6 Weeks to Invite Mindfulness Into Your Life

6 Weeks to Invite Mindfulness Into Your Life

Week 6 - Notice What is in Front of You

This week I invite you to really, and I mean REALLY, look at something that is right in front of you in a mindful way. For this exercise I like to take it outside, but if it's too cold or wet feel free to try this in your home. Start by finding an object that you want to look at for awhile, preferably a piece of nature, like a flower, the trunk of a tree, a patch of grass or body of water. 

Plunk yourself down in front of your chosen object and just sit and stare at it. You don't need to touch it, you don't need to move it, just let it be where it is. Take some time, maybe 5-10 minutes, and look at that object like you are seeing it for the first time, with a beginner's mind, in a non-judgmental way. See it without any preconceived notions or opinions. 

Notice any details about your object: how the green of the grass is so vivid, the many veins on a leaf, or watch the fly hovering above a flower. Just pay attention to what is happening right now. Be "in the moment". If you find yourself getting distracted by people walking by, or thoughts are permeating your concentration just bring your attention back to the object of nature.

Try this a couple of times this week and then notice how everything else looks after that exercise. Do all colors seem more vivid? Are you noticing details of your surroundings that you didn't see before like the color of the trim on your neighbor's house or the miniature shrubs that are planted on the south side of the grocery store? If not, that's okay - no judgment - just remind yourself to be aware of what is coming into your line of site this week. 

This is the last post of my six weeks series about how to invite mindfulness into your life. Thank you for reading and please be on the lookout for more posts in the future. 

*If you would like more information about how to increase mindfulness in your life, or your children's lives, please message me, or check out my website, www.thevirtuouscircle.netI am available for one-on-one or family mindfulness coaching. I also offer workshops to schools - staff or students, faith-based organizations and community organizations.

I do send out emails with updates and information about new classes periodically. If you would like to receive those emails please go to my website and fill in the "Stay Connected for Updates" boxes on the lower right hand side of the home page and click "Sign Up" to have your name added to the email list.

Be Well,

Sarah Dutton, [email protected]


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