64 Years & all my teeths...

64 Years & all my teeths...

64, 20 years more to support (in everysense of the word) me.

I've to say U U've been a precious help during the last bloody year, U've been a sense of my day everyday, U perhaps can't imagine how much it helps me in the choices of my near & far future, comforting me in my Mankind truth (animals also).

If I've learn't and practiced so many things, if I waked up in night to write some notes, if I've restored my Ego, It was & is for the pleasure to share, knowin' that someOne, anywhere, will be irritated, angry, satisfied, enjoyed, deceveid to read one of my commentaries.

Definetely, I've to Thank so much for U're greetings & hope to've U as friends all the rest of mylife.

As I've not time to answer to everyone, Please, accept this message : "Peace on Earth for every Man of Goodwilling". Baron Raymond Louis Ferdinand Dalaise de Berre but Nessie for friends as U are ...


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