600thARTICLE (Part II)
On the year 1967, a first vision was appeared to me through Nature’s activities, which means involved Black CLOUDS, SUNLIGHT in the morning and heavy RAINS dropped in the ground. This is the first phenomena. And second phenomena happened through night-dream in year 1968. A GOLDEN CITY has been revealed and showed me through three men clothed with white robes.
This work is the product of a Vision that unfolded before my eyes through 21 years researched, apparitions, dreams in a span of 42 years + 2 years editing = 44 years, from 1967-2011. The 1st apparition was the combined mysteries of Rainbow and Sea in 1967-1968 and 2nd the Bible Debate, 3rd the light of 7th star of Virgin Mary’s head and 5th to 6th St. Anthony of Padua.?Dreams occurred during this period that also explained the meanings of the apparitions, relaying also messages and instructions.
I was already writing about the Holy Scriptures before the apparitions and dreams, but only for my personal satisfaction and renewal of my faith.?However, circumstances always stalled my work and after the third time that I stopped, I should have quit for good had not these apparitions and dreams come to me.
These not only compelled me to finish my work but also to instruct me on what to write.?Author’s mission is the whole contents of the 7 MDGC Books as the Book of Life. The first four books about Wisdom structures symbolizing of 4 stages of wisdom travels and design. The last three books are Biblical commentary with 28 events of creations.?
???????????????It was not an easy decision to devote my time to this task to complete fourth volume and Biblical Commentaries.?I have to quit my job, withdraw from the circles of people I know, and even from my daily routine.?This task completely changed my life.?Each day that passes found me sitting in front of a computer.
???????????????My wife strongly revolted against my decision.?She and my children did not only experience material sufferings but the neglect of a husband and father’s responsibilities.?All her relatives and even mine, including my own parents, sympathized with my family and put me in virtual isolation.?This gave me so much pain and loneliness.?My only consolation is the memory of the servants of God who came before me.?I am humble by their agonies and sacrifices in God’s name.?It is as if it seemed natural for prophets and visionaries to be ridicule, be an outcast, or persecuted.?However, having their trust in God, they feared nothing, even death.
???????????????It was in the year 2000 when I began experiencing the phenomenon that transformed me to what I am now.?I was praying the rosary at the altar of the church (now a cathedral) of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Pasig City Philippines when I saw the seventh star in the “aural symbol” of the statue of the Virgin Mary inside a glass glow.?I was seeing this apparition for seven years until May 13, 2007.?Then two circles of light replaced that glow below the third star.
On October 11, 2011 Tuesday at 4 o’clock in the morning, it was a silent night to the Author while he rests in the isolated house for the finalization of the 9th book of MDGC (TDS Wisdom Vision of Studies), and the last book out of the 10 books including the Author’s Biography. The third vision under the preparations of the 9th book was appeared to him after his taught to interpret about Solomon’s WORD OF WISDOM, which is mentioned above.
???????????????3rd Dream, one night in October 2003, I dreamt that I was in a car with some strangers.?We were heading north.?As I looked out the window, I saw a brilliant light in the west and our car traced its direction.?We entered a tollgate, after which we found ourselves in the same spot where we started.?I got off the car and walked the length of the highway.?I passed by a little old house on the left side of the road, but no one was there.?Then I walked back to proceed to right way, but two men gravelling in the middle of the road blocked my way.?This ended my dream.
?4th Dream, occurred a week after the first dreamt (October 2003) which ostensibly was a continuation of the first.?I was in a passenger jeepney sited at the back beside the door.?We were heading for that brilliant light in the west.?As we traveled north, we passed by a park on the left side of the highway when by far I saw the image of St. Anthony of Padua with his right hand raised and waving at us.?The car stopped and St. Anthony approached us.?He took my hands and told me “Look to the hill ahead.”?Then I saw people coming and the Saint said, “These people need your service.”
???????????????Physical Encounter, it was a Wednesday, and eleven o clock in the morning, June 21, 2006.?I was in Papua, Indonesia, with some business associates to attend a meeting on mining.?In my travel to Jayapura City, I saw a park with a statue in the middle and in front of the capitol building of the province of Papua.?We were about 100 meters away but I was very sure that this place was what I have seen in my second dream (October 2003).?In addition, there was the statue of St. Anthony holding a little book on his right hand.?This time, however the park was on the right side since I was traveling from north to south.?The statue, however, remained on the right side as in my dream.?When our car passed by the park, I told the driver to stop in front of the statue so I could take some film shots as I had a video camera with me.?However, the statue turned out to be just a bust of the first governor of the province of Papua.?No matter, my second sight of St. Anthony gave me the resolve to continue writing my book, as I felt it to be the will of God admonishing me to write about His salvific plan and coursed through St. Anthony of Padua.??In my return to Manila on June 27, 2006, I made a solemn vow to finish this work and organize a group for the propagation of the vision.
???????????????5th Dream occurred on October 23, 2006 around 2:30 in the morning.?It was a Sunday.?I was walking in a dark chamber behind a woman who was completely a stranger to me.?We were walking toward the east when in the middle of the chamber a voice behind me asked, “Where are you going?” I looked back to find out where it came from and saw a mouth in the wall.?I knelt and prayed the rosary.?While praying the fourth joyful mystery some relatives from my province that I have not been in touché for a long time joined me in prayer.?The dream ended when we finished the fourth mystery.
???????????????6th Dream, some important events in my life happened on December 3, 2006, the fortieth day of my third dream.?It was also a Sunday and I attended the morning mass.?When I arrived home, I opened my e-mail and read a message from my business partners in Indonesia requesting me to come to a meeting.?At around 4:30 in the afternoon I prayed the rosary as I do every day in observation of my devotion to the Virgin Mary.?While on the fourth mystery, my elder sister arrived from Samar, which reminded me of my previous dream.?She told me that majority of the members of the board of our family corporation wanted to withdraw their shares in mining and concentrate on the buying and selling of sun-dried copra instead.?They wanted a meeting to thresh out things.?Faced with this crisis, I prayed and asked God to help me decide which one I must attend to first.
