6 Workplace Yoga Asanas That Will Help You De-stress

6 Workplace Yoga Asanas That Will Help You De-stress

Yoga is an ancient practice that has helped millions of people around the world relax and release stress. New research has shown that Yoga can even help us combat depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Yoga is also good for our physical health. It improves our flexibility, increases our cardiovascular endurance, strengthens our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and reduces chronic pain.

It is an age-old practice that’s been around for centuries. Today, it has found its way into the workplace. The concept of offering yoga to employees is not new. But it is gaining momentum in recent times because of the benefits it offers employees in the workplace.

With workplaces following a more hectic schedule, working professionals are finding it difficult to stay up with their health and wellness needs. This is where employers are providing healthier options in the workplace for their employees in order to help them stay healthy and fit at work.

Here are 5 Office Yoga poses you can perform for 10 minutes at our office desk to relieve yourself from back pain, neck pain, joint problems, and muscle stiffness, even after working long hours.

  • Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose or Achieved Pose:

This yoga posture is also called the ‘easy pose’ and is usually regarded as one of the easiest and most relaxing poses. Siddhasana means “the perfection of success,” so it can help you to cultivate a sense of accomplishment and balance.

How to pose? - Sit cross-legged with eyes closed and deep in thought. Hands resting on your knees, sit your toes tucked into your thighs, and place your feet aside while keeping your knees open


It stretches the hips, adductors, knees, and ankles. It also has benefits for your digestive system, since it helps to regulate the flow of blood in your lower body. Regular practice of Siddhasana can help reduce stress levels and reduce symptoms associated with anxiety. Also, sitting in a meditative position while practicing deep breathing helps and encourages physical and mental relief from the daily stresses of life.

  • Seated Crescent Moon Pose:?

Seated Crescent Moon Pose is a seated position that requires an emphasis on the core muscles, which are concentrated in the abdomen and pelvic regions. This pose is best done when one has been meditating or doing yoga for some time because it requires a lot of concentration and focus.

How to pose? - Sit on your desk chair, take a deep breath, raise your chest straight, and move your arms upwards, in the same position with each other or palms together. Every time you exhale, lean deeply into the pose. Don't forget to press your tailbone down. If possible, turn your head too. Take it back and look up while inhaling and bend down as you exhale.


It can be used in both meditation and yoga sessions to help people calm down and focus their minds. It improves flexibility in your shoulders and neck. Also helps to relax, relieve stress and anxiety, sleep better, improve emotional regulation, increase empathy, and improve mood and affect.?

  • Seated Backend Pose:?

The side body often collapses when hunted on a computer, contributing to the discomfort of the neck and shoulder.?

How to pose? - Put your feet down and sit in an office chair without bending your spine straight. Lift your arms overhead and stretch your fingers wide. Lean to the right, taking 2 to 3 deep breaths. Repeat on the left side for another 2 to 3 deep breaths.


Seated Crescent Moon fixes so you can return to your seat with a taller spine, a clearer head, and sharper focus. It increases circulation, boosts mood, and improves poster.

  • Seated Figure Four pose:

The Seated Figure Four pose is an open-legged seated pose that allows for a sense of grounding and balance. This pose is good for beginners because it provides stability, but it also provides a lot of challenges for more advanced yogis.

How to pose? - Sit on the edge of the seat with a neutral back and rotate your shoulders clockwise and counterclockwise to keep warm. Then place your left foot firmly on the floor, lift your right foot and bend it at the knees, place your right ankle on your left thigh, and cross your right foot. Breathe out loud and open your stomach. Then repeat the same movement on the other leg.


It relieves tension in the muscles surrounding the sacrum and reduces lower back pain. This can help clear the mind and improve the concentration level.?

  • Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Forward Bend:

Strengthens and stretches the inner and back legs and the spine. It tones the abdominal organs and calms the brain. It also relieves mild backache.

How to pose? - Keep the same distance from 3 to 4 meters between your legs and place your hands on your hips. As your legs and spine are stretched out vigorously, take a deep breath, up tall through your whole torso, and wrap it slightly over your legs. Fold it deep with your head facing the floor.


It calms the brain, relieves fatigue, regulates blood circulation and abdominal organs. It brings mental benefits such as reduced anxiety and depression resulting in making your brain work better.

  • Wrist and Finger Stretches:

Desk job creates tension in the muscles and arteries of the fingers, hands, and wrists, so the extra blood flow to these areas is always appreciated. Trying this pose every two hours is recommended.

How to pose? - Extend the arms to the sides or top and draw 5 to 10 circles in and out with the wrists. Next, spread the fingers quickly and close the fists, repeating these 5 to 10 times to remove any excess tension.

Put one hand on your desk, palms up, and fingers on you, apply gentle pressure to position your wrist and arm. Alternatively, you can extend each arm and bend the wrist in and out, stretching out your hand with the other hand. Hold each side for 5 to 10 breathe.


It improves blood flow to your hands, warms the muscles and ligaments. Also increases the circulation of synovial fluid that lubricates and helps cushion the joints to keep them moving smoothly. It improves the flexibility of joints and reduces joint damage.

Comment below and let us know which office asana helped you to de-stress.


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