#6. Well-Managed Processing, Underwriting and Closing
This is another trait of the company rather than the loan officer – who likely has little, if any, input into how these departments are run. However, the best performers move on if they can’t effect the change they need. The best performers know they must have a positive confident attitude when in front of new referral partners. And that’s tough to do if you know back at the office you are going to have to put out fires for the rest of the day. It’s easy to promise excellent service when you have complete faith in your ability to deliver it every single time.
Top producers have studied their business, and they know what it takes to turn over a 100% process-able closable loan file. Good loan officers are smart, and they know it is possible to beat the loan condition deadlines, to get the closing figures and documents to title 3 or 4 days early, and it’s even possible to have the wire at the title company the day before the loan is closing. The top producers show up at closing and take a bow. They never have to make excuses or apologize.