???????????????Another dream occurred to me the following morning, around 4:30.?It was the fourth. I was in a meadow and saw the small house that figured in my first dream in October 2003.?This time, however, I was approaching it from the east when it used to be from the west in my first dream.?I met a mother and her little son inside the house but also saw her husband arrived with their grown-up son who also came from the east.?I was astounded because I recognized the men as the ones quarrelling on the road in my first dream.?The husband asked what my business was in coming to their place. I told them that I come to buy sun-dried copra and they referred me to a house in the west that has its lights turned on permanently.????
This reminded me of my previous dreams where I saw a light in the west that I attempted to reach. The house was a two-story building completely made of glass that was in a letter U figure.?It seemed solitary, but the place was fully lighted up. I went to the middle of the ground and saw some people on the building’s left wing.?When I approached them, one instructed me to “go to the third room on the ground floor and get me my clothes and, yours, too.”?I sped to the room at once and had reached the end of the corridor, yet cannot find the entrance to the third room.?I went upstairs to take a chance find a way, but failed.?When I was, about to go down I saw a woman behind a desk and I asked for help, and she gave me directions.?However, when at last I found the third room, I was surprised to see my parents with two writing boards.?Then my mother said, “Write the ten commandments on the right board.”?
Nevertheless, the space on the right board only allowed me to write the five commandments; the first three pertains to God while the next two, to man that read, “Do not kill” and “do not commit adultery.” Then she told me to use the left board.?However, before I could do so, several people entered the room and went straight to me.?I looked to my right and saw a Korean priest resembling the figure of St.?Anthony.?He said, “These people want to know about the Catholic Creed.”?I looked at them and replied straightly, “Catholicism is a true faith.?You will find one of its bases in Mathew 16:17-19.”?Then I sketched on the board the meaning of the Pentecost where the Holy Spirit descended upon his followers and which is observed by Christians as the birth date of the Church and Feast of the Holy Spirit.?
I ended my brief lecture by showing that the span of time from Noah to the Annunciation, and from Abraham to the Apostles’ Creed, have equal numerical symbols,
With each having a count of 49 plus the Pentecost for Noah’s time and the Day of the Parousia or the second coming of Christ, for Abraham, all totaling a sum of 50 counts each period.?Each covenant is seven in number, symbolizing the seven days period of Creation, I emphasis that Holy Bible is my source of teaching. To illustrate:
a.??????From Noah to Annunciation: (1) Noah, (2) Abraham, (3) Moses, (4) David, (5) Solomon, (6) King Cyrus II (captivity), and (7) Annunciation.?Ergo: 7 x 7 = 49 plus Pentecost = 50
b.??????From Abraham to Apostles’ Creed: (1) Abraham, (2) Moses, (3) David, (4) Solomon, (5) King Cyrus II (captivity), (6) Annunciation, (7) Apostles Creed, ergo: 7 x 7 = 49 plus Day of Parousia = 50. The dream ended with that presentation but I remembered it when I woke up.
Twenty years ago, a pastor questioned my Catholic belief.?It was in October 1985, while I was working as assistant department head of a mining firm in Surigao, a province in southern Philippines.?I quoted the same verse from Mathew to stop his “inquisition”.?I did not despair about questions regarding my beliefs but instead became active in the Church.?I attended bible studies in search of the foundations and deeper meaning of my religion.?This also set me into writing about the Holy Scriptures that the apparitions and dreams compelled me later to finish.
7th Dream occurred on December 19, 2006, Tuesday, 11 o clocks in the morning.?I was napping in my room when the vision showed me the whole draft of the book “Mystery Design of God’s Creation”.?Two of the pages were illuminated.?One was about the span of time of Adam’s history and, the other, about the formula for computing the time span of God’s Creation.?This ended my confusion on where to start or base my estimation; it should start not from Noah but from Adam.?The dream also pointed to me Genesis 6:3 where God said that man’s life is limited to 120 years, and emblematic of the history of Noah and the Pentecost in Jerusalem (A.D. 29) where the Holy Spirit descended upon 120 persons, and to John (4:35) where Jesus spoke of four months before harvest.
8th Dreams, visited me almost weekly in the month of January 2007.?On the first day, a Monday, I dreamt that while I was placing a bouquet of roses at the foot of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, the Virgin Mary appeared riding in a white cloud that was hovering eastward.?It was my sixth dream.?
9th Dream was on January 6; while I was sitting on a grass, I saw horizontal streaks of lights parallel to each other.?One was a single straight line, the others forming into a pillar.??Then a voice said, “Build a house between these lights.”
10th Dreams, was on January 12, 2007 where I saw three rolled sheets of paper with the numbers 32, 33 and 34 written separately in each sheet.?Then a voice said, “You already have the 32, and 33 but you must add 34.?
11th Dream was on January 16 where I saw an illuminated sheet of paper folded lengthwise with a message written in Hebrew.
12th Dream that occurred on January 18 was a revelation of the meaning of previous dreams, including the span of time of the vision and the glowing of the seventh star on the aura of Virgin Mary.?The revelation went like this:
·????????The numbers 32 and 33 pertain to the 3rd and 6th day of Creation of all bodily life forms on Earth including humans, and number 34 pertains to the 7th day when God sanctified man, and alludes to the event in the sea of Tiberias and Gennesaret.
·????????The message in Hebrew translated in English language, which read, “The seven years span of the formation of the vision signifies the span of time from the day of the sanctification of man to the day of the Divine Judgment Hour.” It also contained all the symbols that were the basis of this book.
·????????The glowing of the seventh star in the aura of the Virgin Mary symbolizes the seven thunders mentioned in Rev. 10:3-4.
