christian Bible into Arabic and it became the Quran. Discovering a Christian mural inside the first Christian church building to be built in ArabiaI think that people who believe the false lie that the earth will only last another 100 years (2123) are terrorists.They are planning to have the WHO sign an international treaty to force vaccinations of the latest vaccines for the new coronavirus, which is poisonous to all of humanity, as well as vaccines for monkey pox and empox (monkey pox), and to reduce the human population by forcing injections, and former Prime Minister Thatcher and a group of crazy scientists are working together to build many nuclear power plants around the world that are of the lowest quality, the worst, and do not have safety valves after building many South Korean-made nuclear power plants of the worst quality and safety standards all over the world, they attacked the nuclear power plants with drones, pretending it was a terrorist attack, and pushed humanity to the brink of extinction with radioactive air and ocean pollution, and like in the Christian Bible, only a few Jews survived, and the Rothschilds and other fake Jews are planning a new world (a world like the story of Noah's Ark ), we must prevent all terrorist acts by fake Jews such as the Rothschilds, and Japan, as the legitimate successor nation of the Sumerians and the true Jews, and as the world's leading international leader, must take the initiative as the world's No. 1 nation, setting an example for countries around the world, and with pride, we must raise motivation and continuously create innovation! Love, courage, and friendship. Mazinger Z. Great Typhoon by Go Nagai. Great Mazinger.https://in.intelligencereport.jp/mrcp3_2304_vsl?cap=HS1Japanese, Hebrew, similarhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E3%80%80%E3%83%98%E 3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E8%AA%9E%E3%80%80%E9%A1%9E%E4%BC%BCーーーJapanese, Sumerian, Similarityhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E%E3%80%80%E3%82%B7%E3%8 3%A5%E3%83%A1%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E8%AA%9E%E3%80%80%E9%A1%9E%E4%BC%BCーーーAmur people, Kaifuhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A0%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E4%BA%BA+%E6%B5%B7%E9%83%A8ーーーIn the Christian Bible,it is written where the persecuted Jews fled to,and the Bible says?the far east.?the land where the sun rises.?an island country..https://www.youtube.com/results...The Man Who Was Hated by Doctors Around the WorldThe secret records of a journalist who approached the taboos of medicinehttps://in.intelligencereport.jp/mrcp3_2304_vsl?cap=HS1Apply for a special offer*You can cancel at any time within one month of the purchase date*If you have previously purchased this course, it is not eligible for the special price or money-back guarantee.“The Manufactured Pandemic”The Great ResetA plan to control humanity that began with the coronavirus“In order to protect the future of the Earth and humanity, we must first reduce the population.”This coronavirus pandemic was not a coincidence,nor was it started on a whim by the global elite.The rulers known as the global super elite who manipulate the world behind the scenes...It was just one page of a grand plan to realize the “ideal world” they have in mindit was just one page of a grand plan.In this course, we will expose the ideas and plans of the global super elites that have come to light with the new coronavirus pandemic,and get to the bottom of their true objectives.What are they trying to achieve by using the new coronavirus?Where is the world heading after this pandemic?What is the “ideal” world that the global elite are trying to create?By stripping away the facade of their thinking and learning how the rulers view the world, and what kind of world they are trying to create, you will be able to predict what the world will become in the future.You will be able to predict what the world will become in the future.Table of contentsContents of the courseChapter 1? “The Power Structure of Human Domination”The true identity of the rulers who control the governments of various countries? “Corona is just the beginning”The ‘next pandemic’ predicted by Bill Gates? ‘Secret war using biological weapons”“Infectious disease with a 90% fatality rate’ spreading in Africa? “The real culprit behind the anthrax attacks”The big lie that framed Iraq? ‘The mystery of the director of the beauty institute”The illegitimate child of a big-shot politician? The dark connections behind it? ’The biological weapons research that the US is hiding”The Nuland couple, who continue to operate in the shadows of the underworld? “Is the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, and the conflict between the US and China, a plot?The dark side of the Soros network that has taken root in the heart of the governmentChapter 2? ”The people who promote population reduction”The true identity of the giant sponsor who supported Hitler? “AIDS was created artificially”The