66 Days
Creating Trustworthy Professionals, Loyal Clients, and Trust-Centered Workplaces
You Are What You Repeat...
Many of us use New Year’s Resolutions as a good excuse to establish a new habit. I'll admit that the beginning of a new year feels like a great time to make a fresh start.?But if you think about it, these resolutions are often things that we already know would make our lives better... happier... healthier. So why wait until January 1st to start? Don't you really want your life to be better, happier, healthier NOW? You can. You don't need to wait for a designated day to start. Today can be the day! ??
Think about the things that you'd like to change, pick one, and make a commitment today to make that change happen. Of course, it's not going to be as easy as snapping your fingers and making it happen. The common statistic says that it takes 21 days to form a new habit.?But in reality, most habits take at least 66 days to create and really tough ones can take up to a year.?I was very surprised to learn this.?But I suppose 21 days feels much more doable, so many of the self-help gurus grabbed onto the short end of the spectrum to make more headlines.
Sure, some easy habits like drinking an extra glass of water a day can form within 21 days, but if you are reaching for something more challenging, please avoid feeling like a failure if you haven’t reached habit-level change by an arbitrary deadline.
Remember that every day is a new chance to make your desired change a reality. Don't wait for New Year's Day to make a positive change. You can start any time. So how about today?
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