The 60 things that took me 60 years to learn

The 60 things that took me 60 years to learn.

1????????????? A smile can change almost anyone’s attitude & brighten someone’s day, so smile often and look for reasons to laugh even when you don’t feel like smiling, do it anyway.

2.??????????? Life is a gift from God above, live it to the fullest, celebrate all the moments you can.?

3????????????? The world is in a constant process of decaying, so life is hard and there is nothing you can do about that.? What you can do is adjust your attitude toward hard things, embrace them, learn from them and overcome them.? There are no great stories about people who let trouble overcome them.

4????????????? Life is indiscriminate, troubles are everywhere don’t take them personal. If you face your troubles with determination, you might just encourage someone else to do the same and that might make the difference in their journey.

5????????????? Know what you believe in and never waver.? Learn at a early age what is most true about you and spend your life becoming more of that.? What you believe in is what you are becoming.

6????????????? Sometimes you must choose to love, make that your most natural way.

7????????????? Compromise may be necessary but never compromise your deepest beliefs.

8????????????? Life is unfair, no amount of complaining will change that, so never complain and never waste a minute feeling sorry for yourself.

9????????????? You are probably the cause of most of your troubles, find out why and begin to work on that area of your life.

10?????????? You can trick the world into doing your bidding, so strive to believe that the world is conspiring to make you happy.

11?????????? While sadness may come and for good reasons, you don’t have to remain sad very long, there is always hope and the sun will rise tomorrow.

12?????????? There is almost always a way to get through every problem.

13?????????? Pain is sometimes good, you may need your pain to train yourself for some unforeseen event in the future, embrace your pain.

14?????????? Never give up, ever, history records the ones that persevered.

15?????????? You are never a failure until you blame someone else for your trouble.

16?????????? Not everyone that shows up is there to help.

17?????????? Listen to your mom.

18?????????? Find someone older and wiser than you are and spend time with them, listen more that you talk, you will learn a lot.

19?????????? Read lots of types of books.

20?????????? Love people who are negative, but don’t learn their ways.

21?????????? Once you choose a team, stay on it, make it better.

22?????????? Never get over the fact that God loves you, knows your name and sent his Son Jesus to save you.? Be stunned that He chose you to be in His family before He even formed the world!!

23?????????? Money and wealth are not ultimate, but they are important.

24?????????? Your home should be the most inviting place a visitor has ever been, work to make it so.

25?????????? Giving your money away is among life’s joys.

26?????????? There are those who are pure joy to be around, be sure you are one of them.

27?????????? You will not gain happiness from anyone other than yourself, invest in yourself, learn to trust yourself.

28?????????? Doing hard things brings great joy and satisfaction.

29?????????? The Bible is the source of all truth, read it, know it, believe it. It is the path to all light.

30?????????? People need to be encouraged so encourage excellence whenever and wherever you see it.

31?????????? Always take care of the little guy, be the person they trust and run to.

32?????????? Pay genuine compliments to people often, they will appreciate it. By this act you are illustrating kindness and will separate yourself from the sluggish masses.

33?????????? Respect boundaries but make affection your default.

34?????????? In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind.

35?????????? Never raise your voice in a conversation or argument, you never get to take back words that wound someone.?

36?????????? No one has ever won an argument, if you feel like you have all you really did was hurt someone’s feelings badly enough to silence them.

37?????????? Live intentionally, take steps every day to make yourself better by loving those around you more. Look for ways to encourage and spread hope, never gossip.

38?????????? Hold everything you have with an open hand; a heart of generosity is a light and easy way.

39?????????? Get in the floor and play with all the little kids,

40?????????? Exercise and eat healthy, your health is indeed your greatest wealth.? Skip the cake, eat the ice cream, save room for the whiskey.

41?????????? Own your mistakes, learn from them, forgive yourself, say it out loud if you need to.?

42?????????? When you fail and stumble and you will, try and fall forward.? Thoughts of failure, discouragement and regret will flee once you realize that time and chance happen to everyone, and failure need not define you.

43.????????? In a world that is moving so fast it’s easy to feel that you are being left behind. Keep in mind it is the superficial things that are changing so quickly, the important things, family, friends, and above all God’s love never change.

44.????????? Be intentional, be the first to make an effort, try to matter.

45.????????? Learn to listen well, in a conversation, it’s far better to be interested than to be interesting.

46.????????? Celebrate the successes of others, they will love you for it and you will learn to be a better friend.

47.????????? There is no effortless way, the only way to coast is downhill.

48.????????? Never compare your life to someone else, be the best you that you can.

49.????????? Learn other people’s story, become the person they can be vulnerable with and feel safe.

50.????????? Things need not always be your way.? Let others win the argument, and even help them get what they want.? The whole bends to those who are humble.

51.????????? People always remember the person who said I’m sorry, especially kids, practice saying it.

52.????????? You always have time for the things you do first, maintain a good & Godly set of priorities.

53.????????? You can learn a lot from your dog.? Wag your tail and meet people at the door, they will appreciate it.

54.????????? Find that thing that you’re good at and love to do & ?share that with others. Cooking was my thing find yours.

55.????????? Make it easy to win, don’t beat yourself up, you are better than you think.? In the words of that great philosopher Rocky Balboa. “… life is not about how hard you can hit but about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, that’s how winning is done”

56.????????? Never skip an opportunity to just be quiet.

57.????????? Others may not always be grateful or say thank you, that’s OK follow the Biblical edict to “…do all things as doing it unto the Lord” He sees and rewards all.

58.????????? Lighten up, you are not as important as you think you are so learn to laugh at yourself your friends are already doing it join them!

59.????????? Pride is the downfall of nations and of individuals.? Humility and a grateful heart are the things that have never been defeated by anyone or anything.

60.????????? You are not an accident, you have infinite worth, you are wonderfully and fearfully made.? The God of the universe knows your name and created you for your unique purpose.? That purpose may not be great in the eyes of the world, but your King wants you to do it well and walks beside you.

Tim Guerrero

The Pastor of Packaging "Marrying Equipment & Materials"

7 个月

Absolutely Awesome! Agree 100% - When is the book coming out? and please tell me that you're sharing this at the next NSM ?? God Bless You for taking the time to share! Now I don't have to wait till I am 60!

Sean Spees

Director of Sales - Kliklok North America

8 个月

Thanks for sharing, Fred!

Donna Faircloth

Retired: Church Engagement Coordinator at World Help

8 个月