suspicious deaths of the successive accusers? ‘Will the Earth not last for 100 years?”The reason why the president of the World Bank wants to increase the mortality rate? ’Useless people should be eliminated”Presidential aide calling for forced abortions? “The 14 Billionaires”Secret meetings to control humanity held behind the scenes of a fake pandemic? ‘Depression, infertility, cancer, and atopy”The ’hidden dangers in the food we eat” that are undermining the health of the Japanese people? “The Magic mRNA Vaccine”Can it cure obesity, diabetes and cancer? The arrival of the era of mass vaccination? ‘Declaration of War on Humanity”Will humans merge with machines? The world is heading towards a super-surveillance society? ’The Staged Food Crisis”The worst-case scenario planned by the world's largest landowner? ”The Birth of a World Government”The realization of the 1984 sci-fi novel in 2024? “Divided People”Vaccines, LGBT, conspiracy theories... the conflict structure that is createdChapter 3? ‘The Path to Solving Population Growth”What Japan should do before the rest of the world? ’Don't believe the experts!”The person who was deceived is to blame... The falsehoods of Dr. M, who betrayed the people? “Are you being brainwashed without realizing it?”The reason why the Japanese are running headlong towards domestication? ‘The trap of the con artists who deceive the people”11 brainwashing methods to know in order not to be deceived? ’What the rulers fear”How to fight the crisis that humanity will face in the futureApply with the special offer*You can cancel at any time within one month of the purchase date*If you have purchased this course before, it is not eligible for the special price or money-back guarantee.Lecturer IntroductionCrisis Management ConsultantMarutani HajimeMarutani HajimeBorn in 1974. Graduated from the Australian National University. He left the master's program at the same graduate school. He has been engaged in interpreting and translating work for many years, starting as an interpreter and translator at the Australian War Memorial.After that, he has undertaken many projects to support business development and crisis management in areas with unstable security, such as Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, and the Middle East, where kidnappings and murders occur almost every week.At times, he would ride in a bulletproof car and negotiate with local tribes and provide security for VIPs with a gun in his hand. He would use his own network to gather unique information and conduct a wide range of analyses, including safety measures and political and economic trends.Currently, he is active as a crisis management consultant, mainly for global foreign-affiliated companies, and has published several papers on counterterrorism and security as a policy proposal committee member of the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies.In addition, as an active intelligence officer, he also provides analysis and advice on how to respond to the new coronavirus as part of crisis management.He gathers and analyzes a huge amount of information, and then clearly communicates the truth that emerges behind the new coronavirus.<Main books>Three strengthsThree characteristics#1 Knowing the other side of the worldIn this lecture, you will be able to find out where the roots of the globalists who now rule the world lie, and what their aims are, and you will be able to get an insight into the minds of the world's ruling class. The story is developed based on actual incidents and events, so you will be able to find out the truth behind what you are seeing in the news right now, and the phenomena that are happening right in front of you. In addition, all of the assertions and information produced by Dr. Marutani based on a vast amount of material are backed up with evidence.” We provide only facts, so you can't laugh them off as “conspiracy theories”, and we are confident that we can convince even those of you who are currently skeptical. By the time you have finished watching one of these videos, your perspective on various wars and incidents will have completely changed, and your perspective on the world will certainly have changed.#2: Easy and interesting with videosIn this course, Mr. Motohito Marutani will carefully explain the material while displaying it, using a structure that he has thought about and refined over time to make it easy for you to understand. In addition, as the course progresses with Mr. Marutani's enthusiastic narration, you can learn without getting bored, feeling as if you are actually listening to him speak in front of you, even though it is a video course. Even if you don't have paper and pen ready, you'll find that the knowledge will just keep pouring into your head as you watch the video. However, the content is so stimulating that even if you press the play button with the intention of just watching for a bit, you might find yourself unable to tear yourself away from the screen before you know it. Even if you've fallen asleep in university lectures or at lectures, you won't be bored at all, and you might even find yourself unable to sleep at night because of how interesting it is.