??????????????13th Dream occurred on April 14, 2007 where the Virgin Mary handed me two pages of the manuscript that I wrote in 2002.?One is page 154, which told about the Virgin Mary and the sea, and the other was page 176, about Catholicism and Islam.?Message informing me that the event in the sea of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1-7) related the two boats, will represent the full invitation of God to be unite or be part of two religion as part of God’s salvation. Sea symbolizes the Spiritual place boats are traveling creeds of Abraham’s sons while in the process of preparations for life.
?????????????14th Dream occurred on the September 1, 2007 Saturday at 4:00 in the morning a 12th message came to the Author. It happened exactly 140 days from the 11th message in 14th day of April, and after 15 days since I started the second manuscript or “Mystery Design of God’s Creation Cluster 32 - Volume No.1.” The main event of dream I standing before the numbers of multitude, asking them to proceed preaching the gospel in every church. The peoples answered, “Let postpone it.” While I seated in the ground thinking for the next step, a voice saying, “You have to start your work from your own family.” Eventually, a “six circle of thick white papers” appeared before me, like the format of 8th message in January 12, 2007 where the three circles of papers containing the numerical symbolism of “32, 33, and 34.”
15th Dream, September 14, 2007, was quite different from the rest. The statue of the Virgin Mary opened her eyes and said to me, “You have sinned.” Before I could understand what, she meant, two sheets of paper appeared before me, and one contained the message: “Dig your experiences in the ground and never mention it; let it sprout and share to the whole world according to your mandate.” The second sheet warned me not to get involved in politics, as personal ambition; then the statue melted into thin air.?On the personal point of view of the Author, it is his obligation to inform the leaders of the nations to free the helpless peoples. It already describes to us by Moses was meets Pharaoh, the Prophets during David’s era up to the birth of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth and Pontius Pilate, Paul and John after received the LITTLE BOOK from the Angel’s hand (Rev.10:10-11).
??????????16th Dream, the phenomenon of letter was happened in December 23rd 2007 Sunday at 4:00 a.m. Where a piece of paper has appeared thrice contains the epistle of James 5:7. Lately the verse 17, “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.” This is probably a spiritual reminder, after the Author had tried to postpone his work particularly to continue his job, which caused of unceasing dilemmas in daily life. This is the symbolic works of God which ending in “3 years and six months” which is computed in the creation explanation chapter # 1.
???????????17th Dream, that occurred on January 9, 2007 at 4:00 a.m. Wednesday it related to the fourth manuscript, a voice ordered me to get page 269 that was floating in the air.?When I woke up, I opened the bible in the said page and read about the anointment of David as king of Israel. The fourth manuscript begins through a letter phenomenon. Then the author closes his eyes to continue sleeping another voice, saying, “Look the page “269” and he saw a four pieces of coconut fruit. On that day a “401st commemoration day of the image of “Black Nazarene” in the Philippines, where Jesus of Nazareth carried His cross to Calvary 2000 years ago. The phenomenon of letter was embodied the letter phenomenon happened in December 23rd 2007 Sunday at 4:00 a.m. Where a piece of paper has appeared thrice was containing the epistle of James 5:7. “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.” This is probably a spiritual reminder, after the Author had tried to postpone his work particularly this “3rd volume and the fourth book due to unceasing dilemmas in daily life. The dream related to the 12th message occurred in September 1, 2007, symbolizing the six places of heavens. The triune God throne, the 24 thrones of elders, the three divisions of sons’ place called heavens kingdom, and the two places figuring of solid and liquid places.
???????????18th Phenomenon occurred in January 15, 2008 at 4:00 a.m. I traveled with an old man ascended into the highest peak of the mountain. In addition, when I went down alone, I encountered flame fires everywhere and tried to stop it. The phenomenon symbolized of my own mandate like what was happened of Moses, Jesus, Elijah and others prophets in Israel. Sixteen is numerical symbol that God’s work totaling of 6 days of creation and the 10 stages of covenants = 16. God hid the holy family in Egypt, “Rev. 12:6 and the woman fled into wilderness, where they have a place prepared by God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days. In 3 years and 6 months, it is about 1,276 days. It means that 1,260 days is part of God’s work for nonliving things as indicated in the revelation 11:1-2. Mentioning about 42 months, which is the same counting. It also tells us that God is verily marking us from the very beginning of His work, which symbolic of 3? years revealing to the author in 14th message occurred in December 23rd, 2007.
?19th Dream occurred on April 22, 2008. I was lying on the floor with two other companions, a man and a woman, where the man touches the woman.?It made me mad for the man is taking advantage of the situation.?Then a voice said, tell him what the scriptures say.?Then I stood and went up the mountain where I saw a church-like structure.?Nobody was around and it was dark inside. ?The front wall of the structure was made of glass where I saw the Virgin Mary facing me.?Then I went out of the building.?Going down the mountain I passed by several people who were dancing in the darkness of the night, doing a lascivious number.?I passed in their midst and told them: you must study the bible.?As I walked away, a woman followed me and said, “Teach me.” This symbolizes that after received the mandate in sixteenth dream (January 15, 2008) it is a time of preaching to the people. This time I had tried to decline my way due to financial needs of my family. It follows after I signed the “Memorandum of Agreement in April 2-8, 2008” to my partner in mining business in Jakarta, Indonesia. This is a proof of evidence that God would like me to pursue this kind of life as a writer and preacher for the benefits of all, in order to contribute it to other servants of God.
20th Dream, September 22nd 2008 at 12 midnight a vision instructed me to reveal the three-counting system of creation called ‘Year.’ The trinity year, under nonliving creation, Divine year under life creation and the Angelic year under man’s religion and the last judgment of souls.
