61% say, "Avoid the problem - or hint and hope they get it"

61% say, "Avoid the problem - or hint and hope they get it"

This sobering poll result was released by SmartBrief . Only 28% of the bosses that were surveyed have the courage to call out ungratefulness - and ennoble a negative employee to lift his/her game. We suspect the number would be even smaller if it asked about an ungrateful negative customer, who's reluctant to embrace a new opportunity to innovate and make a difference.

We understand your reluctance to say something when you see ungratefulness holding a teammate (or customer) back. It takes a special kind of finesse to ennoble, uplift and Make Courage Contagious so a colleague who's frightened embraces the challenge, shakes off ungratefulness and lifts his/her game.

Fortunately, with a Courage Leadership Quest, you can learn to be an uplifting ennobling leader who holds teammates and customers large and PowersUP their potential. You can respond to negativity with a take-charge rather than a victim mindset. And you can make a difference and advance their career.

Join us for a free Courage-Building office hour - if take-charge courage-building leadership is a skill you want to strengthen - so you uplift and ennoble high-potential teammates or customers who are daunted, temporarily ungrateful, and negative about opportunities you know would make them far more successful and effective.

Join us for a free office hour on Wednesday the 29th May - if you want to be a standout leader who ennobles and Makes Courage Contagious, rather than the 61% who enables an ungrateful employee, customer or board member to stay stuck where they are. We'll show you how to start a dialogue, not avoid the dialogue when someone doesn't yet appreciate the opportunity you're offering. And how that dialogue can build more trust and get more traction than a risk-averse compromise.

Register here to join us on Weds the 29th May at 12:00 EDT (09:00 PDT, 19:00 Israel) >

Dr Louise Yochee Klein and Dr Merom Klein are Principals with Courage Growth Partners , the leadership and business psychology firm that equips high-potential leaders to ennoble, uplift, challenge and create a growth cycle rather than a stuck-with-what's-easy risk-averse cycle. They invite you to join them for a free open office hour session on Wednesday the 29th May at 12:00 EDT (09:00 PDT, 19:00 Israel). Register here>