#3 A weapon for lifeIf you simply absorb history and information as knowledge, it will be digested as a form of nourishment for your brain at that time, and it may be difficult to gain the lessons you need for real life. However, the aim of this course is not just to provide knowledge that you need to remember, but rather to acquire skills, such as understanding the structure of the world and how to view the world, so from the moment you learn it, you will have a new option for thinking, and that will never be lost. And in the future, when you face problems other than the new coronavirus, you will be able to apply what you have learned in this course by comparing it to the structure of the world, so it will be a weapon for you for life.What's more,limited benefits are also available as a set!Benefit video course ①Humanity becoming cyborgsThe “moonshot project” promoted by the Cabinet OfficeThe dark side ofIt is said that beyond the advancement of science and technology, a “dream world” awaits where anyone can transform their abilities to the maximum without effort.What exactly will remain for humanity once it is freed from the constraints of the body, space and time...What exactly does it mean that the pandemic is one step towards creating such a world...And who exactly will be “happy” in such a world...We will explain in detail the “Moonshot Project”, a plan to turn humans into cyborgs by 2050, which is also being promoted by the Japanese Cabinet Office.Special Video Lecture 2The Plan to Extinguish People of ColorThe History of Human Experiments by WesternersThe “Biological and Chemical Weapons Development Program”, which was considered a top secret by the US governmentbiological weapons targeting people of color, sterilization vaccines for women of color, and even forced sterilization surgeries...We will explain in detail the numerous human experiments and sterilization operations that the West has carried out on people of color to date,as well as the ongoing eugenics-based extermination plans for people of color.By watching this, you will learn about the terrifying secret that most Japanese people are unaware of,and what it means for the establishment of a Moderna base in Japan.The campaign-exclusive price will be available untilTuesday, July 11thThe regular price is 19,800 yen (including tax) per copy. However, in the hope that as many people as possible will learn how to see things without being deceived or controlled by the globalists, we are offering you, our regular newsletter readers, a 7,000 yen discount on the regular price, for 12,800 yen (including tax)Special offer price¥12,800(including tax)Normal priceMain course: “The Staged Pandemic”Bonus course 1: ‘The Human Race Becoming Cyborgs”Bonus course 2: ’The Plan to Extinguish People of Color”Includes text courseIncludes 1-month money-back guarantee¥19,800(tax included)Apply for special offerYou can cancel at any time within 1 month of purchase dateIf you have purchased this course before, you will not be eligible for the special price or money-back guarantee.3 Quality GuaranteesYou can try it with peace of mind.123REPLACEMENTRELIEFSUPPORTOver2.264 million people have used it in 15 yearsYou can try it with the one-month money-back guarantee91% of customers are satisfied with our customer support. We respond within 48 hoursWe offer a 1-month money-back guarantee from the date of course provision. We are confident in the content of our courses, and we think you will like them, but if you are not satisfied with the content, you can cancel at any time.At the Direct Group, as of 2022.5, we have provided this kind of product and service to a total of 2,264,996 customers over the past 15 years. You are not the first. Please try it with peace of mind.Our customer support team has received 4-star or higher ratings from 91% of our customers, with 81% of those customers giving us the highest 5-star rating. In fact, excluding holidays, we respond to most emails within 48 hours.What you get today...Signing up is easy.Click the button below now to join.Apply now*You can cancel at any time within one month of the purchase date*If you have purchased this course before, it is not eligible for the special price or money-back guarantee.Company Profile | Specified Commercial Transactions Act Statement | Privacy Policy | Direct Publishing Co. SupportUnauthorized copying or reproduction of any content, including information and images, is prohibited.Osaka International Building 13F, 2-3-13 Azuchimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0052, JapanCopyright 2023 Direct Publishing Co. AlStaged PandemicIN.INTELLIGENCEREPORT.JPStaged PandemicBorn in 1974. Graduated from the Australian National University. Left the university's graduate school before completing a master's degree. Has worked as an interpreter and translator for many years, starting with the Australian National War Memorial.