60 Long Words Beginning with ‘A’ & How to Pronounce Them
Paul Nowak
Founder & CEO @ IrisReading.com | Speed Reading, Memory, Productivity Training
Every alphabet in the English language is essential, but some are more crucial than others and are present in every language globally. One such letter is the letter “A.”
Learning new words is an excellent habit to develop whether you are a student or a professional. The more words you can identify, the more articulate you become and can better represent ideas and actions.?
A rich vocabulary sharpens your communication skills and your ability to comprehend information faster which can help you perform better in school or job promotion tests. The more words you know, the more you can describe an idea or an experience you want to convey without running out of speech!
You will write better, perform better in tests, speeches, and debates, and maybe someday become president of your country. Yes, a rich vocabulary can facilitate such achievement for you.?
With that said, here is a list of some long words that start with A to help build your vocabulary.?
Let’s begin!
1. Atherosclerosis
A disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of fatty contents on their inner walls.
To pronounce atherosclerosis, which is a six-syllable word, break it down into sounds:?[ATH] + [UH] + [ROH] + [SKLUH] + [ROH] + [SIS]?– say it out loud and stress the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
2. Anti-competitive
(of regulations, practices, etc.) that seek to stifle economic competition.
To pronounce anti-competitive correctly, break it down into parts:?An· ti· com· pet· i· tive?– then say it out loud, while stressing the sounds to get it right.
3. Autocorrelation
This is the correlation between paired values of a mathematical or statistical function, taken at typically constant intervals, that shows the degree of periodicity of the function.
Autocorrelation, which is a six-syllable word, can be pronounced correctly by breaking it down into sounds:?[AW] + [TOH] + [KORR] + [UH] + [LAY] + [SHUHN]?– say it consistently aloud, while stressing the sounds until you can pronounce it.
4. Anticholinergic
This is a withdrawal effect caused by actions opposing the physiologic action of acetylcholine.
Anticholinergic has six-syllables, and can be pronounced correctly by breaking it down into sounds:?[AN] + [TEE] + [KOH] + [LI] + [NUR] + [JIK].
5. Acclimatization
This is the process or result of adapting to a new climate or conditions.
To sound acclimatization, which is a six-syllable word, break it down into parts:?[UH] + [KLY] + [MUH] + [TY] + [ZAY] + [SHUHN]?– say it aloud and stress the sounds until you can pronounce it correctly.
6. Anthropocentric
This means considering human beings as the most meaningful entity in the universe.
For a proper pronunciation of the word anthropocentric, break it down into sounds:?[AN] + [THRUH] + [POH] + [SEN] + [TRIK].?Say it aloud and overemphasize the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
7. Agranulocytosis
This is an acute condition involving severe and dangerous neutropenia.
Pronounce agranulocytosis by breaking it down into sounds:?[UH] + [GRAN] + [YUH] + [LOH] + [SY] + [TOH] + [SIS].
8. Aluminosilicate
This mineral comprises silicon, aluminum, and oxygen, plus countercations.
For pronunciation, break aluminosilicate down into parts:?A-lu-mi-no-sil- i-cate-?say it out loud, stressing the sounds to correctly pronounce it.
9. Assimilationism
This means the act or process of assimilating or absorbing information, experiences, etc.
Pronounce assimilationism by breaking it down into sounds:?As- sim- i- la-tion- ism-?say it slowly, but loud while stressing each sound.
10. Archaebacterium
This is a group of unicellular microorganisms in the Archaea domain.
Pronounce archaebacterium by breaking it down into sounds:?Ar-chae-bac-te-ri-um-?say it out loud and clear and overemphasize the sounds until you can consistently pronounce the complete word.