6 ways women's and men's exercise are different
Women's bodies are different to mens, so
why think our exercise should be the same?
I teach men exercise but I mainly train women and
can tell you that traditional moves, teaching points
and exercise testing have to be adjusted constantly
hint - most exercise moves were invented by men
Here are some of the top differences:
A traditional press up test is to bring your chest to
a tennis ball and back up again. There are some clients
who would swallow the tennis ball up and bring it back
up with them!
I could say, bring your chest to the floor but that's not
fair on the flatter chested clients, so I look for arm
movement instead (do shoulders align with elbows)
An upright row? You lift a bar up your front, keeping
elbows high but if you have boobs you need to curve the
bar to get it passed them...
Exercise lying on your front? Running or jogging? Boobs
don't just get in the way, they can make exercise
uncomfortable and, or impossible
Women have much wider hips than men, so our feet
placement is different, our feet are going to be wider
depending on our hip width
Alignment and balance changes, think of lunges, split
squats or when running. Stress is increased in the joints,
mainly the knees but with good technique, applied to
your body, shape and size (not the person next to you)
this can be minimised
Shorter legs and smaller hands
I'm thinking of the Double kettlebells Swing here. At
the higher weights, it's impossible to get them through
your legs, even with a wide stance. So we don't do them
Smaller hands make it difficult to hold barbell or
kettlebell handles, along with chin up bars. Usually we
can do the exercise, it's just not as comfortable
Men are stronger and made for lifting, women are
softer bodied and designed for pregnancy (and
pushing the baby out, then feeding it)
That's biology and fact but doesn't mean women can't
be stronger and fitter, some may even be more so than
men. It's just ok not to train exactly like men do
Women don't have enough testosterone to make your
muscles bigger but we can make them stronger and
However we do have female hormones that can wreck
our fat loss/gain
A lack of oestrogen during menopause can lead to weight
gain. High levels of progesterone causes PMS - sore boobs,
bloating, moods and period pain and HCG makes you feel
sick through pregnancy, brilliant!
Body fat
Women have loads more body fat than men, so we can
feed an embryo through a 9 month period of starvation,
like an apocalyptic event
Even if we have extra fat to lose, the body can be
stubborn in letting it go. Also if you want ultra definition
of your muscles? You will probably have to go to a lower
fat % than you should i.e.unhealthy and very hard to
Those girls on Instagram that look all 'toned' won't look
like that every day of the year for years on end. That's
why they took a photo!
Ok, so that's six I thought of, there will be more but the
point is, you need to think as a woman when you train
and not as a man
They don't know what suffocation by boobs feels like
when doing a shoulder stand...
At the same time, consistency, effort and doing exercise
should still be high on your list, there are too many
benefits to be had
p.s. I have a yoga workshop on the 13th this month
you can read more about it HERE
Carolyne is the owner of Fit Strong Females with a Studio in Glasgow City Centre and an Online Membership Site and also a Food, Success and Food Blogger and Writer. You can contact her at [email protected] or find more information at fitstrongfemales.com
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