The 6 Week Gameplan To Becoming An In-Demand Coach

The 6 Week Gameplan To Becoming An In-Demand Coach

If I Was Starting From 0, Here’s What I’d Do…

When it comes to client acquisition, new coaches and veteran coaches alike share the struggle.

If you ask the most successful coaches you know how they got so many clients – and they’re honest with you – they’ll tell you that it was just luck.

They knew a guy who knew a guy. Or they were in the right place at the right time. Or they met another coach who sent some good work their way.

And if, on the other hand, you meet one of the coaches who are marketing-savvy, they’ll likely give you a vague answer in order to protect their secret methods.

But what most coaches aren’t aware of is that there’s a little-known 6-week plan that anyone can use to ensure you never ever run out of new leads.

As I’ll show you, you don’t need to be a tech genius or marketing expert to make this work. All it takes is a little forethought and some elbow grease. And it’s much safer than spending money on another group coaching program or simply waiting for the right opportunity to show up.

As you read this, I’m already applying this strategy with my clients and they’re ecstatic at the possibilities we’re creating with such a quick and effective marketing plan.

Let’s hop right into it, shall we?

Week 1: In-Depth Market Research

If you’ve ever read anything about marketing before, you’re already aware that there are a million and one ways to do this. 

Instead of filling out a 45-page customer avatar worksheet, I recommend you focus on these 7 questions:

  1. What keeps your dream client awake at night?
  2. What are they afraid of?
  3. What are they angry about – and who are they angry at?
  4. What are their top 3 daily frustrations?
  5. What do they secretly desire most?
  6. Who else are they buying from?
  7. What are those guys saying?

Spend time in Facebook groups, Reddit threads, and forums where they hang out so that you can learn what they say and how they think about their problems.

Week 2: Record Your Free Training

Whether you want to call this a webinar, VSL, or free training, the idea is the same. You’re using this video as a sales mechanism. 

In the big picture, you’ll be sending people here from Facebook ads and following up with emails and a sales page – but more on all that later.

Open up a Google Doc and write your script based on the following outline:

  1. Introduce yourself and build rapport by sharing your backstory;
  2. Prove that your method has worked in the past;
  3. Deliver the content through storytelling;
  4. Introduce your product/service the solution they’ve been waiting for;
  5. Start selling.

When you’ve got that done, create slides, and record your presentation with a voice-over.

Week 3: Write The Sales Copy

You’ll find that only a small percentage of people who view your free training will actually buy what you’re offering – but you don’t have to leave the rest of your prospects behind.

If you write a sales page, you can follow up with your prospects who don’t buy right away but who might buy at some point down the line. I’ll show you exactly how we do that in Week 4. For now, just focus on writing a sales page for a solution and product-aware audience.

Week 4: Email Follow-Up

For a prospect to get access to your free training, they’ll have to enter their name and email on a landing page. 

When they do, they’ll automatically be entered into your “evergreen launch” email sequence. The goal of this sequence will be to drive them back to watch the training in the first two emails, then to drive them to the sales page over the next 5 days.

Here’s the sequence I like to use:

Day 0: Confirmation Email – “Here’s why it’s great that you signed up…”

Day 1: Replay Reminder #1 – “In case you missed it…”

Day 2: Replay Reminder #2 – “I’m leaving the video up for one last day…”

Day 3: Overwhelming Proof – “Here’s what people like you are saying…”

Day 4: FAQ – “The answers to your most asked questions…”

Day 5: Perfect If – “If you’re this type of person, this is the perfect solution for you…”

Day 6: Personal Touch – “Still not sure? Give me a call…”

Day 7: Total Confidence – “Let me tell you why this is right for you…”

Day 7: Recap – “Here’s what you’re getting…”

Day 7: Final Push – “Last call…”

If you want the exact templates I use for each of these emails so that you can create a profitable evergreen funnel, you can grab them here.

Week 5: Set Up Your Website

We’re almost done! 

The only other tech thing for you to set up once you get your email sequence ready is your website. Get a domain that’s easy to say and easy to understand (you’ll see why this is crucial in the next step). Then set up a registration page, a page that hosts the video, and a sales page. Make sure they’re all connected to something you can use to take payments.

Week 6: Facebook Video Ads

All that’s left is to set up your ads and start driving traffic to your registration page. 

I like to use Video Views ads on the front and retarget the people who’ve watched 75%+ with more Video Views ads and Conversion ads.

A secret I learned from Frank Kern to make this strategy even more effective is to make your pitch in your Video Views ads too. So as you’re delivering your tutorial-style content, say things like:

“Before I forget, if you want … head over to”

That way, you can collect traffic – and maybe even conversions – while building up your audience.

I like to start by running 10-20 videos to 3 or 4 different audiences as tests. Then you can keep the top-performing ads on the front-end and use the rest in your retargeting campaigns.

(I wrote an article a few weeks ago with even more tips – check it out on the blog.)

And there you have it. 

That’s all you need to become an in-demand coach with just 6 weeks of work.

I know it’s not going to be easy, but if you’re not already loaded up with clients, what else are you going to be doing with your time anyway?

Get to it – and if ever you need help figuring out any of the tech stuff or the copywriting, feel free to reach out to me by email.

Can’t wait to chat!


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