6 weeks into the year and do you feel you are where you should be?
Fraser Hay
WAI SHOWER? Helping Visionaries & Businesses Master AI ?? Cut Confusion. Automate Execution. Scale Smarter. ?? Turn AI Disruption into Opportunity. Adapt Faster. Achieve More. ?? Wake Up. Step Up. Scale Up. Lead With AI
Go on. Stop and think about it.
- Perhaps there's no need for any improvement.
- Perhaps you've reached where you wanted to get to.
- Perhaps, you're only half way there.
Are you in your flow, and everything you're touching, is turning to gold.... ...or are you reacting to the circumstances around you and facing resistance on all fronts?
Many people become concerned about their current circumstances.
- Lack of sales
- Lack of Pipeline
- Declining market share
- Lack of referrals
- etc etc
Contrary to what you may think, my advice at this point is….
Stop wanting to change your circumstances. It's time to start letting go for the need to change your circumstances.
Now I can hear you shout and swear at the monitor.
Am I crazy? How can you change your circumstances by letting go of them. It doesn't make sense. In fact it's stupid.
Or is it?
Bear with me.
The need for you to change your circumstance comes from the belief that things will improve if you change your circumstances.
Perhaps we need to revisit your belief or understanding of success and what it means to you or indeed the way "belief" works in the context of your "success".
In real terms however, your current circumstances are the effects of poor, bad or selfish marketing, not the cause of your current predicament. Your current circumstances have been created by you and your cumulative feelings, thoughts and actions (or inaction) to date, up until and including the current moment you are experiencing the effects (or results) or manifestation of these things.
Remember, you feel, think and then experience.
You create your environment & reality. What you are experiencing…...you've created.
Feelings create Circumstances. Circumstances DO NOT create feelings
It gets worse, for not only do you CREATE your experience, environment & reality…
…but you react to the environment and stimuli around you, with negative emotions, re-enforcing the self limiting belief that you have created.
That "stimuli" around you includes:
- People
- Situations
- Events
When your marketing isn't going well, or you think you're not as successful as you should be you inevitably experience "resistance" in the form of emotions such as fear, guilt, worry, disappointment and doubt. Those emotions can also have a profound effect on you, and those around you and with whom you interact - including your prospects.
These negative emotions become energy in motion (e-motion), albeit negative energy and make it almost impossible for you to manifest the goals, and objectives you want. For your attention becomes more and more focused on the growing negative circumstances and environment around you. All you can now think about is that which you want to change which you perpetuate by your negative beliefs and thinking.
So how does all of this help you with your marketing, your existing situation and helping you to achieve that level of success you want to attain?
Let's stop and ponder for a mo.
The beliefs you have about your marketing and your success, will determine your emotional response. It therefore stands to reason that if you feel good about a particular goal or objective, then you will find it easier to achieve it or attain it whereas if you are not, then it will more than likely become a real struggle.
You are responsible for the reality you create.
You are responsible for the choices & decisions you make.
You can choose to experience the reality you want
So if you want real results with your marketing and/or at the level of success you want, then you need to start changing your beliefs and breaking down the resistance.
For When you "want" something, you are in effect confirming to yourself that you don't already have it.
What you really want - are feelings. Not the things, you think you want. You want to experience the feelings that you think attaining these "things" will bring you.
You need to start collecting experiences, not "things".
You need to decide to re-focus your attention on your feelings and experiences, which will determine the circumstances you experience next…
…and thus will radiate positive energy and enhance your energy levels instead of draining them.
You then create and respond to your positive surroundings.
You become more confident. Confidence leads to progress, progress leads to results, and you've guessed it you attain greater levels of "success" whatever you've defined them as.
You need to keep your feelings, thoughts, and actions congruent, in harmony.
You can't think and feel one thing and expect to achieve the opposite.
You create the environment, circumstances and reality you want by keeping in your flow, and your awareness open to experiences that resonate with your positive thoughts.
Focus on what you really want whilst feeling good & grateful about it NOW.
Who knows just how successful you WILL become.....
Now, if the above has resonated with you, and "feels" right, then perhaps you are ready to join our club for FREE below. ;)
Now, what is the next marketing objective that you want to achieve?
More importantly, how much are 1, 3 or 5 new clients worth to you?
Onwards and upwards