???????????21st Dream, September 29, 2008, about daybreak I standing before the multitude explaining them about the definition of thousand years in the modern era. It happened thrice, saying, that the center of our life today is the ‘Eucharist’ we called it ‘thousand’ to commemorate the mystery of Jesus deeds before the four thousand and five thousand peoples respectively (Mat. 14:21 – 15:38). The vision reminds me that work in the field through its law will be end in thousand years. Noah’s era a creation of children will be end in the thousand generations. In the holy Eucharist, we receive the body and blood of Christ to be a true heavenly body. It also reminds me that all denominations of beliefs must be one goal in life to be a part of one heavenly family through Eucharist. The vision telling me that the symbolic of thousand under the process of life, this will complete our image to God brief of the beginning design of His loved. The mandate is part of continuing efforts to explain the reality of God’s will to help the ordinary peoples.
???????????22nd Dream, September 29th 2008 about daybreak. The sign of language forced me to spread the mandate to the whole world, it almost the same message of the Virgin Mary occurred in the 13th message on September 14, 2007. The sign of Mother’s message condemned my character to continue my prayers without action. This event related to the statue of ‘Child Jesus’ looked at my face and He came down to the ground as the instruction to go out the whole world to share “Mystery Design of God’s Creation.” Absolutely it duplicated of Virgin Mary’s messages.
The 23rd Message of Christ Head in a Frame
???On October 11, 2008 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the Author encountered the face of Jesus Christ inside the frame as described below. Author remembered what he had done in his daily prayers in front of Jesus Christ frame in 1986-1988, while he solely stays in the rest house of his friend on the peak of hill. Historically, his vision about the Holy Scriptures begun in this place, various events before he started this works happened to him related to this place. The 21st message occurred after his doubts in which of the doctrines that he must pursue as part of the Book. It the same way of the 20th message, while he doubted about the veracity of his work, eventually the statue of child Jesus appeared to him. The 21st divine message explained to him in very exact way, “He seen a face of Christ inside the frame, then, he read the three religions of Abraham (Judaism, Christian and Islamism) as one accord. He saw circle rock and inside it, written “Son of God” and he thought, “Jesus Christ is the true Son of the highest.” All words that He preaches must fulfill through this vision. Lastly, he saw the three places about three categories of heaven’s sons. Moreover, the letters confirmed about his works as true work by the Holy Spirit exactly what happened in the past messages. The illustration below indicated what will be happen to us in heaven being part of, “Abraham doctrine, non-Abraham doctrines and non-Believers.”
The 24th Message:
??The Author phenomenon: Philippines is a solitary nation in Southeast Asia Region being part of the western Catholic creed, later, East Timor one of the Indonesian provinces become the second Catholic nation in the Pacific. One of the populous events in the Philippines is the long lives commemoration of the “Black Nazarene,” which interprets as the travels of Jesus to Calvary for the salvation of humanities. The phenomenon related to David’s Authority; it begun 1? years (January 9, 2008) after started of writing of MDGC’s first book in 2006. This is the fifteenth message, also mentioned in chapter VI. It is also the 401st celebration of the “Black Nazarene” in the Philippines. In January 9, 2009, the same phenomenon by a dream has reminds him and it appeared through the events of war between the Israel and Philistines. Allegorically, the installation of David’s reign history seen in the dream and the subject is similar about the war in between Israel and Philistines. The message therefore, is the beginning of the installation of David’s Throne inheritor (Son of Man), it is the Universal Society and the fulfillment of God’s promised in the annunciation (Luke 1:32).
??Luke 1:32-33. “He shall be great, and shall be called the son of highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
??Jesus’ kingdom on earth is the Universal Society and the political turmoil in Arab countries is part of the installation. He will come again to judge the living and the dead as king, which is different tack compare on the first arrival as the son of the Holy Family.
The 25th Message:
??The 23rd Divine Message appeared in 2009 and the 24th year since the phenomenon of Holy Scriptures occurred in 1985. A frame of light appeared before the AUTHOR and inside the frame is the head of CHRIST THE KING as source of WISDOM.
·????????Mandate: The 23rd Dogma of Religion on earth designed as South Corner, which is the third level of MDGC mission and intended to uncivilized peoples on earth.
·????????Location: National Capital Region, Philippines
??The voice said, “Do not doubt your works (The 7 Books of MDGC) eventually Author saw the big letters inside the stone tablet, “SON OF GOD” and the frame has gone.
The 26th Message:
???It is about the traveling land, which passing through before the Author a rejuvenation of the traveling manuscript with light dated on January 16, 2007 refers to as the 9th message, the virtue of the message, which intended of the explanation about the creation of God. With the help of the ninth message, he attains the definition of God’s works in the Holy Bible as the mathematical language, the Author has able to convert the entire things as the interpretation for the whole world benefits. It also indicated that life is a combination of the inheritance LOCAL THREONE and eternal HAPPINESS in heavens.
The 27th Message:
??It is about the child on the event, the woman who boarded in a passenger car (Jeepney) gave her child to the Author for his tender care. The event is the revival of the second message, which occurred in 2003 with the virtual message of St. Anthony of Padua addressed to Author and saying, “These people need your service.” If we notice, St. Anthony of Padua who is the SAINT carried the child Jesus in his arm and another image he holds a LITTLE BOOK. The phenomenon tells to the Author to reveal the protection of the children’s life against the abortion and other related issues, which cause to disobey the law of God concerning the value of life and love. Symbolically, St. Anthony of Padua represents the two virtual characters of God’s mission on earth.
1.??????St. Anthony and the Child Jesus: It is the revival of the Holy Family figure happened to Virgin Mary and John the loved Disciple of Christ (John 19:26-27)
2.??????St. Anthony and the LITTLE BOOK: It is the revival John’s mandate in the Island of Patmos to install the Universal Society
The 28th Message:
??It is the phenomena which reflected before the Author a glass with a voice saying, “You very near to reach the final work of life” these three consecutive messages have occurred almost a week in January 2009. The messages are the renaissance of the thrice messages with the same figures exactly 3 years in the past. The events in January 2006 and 2009 are similar and the only differences are the moving manuscript with light and the moving nature and car and voice as the physical processes of phenomenon. All these things happened to remind us that we have to learn first the Holy Scriptures by daily reading to know everything on how to work in life by physical way with faith and love.
