6 Types of Toxic Coworkers and How to Deal with Them

6 Types of Toxic Coworkers and How to Deal with Them

So, what is the best way to cope with a toxic coworker? That all depends on the individual you're dealing with. We mentioned six types of toxic coworkers and how to deal with them in this blog.

1.The lazy git

There are always a few lazy people in every office or workplace. These people are people you shouldn't even bother with, whether it's because they were once good employees who became complacent with all their successes or because they were just lazy from the beginning.

Except for completing a few occasional menial tasks, they don't really contribute anything to the workplace. They are also the ones who gripe about having "all the work."

Solution: Talk to the said lazy coworker. Find out if they are having any issues by asking them. It's more likely than not the case that they are too preoccupied with other thoughts to pay attention at work. They may appear lazy as a result.

You could also bring it up with your manager or supervisor. Although it's true that "snitches get stitches," why should they care if you tell the boss if someone is interfering with your work and doesn't seem to give a shit about anything?

2. The Backstabber

Beware of this one. To you, they might all seem pleasant, cheerful, and affable. But they only want to set you up for failure in the depths of their dark hearts. These people suffer from a severe form of schadenfreude, in which they take great pleasure in the misery of others.

When you need it, they might actually offer real, practical assistance. However, it appears to them as a debt owed. A debt they won't disclose to you. Instead, they decide to demand payment from you, each in their own way, of course.

Yes, not every person who treats you well intends to kill you. However, you must watch out for those who will gain the most from being kind to you.

Solution: Never let your guard down. Even if you didn't ask for assistance, it's great when a coworker offers it. However, be wary of strangers who start acting friendly towards you out of the blue. They might just use you as a pawn in the end. In conclusion, it won't harm to have a healthy dose of scepticism at work.

3. A Vulture

You're working extremely hard to complete a big project. You can see the finish line in front of you, but you lack the strength to get over the last obstacle.

Then, after working so hard, a "nice" coworker offers to help, allowing you to unwind. As your coworker completes the project, a false sense of security creeps over you. However, they have submitted it to your boss without your knowledge. Despite your best efforts, the coworker claims ownership of the entire project. They arrive at the last second and seize the opportunity like a vulture.

Solution: Let your manager or boss know that you contributed significantly to the project as well. Back it up with a description of the specific contributions you made. Check in with anyone helping you with projects and keep track of what they've done (or not done) to avoid further vulture swoops.

4.The king and/or queen of gossip

It's like you never graduated from high school. In actuality, the workplace is where rumours are most prevalent. There are a lot of people there who either know each other well or only vaguely, so rumours are sure to circulate.

However, if someone ever slanders a coworker in front of you, there's a good chance they've done the same to others. Yes, it is acceptable to discuss someone or something with a coworker about which you are unhappy. But when these conversations start to sound more sensational, things change. Something along the lines of "Hey, did you know Alex has an STD?"

Having to deal with unauthorised (and possibly false) knowledge about other people can be mentally taxing.

Solution: Inform the office gossip king or queen politely that talking about another employee isn't appropriate whenever they come up to you. Pretend you're busy and don't have time for them if you're not that confrontational.

5.The Micromanager

You've probably dealt with a micromanaging boss or supervisor many times. It's as though they want you to perform your duties but won't let you at all.

It is, after all, essentially YOUR job. To do it, you are paid. However, it can be hampered by an overly attached boss or supervisor who stays by your side the entire time and instructs you on tasks you are already familiar with. When you have deadlines to meet, it might get worse.

This can also make you dislike your boss but remember that they most likely want things done correctly the first time, even though they might want to come up with a better solution.

Solution: Be open and honest with your boss. Regularly check in with them and give them updates on the work you're doing. They won't have to try to guess what you are doing, at least. They might even become so irritated by this that they stop considering telling you what to do. Win-win, am I right?

6.The telepath who expects you to read their mind.

As the saying goes, "teamwork makes the dream effort." But, maintaining good contact with those around you is critical to not losing your mind at work. Nevertheless, whether you need to get something done, or when someone else requires you to get something done, you've most likely encountered someone who doesn't communicate all of the information required to complete your work.

Instead, they expect you to read between the lines, or, more accurately, to read their mind. This can be a harmful habit, not only for those around them (you), but also for themselves.

Solution: While this telepath is explaining something relevant to your work, ask them if they have any further information. Examine them till you're happy with the results. Certainly, you may come across as annoying, but at the end of the day, you have expenses to pay. And you cannot afford to overlook critical things because of someone else.



