The 64 Drivers of Excellence

64 Drivers of Excellence

There are literally thousands of things leaders, managers, executives and staff can do to maintain a high-performance workplace. The following drives of excellence will certainly help to keep your workplace happy, healthy, excellent, warm, and kind. Here we go….

1. Ensure everyone uses empathy – it is back in fashion

2. Have a clear direction at all times

3. Assume staff are not clear on your plan, ask them

4. Set your workplace culture based on individual’s values, then your workplace culture will take care of itself

5. Review and plan every year

6. Set a theme for the year, then the next year

7. Ensure all staff have professional supervision and the opportunity to regularly debrief

8. Have effective systems and processes so staff can do their work

9. Be kind, do not criticise staff, expect the best, catch by exception

10. We are all at our potential today, then tomorrow and then the day after

11. Use neuroleadership to deliver excellence

12. Clean out your own negative scripts

13. Have your own coaching or leadership supervision, it makes all the difference

14. Be different, what do you need to do today

15. Stay in adult mode thinking to lead

16. Get a better language framework

17. Build capability in the team, do not tear it down

18. Build a self-leading team

19. Know at least 1 leadership theory

20. Set a new game plan each year

21. Ensure staff slow a little from the 18th of December each year, they need to rebuild

22. Enable staff to schedule well, prioritise and have a weekly plan

23. If the workplace story is negative, then write a new one

24. Expect the best, build the best, maintain the best

25. Invite those who do not want to be there to do something they love

26. Know how to scaffold and stretch staff

27. Have an effective EAP service where staff are not on a roster

28. Know when each person’s birthday is

29. People are responsible for their own feelings

30. Work with only authentic consultants

31. Always get results

32. Consider if you want success or achievement

33. Never build your team on deficits or punishment

34. Always give staff enough to do their role

35. Ask staff for their opinions, they always have something valuable to say

36. Build in positive routines and rituals

37. Develop schedules that work

38. Encourage staff not to watch the news

39. Always be in the moment when you are there

40. Mountains are for climbing, look up and out

41. Teach staff what strategic and critical thinking is

42. Treat each person the same based on their differences

43. Define what respect and responsibility is

44. Only ask the right questions, make them count

45. Declutter the office regularly, spray and wipe desks

46. Remember open plan offices can produce too much noise and reduce productivity

47. Good HR capability is crucial

48. Take you shoes off and walk in the dirt, on the sand, through the water and on the grass

49. Teach innovation and entrepreneurial thinking

50. Traditions are important

51. Get in guest speakers to talk on interesting topics, it maintains energy

52. Promote choice with given constraints

53. Go to an event and dress up at least once a year

54. Put in for awards and celebrate

55. Remember all team members are individuals and in a cohesive team

56. Decide if you are a manager or leader, they are different

57. Music is important for the brain

58. People do not usually like ice breakers and butchers’ paper or power points

59. Hurt and pain and its emotion always lies just beneath the surface, fatigue brings it on

60. Burnout is our nervous system screaming out for us to listen, it has had enough

61. Singing lifts your spirit

62. Ensure you lead people out of feeling institutionalised

63. Be consistently congruent as a person and professional

64. Do 4 things to stretch yourself each year

Hope you can incorporate some of these on a regular basis, they will make a difference.