??The 24th message is most likely the interpretation for the Divine Judgment Hour, a hidden definition of Holy Bible and the details of God’s creation and designs of both places and rules of laws for the preparations of life. The Holy Scriptures is divine laws or a conversion law derived from love of God through the Holy Spirit. For example, Israel has ‘Ten Commandments known as Moses laws. The time has come that the Judaism religious practices continue with extra laws counted 612 laws. The people therefore, at that time are gradually confused, in which laws are right to apply for life. Jesus has explained to His disciples from 10 commandments of Moses laws down to 2 commandments as New Testament, “Love to your God and love one another” there is no other laws more than that because God dwells in us. However, the two processes of laws are summarizing with the same directions of the Ten Commandments, because God’s nature is Holy Trinity and human activities are seven groups of peoples working in the society and composes of ten different laws.
??In modern world, Israel practices occurred again and seen with the activities of the Christians and other religions on earth. Church has extras laws refer to as the “Canon Law.” Due to the extra laws, the people continue asking and confused resulted to established by their own beliefs ‘SECTS.” The situation therefore, caused of scatters of the believers, which created baseless arguments in religion. Although the purpose of the Church is to clarify the definition of God’s word and love through Jesus as savior, their works can be applied to the highly level of understanding, which is only 10% more or less out of the whole population of humankind. The worse situation is the disobeying the conversion of faith, and the unbeliever no longer to believe them. If they also unable to settle their own group how can, they explain the right law to other process of living?
??The situation of religious arguments is the same on the outside argument between ‘Science and Religion.’ For science, they are the true explorers, since they proved it by estimation of the universe, earth and the temporal solution in life. Religion has their own Dogmas, which proves by the saints’ messages and the history of God’s plans through the Holy Bible. In reality, despite of differences, each of them was part of God’s plans to continue in life. Although Science can continue life according to the results of theories, they must also learn that the religion is part of the whole body of wisdom on earth and working separate direction to complete the mission with them.
??Science is the process on how to maintain life of the individuals in temporal world and religion is the process on how to prepare soul’s life and be judge after death. God wants them to live and practice their mandates as one accord or Universal Body and not to claim by their respective achievements in mission. Disunited of both parties are causes of cold of God’s love and the implementation of divine law through the nature of human laws has fruits nothing. God has sent His ultimate design of BOOK OF LIFE through Jesus Christ by images as the child and head of the king described as the source of WISDOM. His mother Virgin Mary, and St. Anthony of Padua the writer of God about the reality of life to an ordinary person (Author) in the society to unveil about God’s whole plans from the beginning up to end of the human race. The mandate is the continuation of Jesus mission and Prophesies, which declared through His apostles in the Mount of Olives.
??It also the fulfillment of the Prophet Isaiah’s prophecy, saying, that God will send His counsel to reveal the mystery from the ancient’s world up to the end, a man from a far country and He called His ravenous from the east and He will do it and fulfill it (Isaiah 46:10). MDGC work is part of Jesus mission on earth, which has planted in the EAST the birth of Messiah and grew in the WEST the birth of Catholicism, and unveils in the SOUTH the birth of MDGC 7 Books as the design of BOOK OF LIFE, and implementing in the NORTH the installation of the Universal Society in America.?
The 29th Message:
??Ordinary man – Can you tell me what is the definition about the event of light and the black clouds as appeared above the Sky?
??Gifted man – I already explained to you that the five different ways of symbols composes “April 8, 2010 at 3.00 o’clock in the morning. It is the counting process of life to know your time every hour, days, year and level of works. It is the definitions of commemorations of Christmas and Easter Sunday as important mission in life. Everyone will count their life through the birthdays and in partnership of the wedding and anniversaries of the installation, etc.
The 30th Message:
??September 17, 2009 Friday 12 midnight after six years from St. Anthony of Padua’s first message, a combined phenomenon appeared to the Author with very clear message to finish what he started as mission in life. After finished his writing in ‘cluster xiv, which is the last portion of his third book volume iii’, the original planned is to relax and no longer to continue another volume of manuscript except to promote the books.
???Before he was going to sleep, it was the first time in his whole life that he felt a hot wind entered into his whole body, it happened twice eventually his body-produced toils, and during the slept, a divine message has come.
The Details of Dreamt
??One night he was travel with two traveling bags contained his belongings with three volumes of book. He crossed the bridge in a highway, finished his traveled into squatters’ area, then, he met peoples out there, and in the small house, he talked the father of the family, to leave his belongings. The father of the family asked his whereabouts and he said it is nearly from here beyond the bridge. The Author leaved his books and continued travels, and outside the small house, he encountered bad men were looked at him; so, he decided to go backed inside the house to safe the belongings with worry of possible lose and he saw a sword and holds it, to battle the goons outside the house.
??When he looked to his belongings, only one bag was there so he asked to the father of family what happened, but no answered from him. When he looked once again, all of them have gone, then, he started crying. So, he decided to go home with nothing, when he start to walk and he saw a high rise building which still unfinished and he crossed it on the top roof to reach the highway where he was started. In the ground, he met two men and advise him to go back to reach the highway. They accompanied him on the direction of squatter’s house, but it too deep since where they standing on the top of high place.
??The Author has carefully thought to penetrate the meaning of the message and through the Spiritual touches; he knows the definition of the message.
The Message
??This is the will of God in him to continue mission through the MDGC books and to share the poor peoples in the whole world as the 23rd Dogma from the South corner. The message was appeared him because of his plans to relax after the completion of his three volumes of books. God want him to work hardly and not to relax until the end of his temporal life being the property of the people on earth.
