60 seconds with...Peter Alford
AMION Consulting
AMION is a leading economic and financial advisory business providing independent strategic advice to our clients.
1. What was your career path prior to joining AMION?
I joined AMION immediately after completing my masters in Civic Design, an RTPI accredited degree (with distinction).? I had previously studied economic geography, but I wasn’t sure I really understood exactly what AMION did – just that they got involved in interesting and high-profile regeneration initiatives.? I was interested in the idea of regeneration and urban renewal, without really appreciating the mechanics of how it worked – often as a partnership of government and industry – and the breadth of activities involved.
2.??What interests you most about Land and Property Economics?
In the UK, the majority of us live in towns and cities and these places shape our lives, our occupations and our pastimes. I think many of us are interested in these places in terms of our experiences and we recognise that the qualities of these places do, in part, shape the quality of our lives. At that conceptual level, I think land and property economics is a component of understanding the factors that drive how towns and cities evolve, and of seeking to understand what society can do to make them function better for the people that spend time there.?On a more day to day level, working in land and property economics involves getting involved on major development projects and working with other amazing professionals – architects, designers, engineers and other consultants – and helping to bring these different angles and perspectives together to shape investment that responds to the needs of places. Down the line, you get to visit these places and see how regeneration has impacted on communities.
3.??What would you say makes AMION stand out from other consultancies?
It comes down to expertise, ethos and team culture. Senior team members have vast knowledge and experience in the field of applied economics and foster a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome working alongside the client and other team members. We have a team of really great people that creates a fantastic working environment – which comes through in our work.
4.??What are your hobbies outside of work?
I’m not sure they count as hobbies, but playing games with my kids, going for walks and watching obscure family movies count high on the list of enjoyable pastimes. I also enjoy cooking and trying new dishes (mixed results!) and dabbling with DIY (even more mixed results!!).