6 Unhealthy Habits You Need to Change Now

6 Unhealthy Habits You Need to Change Now

Some of the things you do—or don’t do—every day might be getting in the way of your efforts to be healthier. These habits are common. But you can change them.? As you read this list of daily habits, don’t beat yourself up if you find many of them resonate with you. We all have things we could change. And change can be hard. But there are some things that can help make it a little easier.

Take a look at these six habits to see if there are any areas you can make a healthy change. While it can be tempting to take on a bunch of new habits at once, working on one at a time and consistently practicing it will help change your brain and make the habit automatic.

1. Eating Lunch at Your Desk

It’s all too easy to munch on your midday meal desk-side, but according to research published in Appetite, distracted eating was correlated to higher body weight. Researchers recommend shutting off devices and taking a break from work so that you can focus on what you’re eating, enjoying your food and noticing when you’re starting to feel full.

2. Not Getting Enough Exercise

Physical activity has so many benefits to our health that we can’t name them all here (but we’ll try). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exercise helps manage weight; improves brain health; strengthens bones, muscles, heart and lungs; helps you sleep better; improves mental health and reduces the risk of depression and anxiety; improves focus and judgment; improves the ability to perform everyday activities; prevents falls; helps manage blood sugar; and reduces the risk of chronic disease.

According to a 2020 review in Cold Springs Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, exercise is associated with longer life. This is because it delays the onset of at least 40 chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that all healthy adults perform moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week or vigorous-intensity activity for at least 20 minutes three days a week. They also recommend muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week.

It’s important that you start where you’re at and progressively increase the intensity and frequency of your exercise over time. One big mistake people make is going all out from the beginning and quickly burning out. Set big goals but start small and work up to your bigger goals.

3. Eating Too Much Sodium

According to the CDC, 90% of Americans eat about 1,000 mg more sodium each day than we should. Restaurant foods and processed foods both tend to be very high in sodium. One of the easiest ways to reduce your sodium intake is to cook at home using fresh ingredients. To decrease your sodium intake even further, try boosting the flavor of food cooked at home with herbs and spices rather than salt.

4. Choosing Foods Because They “Sound Healthy”

More and more food labels are sporting health benefits on their labels. If such claims lure you in, know that just because a product lacks fat, gluten, or carbs doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthier. For example, fat-free products often deliver more sugar than their counterparts to make up for the flavor the product lacks from having the fat removed—and many full-fat options are the healthier choice.

Avoid being duped by a healthy-sounding label claim by comparing the Nutrition Facts panels and ingredient lists across brands of the same food category. It’s worth stating that some of the healthiest foods at the grocery store don’t have any packaging or branding—like fruits and vegetables.

5. Cooking Everything in Olive Oil

Even though olive oil is packed with heart-healthy antioxidants (called polyphenols) and monounsaturated fats, there are times when it’s not the best choice for cooking. Why? Because olive oil has a lower smoke point than some other oils (that’s the point at which an oil literally begins to smoke and olive oil’s is between 365° and 420°F).

When you heat olive oil to its smoke point, the beneficial compounds in the oil start to degrade, and potentially health-harming compounds form. So, if you’re cooking over high heat, skip it and choose a different oil.

When is olive oil a good idea? It’s a great choice for making salad dressing or sautéing vegetables over medium heat.

6. Skipping Dessert

You may think you’re doing a good thing by skipping sweet treats. But studies, like the 2022 review in Einstein suggest that feeling deprived, even if you are consuming plenty of calories, can trigger overeating. And making any food off-limits just increases its allure.

So, if it’s something sweet you’re craving, go for it. Two squares of dark chocolate or ? cup of ice cream clock in at under 150 calories.

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This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice or legal advice. Please consult with a professional to develop a strategy that is right for you. Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. TransGlobal Advisory, LLC (TGA) does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should consult your personal tax or legal advisor before making any financial decisions.

Great insights! It’s easy to fall into some of these habits without realizing their impact on our health. Taking the time to focus on your meals, get regular exercise, and be mindful of what you consume can make a big difference in the long run. Just like you take care of your health, it’s equally important to be proactive about securing your financial future with the right life and insurance products. TransGlobal is the U.S.’s largest Asian one-stop wealth management brand which can help you plan for a healthier, more secure future—financially and physically. Contact TransGlobal Holding Co. to learn more!



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