The 31st Message:
?In June 10, 2010 Thursday 3 o’clock (Daybreak) a phenomenon appeared to him which of connected to the event, happened in September 17, 2009. The Author has the same intention to relax after he finished and was published “e-Book” the second phased of Biblical commentary under the 4th volumes of MDGC works, and the sixth “e-Books” out of the seven different volumes of the entire works. Although he started on the third biblical commentary (Draft) his plans were to stop and to accept the offer of mining project in Indonesia and Canada, a continuation of his previous works and project.
??Author was in the travels and in a far place he looked to the sky and saw the huge black clouds, eventually, he remembered that he passed a large river. He therefore, wants to return on his place, which he started; and worried the big flood to come and may prevent his travel to reach the origin place. In travels, he encountered the two large wild animals quarreled in the road sounds of the revival of the events in the first dreamt happened in October 2002, the only difference is, on the previous event, there was two men graveled on the road.
??The traveled resulted to continue his mission eventually, he passed ancient house and he remembered what was happened in the first dreamt. He decided to go backed again on the direction of the origin place and while on the travels, he saw another road on the right side, and precedes it, then, he met a community with strange language. Therefore, he talked to them by way of the hand’s signs.?
Signs of Conversation;
??Author had worried the two men, which were looks like criminals, and in his mind, there is doubts that to travel with them, it may cause of his death. Therefore, he decided to travel alone for personal safety.
??Author was leaved the community and while in his travels one thing entered in his mind and explained to him the entire symbols of the 24 messages within 8 years (2002-2010) and saying;
Sober Voice
???“All above and below signs is part of your mission in life and you had to continue what is mandated to you from the beginning? Did you remember the first message to you? The whole story of the first dreamt is related to your travels at this moment and you have to complete per instructions and mission in accordance on the will of God.”
Voice Unveils the Symbols
The 5 Physical Signs
??There are five signs was appearing to the Author in different time and places from year 1967-1968 to 2006, these phenomena started in his native place and ended in foreign country. If we analyzed the symbols, the first physical phenomenon occurred in Western part of his province and the last phenomenon happened in the Southeast Asia Region (Papua, Indonesia). The process of MDGC symbols is the following;
·????????1st Phenomenon, Western – The installation of the Mind of Wisdom a gift of the Author and he is from the Western Catholic believers. The subject of the vision is about the “rainbow, rain, sunlight and clouds” which is exactly these things are part of the last judgment where we meet Jesus in the clouds. Jesus spoke to His Disciples about the Divine Judgment Day that the light come from the EAST and shine even to WEST.
??Mathew 24:27. “For the lightning come out of the east, and shine even unto the west; so shall so the coming of the Son of Man be.”
·????????Last Phenomenon, Southeast Asia Region – The installation of writing of the 7 volumes of MDGC Books. St. Anthony of Padua holds a “Little Book” as the revival of John’s mandate in the Island of Patmos, where the angel holds the Little Book” and gave to John (Loved Disciple of Jesus). The phenomenon is exactly the installation of the two mandates (John and Author of MDGC) with the symbol of “Little Book,” it also the third part of the 10th covenant of humanity through the Holy Bible as the foundation of American Christian. MDGC is the details of the Holy Bible; the works of the Prophets of Israel has done in David’s society, exactly, 1000 years before the birth of Jesus for the installation of the covenant under the Universal Family. The same way, the 3rd and last millennium of Christendom, MDGC was born to us for the preparation of the Universal Society as Jesus throne on earth based on the promised of His Father.
??America is the 24th Dogma of religion (North Corner) with the symbol of two processes of mission on earth as a nation. It is the combination of “Freedom through statue of Liberty and the nation’s logo Eagle as conqueror against the enemies.”
??Mathew 24:28. “For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”
·????????America is the nation with symbol of EAGLE and non-Catholic belief. The restoration of Israel (8th covenant) saved by God through king Cyrus II of Persia also from the Gentile’s nation. Israel was 50 years in slavery from Babylonian hands (587 BCE-538 BCE). The event is the 8th covenant and happened before the first coming of Jesus a 9th covenant. The mandate of John with “Little Book” has travels of 50 years as the interval from Peter’s mandate in the LAST SUPPER. The same way, America has conquered Iraq to free peoples from the hands of Saddam Hussein; it is the symbolic freedom of Israel (peoples with covenant of Spirit).
??There are three symbols about the events between King Cyrus II of Persia and America, which both of them are God’s instruments for the freedom of the chosen peoples.
1.??????Gentiles Nation was Persia – Saved Israel from 50 years of slavery
2.??????America is non-Catholic Nation – Saved peoples of Iraq (former Babylonia and Mesopotamia)
3.??????First half - Salvation of Israel as David’s Society a chosen nation by Yahweh happened before the birth of Messiah for the installation of Universal Family.
4.??????Second half – Salvation of Iraq occurred in the last millennium of Christendom happened before the second coming for the installation of the Universal Society.
The 1st Message Physical Process
·????????Mandate: Sign of Heaven’s Creation
·????????Place: 1967, the mystery of nature early in the morning the rainbow with the rains and evaporation of waters after the sunlight, and it occurred in Western Samar (Native place of the Author) Philippines. The event is the symbolic of the two years interval of sonship population seen from Shem who is the elder son of Noah after the flood.
The 2nd Message physical Process
·????????Mandate: Sign Spiritual Populations
·????????Place: 1968, the mystery of the Sea inside the glass and blue in color, about 9 o’clock in the morning in Western Samar (Native place of the Author) Philippines, and the event is symbolized the 3 years travels of Jesus mission in public life. It signified the mission of MDGC or the revival of Jesus mission to install the Universal Society. Vatican II is the installation of Universal Family on earth in 1965. It means that the 22 Dogmas of religion on earth become one accord as Jesus body on earth, and the mission of MDGC within the foundation of 42 years (average travel per divine hour) is the direction of the entire Wisdom plans to install the Universal Society.
