6 Ways to Deal With Job Search Burnout and Keep Going
Finding a new job can be a difficult process, especially when you’re suffering from burnout. When you’re stressed out, it’s hard to keep going with your job search. However, by combating job search burnout, you can stay positive and continue searching for the right opportunities. Keep reading to learn the 6 best ways to deal with job search burnout and keep going with your search.
Stay Motivated
When you’re feeling burnt out, it’s important to stay motivated. Remember why you’re doing this, and why you want a job.
Remember what you like to do in your spare time, and bring those activities into your job search.
If you’re having trouble staying motivated, try journaling, exercising, or finding a mentor who can help you stay positive.
Make a Plan
Sometimes you can get so caught up in your job search that you forget what came before it. Write down your overall job search strategy, and the steps you’ll take at each stage. This will help you stay organized, and avoid getting lost in your search. It’s important to keep track of your progress and milestones, so you don’t get discouraged. This will also help you analyze your job search progress, and figure out what’s working and what isn’t.
Take a Break
Even if you’re feeling great and motivated, you should take a break every now and then. Even if you’re craving more hours at your job, it’s important to take breaks.
You’re in this for the long haul, and if you’re too stressed out to take breaks, you’re going to wear yourself out. Being burnt out is a real thing, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to stay positive while you’re suffering. Take a break, relax, and come back with a fresh mind and a new attitude.
Networking is an important part of the job search process. No matter how experienced you are, you’re going to meet with people who can help you find a job. You can use these networking sessions to make new connections, or learn about opportunities that aren’t available on your own.
Whatever you do, don’t neglect networking, or you’re going to end up feeling dejected. You can find networking events online, or at local community events.
Write your Resume
Your resume is everything when it comes to job search. This is what employers read, so you want to make sure it draws them in. Plus, your resume is how hiring managers will get a sense of what you can bring to the table. If you’re burnt out, you might find that your resume isn’t as good as it could be. Don’t feel bad about revising your resume, as this is an important step in the process.
Eat Healthy
It’s tempting to skip meals while you’re job searching, because you’re hungry. However, this is a terrible idea, because you need your energy when you’re job searching. Eating well is important for your job search, so eat healthy meals when you’re not job searching, and don’t feel guilty. You can also save calories by cooking your meals, so you don’t have to eat out as often.
Job search burnout happens to everyone, and it’s important to know how to deal with it.
You can stay motivated, make a plan, take a break, network, write your resume, and eat healthy to stay positive and find the right opportunity.
These are just a few ways to combat job search burnout, and keep going with your search. If you’re suffering from job search burnout, remember that it’s a real thing and it’s okay to take a break. You can also network, write your resume, and eat healthy to stay motivated, and keep pressing forward with your job search. These are just a few ways to combat job search burnout, and keep going with your search.