6 Tips to Recharge and come back stronger
Lesley Shaw (The Qualitizer Process?)
Delivering better CQC outcomes with effective processes |Founder Registered Care Manager | Intensive Turnaround| Qualitizer Process? Mentorship |Driving improvements for lasting success.
6 Tips to Recharge Yourself and come back Stronger
6 Tips to Recharge
There are just so many things that a Registered Care Manager needs to deal with each and every day and it is challenging to find time to keep our body and mind healthy at all times.
Between managing a busy working day, often eating on the go, and having little time for relaxation, it’s understandable that we can feel worn out, at least some of the time. But always feeling exhausted isn’t healthy.
However, we all know that in order to maintain optimum performance we need to recharge ourselves regularly, so that we can have the energy we need to do all the things we want to get done.
If you use the analogy of the mobile phone, we charge our phone every day, but never think about having the same approach to ourselves?
But like a phone we can’t go on forever without some element of recharge.
Our bodies and energy function are just like a mobile phones, we need to recharge ourselves from time to time to prevent going totally flat. This is often termed burnout.
By following these 6 Tips you can support your body and mind and help to recharge yourself
Tip One Review your Goals and Personal Plans.
This is often one of the best ways to re motivate and recharge yourself quickly.
Taking 15 minutes to revisit your goals helps you become clear on where you are going and this clarity gives you the focus you need to get motivated again. So don’t wait for New Year’s Day to review goals, start now and get them down on paper.
You can recharge by re-focussing and this serves as a refresh and a reminder of what matters most to you.
For this to be effective it is important that you look at your goals and plans for all aspects of your life, not just work. So your goals may include health & fitness; learning; emotional; relationship; social; financial; career and quality of life.
Achieving a goal that is personal to you can have a direct link to helping improve your motivation when it comes to work related goals as well.
Tip Two Introduce Exercise into your daily routine
I appreciate this can be a popular and current theme, but by getting moving we improve both our physical and mental health. And it can be a very effective way of recharging.
Exercise can improve your mood and building in just a regular 10 minutes of exercise every day will have a positive effect on your mood.
Often we put off exercise because we do not have the time or energy, definitely a catch 22, but if you build in short bursts of activity that you find enjoyable it is much easier to stay motivated and to maintain it.
Finding something you enjoy doing is the key to success
Dance How long has it been since you had a dance to your favourite music so put on your favourite music and get moving. It’ll only take about four songs for you to get your 10 minutes in.
Play Ball Games Anyone with children and grandchildren will know that sometimes entertaining them takes priority over looking after your own health. One easy win is to build activity into this entertainment, so instead of sitting slumped in front of the TV get outside, take them to the park to kick or throw a ball back and forth extending the area as you play so you have further to run.
Take the stairs A common suggestion but taking the stairs instead of the lift is great for working the major muscle groups in the legs and you can fit a surprising amount of activity into every day by taking the stairs whenever they are an option.
Housework getting your house clean and doing the gardening can be great exercise and has the added benefit of giving you a sense of achievement as well as providing a lovely environment in which to relax when you are done.
Tip Three Helping People
Working on the basis that volunteering and helping others is known to make people feel better about themselves it therefore makes sense that it will recharge you and at the same time make you feel good.
So, build in, as part of your daily routine, tasks and aspects of your role that allows you to connect with other people and help and support them, whether that is your residents, their family or staff.
By identifying the specific ‘go to’ aspects of your role that you enjoy and the interests you have will allow you to increase those connections these with what you do.
If you spend every part of your working day completing tasks that you do not find easy or enjoyable you will soon run your personal battery down to Zero.
Building into your day tasks that uplift you and help you to feel engaged with others will act as a recharge.
Tip Four Get tidying and organize your environment.
Having a good old tidy up and declutter at work or home clears your mind and helps you to feel refreshed and ready for what’s coming in the future.
Decluttering and organizing your environment have a number of benefits:-
1. Your levels of concentration will increase
2. You will become more creative
3. Your sleep pattern will improve
4. You will be able move forward and move on from the past
5. You will be able to focus more clearly on your Goals
Your goals are like the targets, so you want to make sure there are no distractions or anything that is blocking you from reaching your target.
Therefore, try to declutter and organize your life in each area. It may be your house, your office, your desktop, maybe your cluttered diary where you have tried to fit too much in, even your computer screen that is full of files and folders.
If you spend wasted time looking for things you need, such as a document on a desk piled high with files and notes or a file on your computer that is full of old un archived files you will feel drained and bogged down.
After you have decluttered, you will feel lighter and fresher.
You will feel recharged and ready to face the world once again.
Tip Five Spend time with loved ones
If you’re struggling with feeling the gratitude in the moment, make a point of spending time with your friends and family. It will help you grow closer to them and strengthen your relationship, but it will also give you a chance to practice acts of gratitude on people that you care about.
Arranging some small activities on a weekly basis with loved ones allows you to actively plan down time with the people closest to you. It is so easy for weeks to go by when you are busy before you realise you have not done anything specific with those closest to you but have just gone through the motions of life.
Tip Six Take time out
Take a super-mini break I love having a holiday or a short break but as we have all learnt in 2020/21 you don’t have to travel abroad or even go somewhere for a short break to have time out. You simply need to just get away from your usual ‘base’ so you can recharge yourself.
This may be taking a trip to a local coffee shop away from your workplace or getting out into the countryside or open spaces after work rather than rushing to a busy supermarket.
The moment I get moving, my emotions change. The key to a getaway is to change your physical motion so that you will experience a different emotion. My go to time out at the end of a busy day, as some of you may have seen in my posts, is to go to the stables and ride my pony or to take my dog for a walk.
Building in these regular breaks, the ones that work for you, into your daily and weekly routines help you to continually recharge, just like plugging yourself in as if you were a phone. Make it part of your life routine, starting today.
Get into Nature Scientists have discovered that getting close to nature has many benefits. We feel calm when we are surrounded by nature. The fresh air allows us to think clearly and the gentle breeze makes us forget about our problems. This is why getting close to nature is one of the best ways to recharge yourself. Plan time for a nature getaway and stay close to nature each week, and that does not mean going far – a local park can be just as relaxing as traveling into the countryside. Spending time with nature can be uplifting. It can boost your mood and make recharge you both physically and mentally.
So go on, arrange a time and make schedules to be with nature.
Unplug and do something else Finally, in order to recharge yourself, you can get unplugged and do something else.
For example, if you are working but you feel tired and don’t seem to have the motivation to work, just take a short break and do something else that is not related to the work you are doing, and then come back to it later.
It may be as simple as getting out of the office and going to talk to one of the staff, joining in with activities going on in the home, popping outside to see how the garden is doing. These brief changes can help to feel recharged so that you can get on with the work you were doing. .
Try it, but make sure you choose to do something that is unrelated to your current work because you want to free your mind and get away from the stress. That means not going out of your office to pick up care files to audit if you are struggling with an audit of HR files.
When you let go and do something else you allow your mind to work on the problem on a subconscious level.
Remember, recharging yourself is important. If you try to go the extra mile without recharging yourself, you will eventually suffer burnout like your phone running out of battery.