The 3rd Message Physical Process
·????????Mandate: Sign of Biblical Analysis
·????????Place: The arguments through the Holy Bible were 9 o’clock in the morning in Dinagat Island, Southern Philippines. A pastor of Pentecostal Church based in the Philippines had questioned about Author’s belief being the follower of Catholic dogma. He cited the Ten Commandments as Moses law and quotes the second and third commandment of Yahweh “Thou shall not make and graven image and thou shall not bow any created things works by hands for I am jealous (Exodus 20:4-5). This is the starting of the definition of Author’s mission with the span of travels 20 year (1965-1985) from the installation of the Universal Family in Vatican II. It is half an hour of journey based on the Divine Hour time system, as if Jesus was, from 12 years old where He shares His wisdom before the experts of laws in the Temple of Jerusalem up to 33 years old, where He crucified on the cross. His death was to open the seventh sealed and half an hour of silence in heaven (Revelation 8:1).
The 4th Message Physical Process
·????????Mandate: Sign of Spirit of Light Mission
·????????Place: Seventh star of Virgin Mary with span of time for seven years (2000-2007) inside the Pasig Cathedral in Immaculate Conception parish Pasig City, Philippines. It located in Southeast Asia Pacific region. The event is 42nd year from the Vatican II (1965-2007) the star is the revival of Jesus birth in Bethlehem was guides the three wise men to meet child Jesus, and it is repeats in the last word of Jesus in the book of revelation (Rev.22:16) as David’s throne inheritor. If the system is based on the travel to Calvary, it is the 11th hour described as the direction of humanities.
The 5th Message Physical Process
·????????Mandate: Sign Writing of the 7 volumes of MDGC Books?
·????????Place: The Author had encountered with St. Anthony of Padua in June 21st 2006 in Papua province, Indonesia. It located in Southeast Asia Pacific region. The 7 volumes of MDGC works is the symbolic process of the Revelation was written by John who is loved Disciple of Jesus. The entire process of Revelation is always mentioning the seven symbolic counts, which the process of the Seven Spirits of God sent to earth (Rev.5:6).
The 32nd Message:
??In June 16, 2010 at 9 o’clock in the morning, the Author had received a Phenomenon (daytime Dream). He saw the 5 workers boarded in a ship with separate assignments of works as the stewards of the ship. The full story is explained in the 6th Book of MDGC (Universal Society) as the definition of the individual BOOK OF LIFE. These men were bystanders of their place and has travels to other country to know the different way of life, while in the travels, the best worker was the farmer also assigned on the bottom of the ship. This is the symbolic process of the third book of MDGC with title “Mystery of God’s Mathematics in Human Life.” The five workers are the five levels of BOOK OF LIFE. Let us study carefully; the farmer is the highly level of reward (Family Level of BOOK OF LIFE) than the four servants. It means that in the Christendom era, sacrifice in life is the ultimate way to obtain the family level of BOOK OF LIFE to receive the LOCAL THRONE out of the 15 billion LOCAL THRONES in the third heaven.
The 33rd Message:
??In June 24, 2010 about 3 o’clock daybreak and a 5th day of the week (Thursday), the Wisdom has appeared to the AUTHOR, and asked him why he still in doubts about the MDGC contents written about the design of the BOOK OF LIFE (36th Divine Message). He also doubts about Jesus’ divinity, as if Thomas was (John 20:25).
Final Instructions
??The voice in a silent night has appeared to him and said, “What do you do to your books and still thinking on how to share it? Do not hesitate to spread it to the whole world for I am with you always. Did you remember in your child days about the phenomenon of the Rainbow with rains and evaporated as well as the mystery of the Sea inside the crystal of glass? It is my gift for you to explore the mystery of creations by your mind. I give you the whole definitions of your task from the beginning up to the end of your mission. Follow the conversion of numerical symbols which is the basis to determine the measurements of life.” The last divine message is the symbolic mission of the Author to share his books to the whole world, to the kings and to the unbelievers without hesitation and reservations.
Mandate for the Universal Society Installation
??The mission of MDGC Author is very clear that in all suggestions and messages to the leaders of the entire world, as the Holy Spirit mandates mostly the chosen leader of America must be fulfilled. The last four divine messages have occurred after the writing of the seven books and under the period of the final editing. See, the two divine massages;
34th Message:
??On November 22, 2010 at daybreak, an unknown man turns over to me the newborn male child to undertake him into a good life’s preparations. The phenomenon has also indicated the # 42, which is the definition of the total preparations of MDGC mission with 7 volumes of books or the symbolic 11th hour of journey to Calvary with Jesus of Nazareth called the DIRECTION for the entire world’s FREEDOM.
35th Message:
??The Author has received another message in November 25, 2010, which is the 82nd birthday of his late Father. The story related to his travels by Bus on the land and ship on the sea and lastly on the road where he travels by his own feet. While on his way, he saw and heard the multitude shouted for the step down of the President. However, the President was unknown to him, except the people’s voice, saying, “Let us join together to change the current President.” He continues travels and beyond the turmoil, he met his Father who holds an umbrella as protection from the heavy rains, and they walked together to the peaceful place.
??The 50 days, the reality of the messaged occurred through the people power in Egypt resulted of the step down of Egyptian’s President. This is the Author’s mandate to tell the whole world that the definition of Jesus and Pontius Pilate encountered in the judgment sets be fulfilled on the freedom of the peoples.
·???????????The 50 days – It is the installation of the Universal Society and in Moses’ era, the Ten Commandments have received by Moses after 50 days from the exodus in Egypt. The pre-installation of Universal Family, occurred in 29 A.D. also known as Pentecost Day or the 50th day after Jesus’ death.
