600 Families Still Need Your Help!
In case you missed it,?registration is OPEN?for the 2021 Holiday Hamper Program and we are filling up fast. Delivery day is December 18th and we are looking forward to seeing you again!
This year we are partnering with 55 Edmonton schools and with the pandemic continuing to impact families in our community, the need for food security is even higher. YOU can make a difference. Help us bring joy to 1,500 families, including over?5,000 children?this holiday season.Can't Participate? Then DONATE!Not able to adopt a family this year? We understand. Here’s the good news: you can still help out by making a donation instead! Every $30 raised purchases a turkey for our families. And did you know that we’re a registered charity? That’s right, we give tax receipts for ALL monetary donations.
So here are the two ways you can be involved in our amazing program:
Keeping our Elves, volunteers and families safe is our utmost priority. As we continue to navigate this pandemic, all our decisions are based on the guidelines provided by Alberta Health Services. Like last year, we will be operating delivery day as a?drive-thru experience?at the Edmonton Expo Centre, and we are committed to providing a safe and festive experience for everyone involved in our program.
The Holiday Hamper Team