6 Worst Foods for Your Teeth
Dr. Lakshi Arora
Aesthetic Dental Surgeon - BDS, FAAD Germany || Smile Designer || Medical Content Analyst
Your smile is one of the best advantages you can ever have and proper dental care will certainly aid in making it even better. Brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are important as are the foods you take or the kind of foods you consume. There is a list of foods that have negative effects on teeth, leading to bacterial accumulation, weakening of the enamel, and gum inflammation.?
1. Sugary Snacks and Candies: Everyone knows that sugar is not good for the teeth and it is much worse when the sugar is in the form of a snack: candies, hard candies, and taffy candies. When you take sugar, bacteria in your mouth break it down and they release acid that dissolves your enamel. Chews such as caramels or gummies stay on your teeth, and therefore on your enamel, during the time that the acid is present, while hard candies leave your teeth in contact with sugar as the candy dissolves.?
Tip: If you have a hankering for something sweet, go for the diet form or take just a little of it. It is also important you use water to rinse your mouth after each meal because that helps to wash out some of the sugars.
2. Carbonated Soft Drinks: Soda contains a high level of sugar and acid which is not good for the teeth. Carbonated drinks contain acids that dissolve the outer layer of the tooth and enamel, and thus expose your teeth to decay and sensitivity.
Tip: Avoid drinking soda as much as you can, and if you have to, use a straw so that the drink does not come into direct contact with the teeth. Drinking water after consumption of such foods helps to wash out the acids.
3. Citrus Fruits and Juices: The tropical fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grape fruits which are rich in vitamin C are not bad for you, but the acid contained in them is capable of wearing out your teeth. Acidic foods make the enamel weak and this leads to decay and sensitivity if you often take these fruits or their juices.
Tip: You should also limit your intake of citrus fruits and if possible, use water to rinse your mouth after taking them. Do not brush your teeth for the next 30 minutes to prevent any additional loss of the enamel.
4. Ice: Ice itself is not dangerous though it is frozen water; chewing on ice is a rather unhelpful habit though it has very negative effects on your teeth. Ice is hard and can easily chipped or crack your teeth while the low temperature can cause sensitivity of the teeth.
Tip: Do not bite on ice cubes; instead, take cold drinks without chewing on the ice crystals. If you get an urge to chew ice, then there are chances that you are anemic, it is, therefore, advisable that you see your doctor.
5. Dried Fruits: Surprisingly, such healthy products as dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, or figs are really not good for your teeth. Some of these fruits are very moist and have high fructose which tends to stick at the recesses of the teeth where bacteria thrive and produce acid.
Tip: For those of you who love having snacks that are dry fruits, remember to brush your teeth and clean between them after consuming them. Instead, you could try fresh fruits, which are not sticky.
6. Starchy Foods: The following foods are also detrimental to your teeth: White bread, chips, and pasta. When you chew starchy foods they are separated into sugars and the sugars in the food get lodged between the teeth. These sugars then get broken down, and supply the bacteria in your mouth with food, leading to the formation of cavities.
Tip: If possible opt for whole grain products as these have less amount of residues that are stuck on teeth and contain more nutritional values.?
Even though these six foods and drinks harm your dental health, you do not have to cut them out of your diet completely. The secret is to avoid the above foods and practices and practice good oral hygiene. Daily brushing and flossing and regular dental hygiene visits are important factors in keeping your teeth in optimal condition.
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To learn more about the worst foods for your teeth, please refer?