·???????????The 50 Days – The Author mandate is the definition of the Egyptian leadership changes as the beginning of installation of the Universal Society.
36th Message
It is unforgettable to Tito D. Sapetin who was encountered his late Father where they walked together in similar place at nighttime. And the Vision was about the removal of the seated Head of Egypt HOSNI MUBARAK with estimated numbers of protesters @ 2 million.
25?January?2011?– 11 February 2011
(2?weeks and 3?days)
37th Message:
??In January 18, 2011, the Author also received another divine message and described about their conversation with the President of the United States of America (Barak Obama) and the First Lady (Michelle Obama). And during the conversation with the first couple, the Author tells them that America must be restore both law and human characters from the individual definitions of laws to single interpretations and from the individual hatred to unity as one family and the foundation of the Universal Society. On the conversation, the couple has promised to implement the law for the new world.
??The 50 days, dated march 10, 2011, the reality of the message becomes true, after the Author has received the combined messages from the President and First Lady of America. The messages contents with the children’s future from bullying to the right direction and protection, the President of United States of America, explains that his plans for America is to unite all sector and gradual transparency of the government, which is the first time in the history of American leadership.
??The world must realize that if they heard the voice of God today, do not harden their heart, instead, they have to study the message. Look what happenings in the world, all disasters was happened and can be occur, because God wants us to repent and to join together as one Theocratic Authority based on God’s law through the Universal Society. The MDGC mission will focus on the current leader of America, which is the specific mission of every God’s servant like the Prophets of Israel, at that time, God commanded the Prophets to speak before the king of Israel, and in obeying, they successes and prevailed the enemies and after disobeyed, Israel became slaves from the hands of the oppressors.
·???????????The 50 Days – It is the stage of exchanges of communication between the messenger (MDGC) and the Decision Maker (President of America as the US CHAIRMAN).
·???????????Children’s Future – It is the ultimate mandate of man under the process of religion as part of the Universal Family and represent by the First Mother of the society.
·???????????Transparency - The President is the Decision Maker for the future direction of Society and the right process of leadership seen in transparent and smooth implementation of both Divine and human laws.
38th Message:
??In 24th day of March year 2011, Thursday at 4 o’clock in the morning, Author was walking on the riverside and he saw four layers of bundle of money and arranges orderly. The respective amounts of the denomination are based on the size of the bundle. He keeps it and cross the river, on the other side, he saw another bundle of money, but he leaved them. He looks on the direction to north and he saw a mountain with two paths, like the event on the first two dreams in 2003 exactly 8 years and 5 months ago. He proceeds on the right way and on the top of the hill, he saw a small house with mother and the two children. He asked the woman on the direction to North, and the woman guided him.
??Before he proceeds, the woman asked to him about the opening of classes, saying, that her new neighbor with children wants to know the schedule of opening classes. In replied, the Author told her that the classes would soon to open. Then, he continues to travels and down from the hill in north direction. His purpose is to look a secret place to count the 4 bundles of money, and after saw other mountain on the North, he continues travel to reach his target, unfortunately, a giant monkey was there and he stopped the travel.
??The 40th message is part of the last four divine messages to install the Universal Society, also the definition of the last stage of the travels in mission of MDGC’s Author. What is the definition of #40? It is the symbolic number use for every bearer of the covenant. Moses stayed in 40 days and nights on the top of Mount Sinai and Jesus stayed 40 days and nights in the deserts. The mountain is the symbolic place of the covenant as indicated in the first two dreams. The giant monkey is the symbolic of the beasts’ life as the fifth and last part of MDGC’s mission to interpret the animals/birds/fishes’ heavens. He prevents by animals as the definition of the end or completion of his mission.
The Details ?
??This is the combined phenomenon of “MDGCC (Mystery Design of God’s Creation) which composed of 40 divine messages in separate working period, 21 years of analysis, 3? years in writing 2 year in editing with span of travels 44 years, see the followings.
The different process of MDGC Visions as 9 stages of man’s Era:
MDGC’s seven Levels of Works as Head of Wisdom (Places)
??Author has received the divine mandate with symbolic number “24” as the whole plans of God under the second half of the “Mind of Wisdom” works on the Judgment Day. The number is mentioned in the Holy Bible particularly in revelation to John (loved apostle of Christ). John indicated about the twenty-four Elders sets in the twenty-four thrones, which is called ‘Supercluster thrones’ (Rev. 4:4). The symbolic number can be process on the following;
MDGC’s 9 Levels of Works as Body of Wisdom (Activities)
??MDGC is the 2nd part of the first level out of the 5 levels of Wisdom mission on earth (Mind of Wisdom) to unveil the entire definitions of God’s works from the beginning up to the end of time. This is the time to read and to see what life you are waiting for and what life you would like to obtain. A dramatic level of Author’s life becomes a Universal instrument to install David’s Son kingdom on earth called Universal Society.
The 38th to 40th message and the 54th to 72nd message are part of the other volumes of the TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES. Mainly, the whole message embodied the full descriptions in the STORY OF THE YOUNG BOY. And therefore, summarizing the foundations is enough to be understood by readers.?
52 Divine Message
·????????The 24 Major Messages – First Book, Mystery Design of God’s Creation – 1st Edition (1967-2009)
·????????The 12 Major Messages – 2nd up to 7th Books (2009-2010)
·????????The 4 Major Messages – Mystery Design of God’s Creation – 2nd Edition (2010-2011
·????????The 4 Major Messages – Biography and 8th major Book
·????????The 6 Minor Messages – It is part of the 44 major messages occurred in 1967-2011
The 2 Major Messages – It is under the drafting of the 9th major book 2011. See, Part III; (https://www.whoglocal.com/PH/Taguig/150951031658642/TDS-Wisdom-Vision-of-Studies#gsc.tab=0)