Dr. Mir Varquez
Medical Director at Belle D' Mir Med-Spa and Serenity Sleep Lab in Cullman, Alabama
Cardiovascular disease remains the top leading cause of mortality in the United States. Dr. Mir Varquez wants all of us to do their part in bringing awareness during American Heart Month by sharing tips on how to prevent and manage one of the most vital systems in the body. THE HEART!??
Exercise should be a part of everyone’s lifestyle. There are numerous studies on how aerobic and resistance exercise can reduce blood sugar and blood pressure in just one session. When deciding on an exercise regimen, it is important to start with small goals first and gradually work your way up to at least 30 minutes, 4 to 5 days a week. will also mention our biggest tip for getting through a workout is breathing! We forget to properly breathe with our body movements when exercising. Pay attention to how often and how deeply you are breathing next time you do yoga, lift weights, or even go for a power walk. It can make a world of a difference in your endurance, stamina, recovery, and mindset.
Sleep ????
Sleep is often neglected. We pack our day with items from our “to-do” list and by the end of the day it’s past our bedtime and we may pick more work or extra leisure time oversleep. But sleep is when the heart and body recover from the day. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep can increase your risk of heart attack by twenty percent. If you are having interrupted sleep it is important to seek medical help because conditions like sleep apnea can also increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes because less oxygen is getting to the heart.
Avoid Tobacco Products
It is known that smoking can lead to long-term lung and cardiovascular changes, but recent studies show that quitting can reverse some of those changes within hours of your last cigarette and actually reduce your risk of heart attack heart failure, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and premature death. So it is never too late to quit. If you are a current smoker, make it a goal to create a smoking cessation plan this year and feel your heart healing every hour you are NOT smoking.
Reduce Your Exposure to Toxins
This can include heavy metals, pesticides, and artificial sweeteners (yes, these are considered toxins because they are still man-made chemicals). This tip is not normally recognized by the cardiovascular world, but at SERENITY SLEEP LAB AND CULLMAN HEART & URGENT CARE CENTER we have recognized the growing link between the toxins and increasing rate of cardiovascular disease.
Manage Your Weight
We put weight management on its own, as opposed to linking it to exercise because other factors such as sleep, diet, toxicity load, and stress can all affect it. We all know that obesity in America is on the rise, but it’s not just about the pounds on the scale. Your body composition is important to know as well. Here are optimal stats for men and women: Men should strive for 16% body fat or less with a waist circumference of < 36 inches. Women should strive for 22% body fat or less with a waist circumference of < 30 inches.
Follow an anti-inflammatory, high fiber, Mediterranean-type diet- This should include at least 7 servings of multicolored vegetables a day and 2 servings of low sugar fruits like pomegranates and berries. This will ensure that you are getting enough fiber to keep the bad cholesterol low. Oats are another good source of fiber. Try to replace large meat portions with fish (e.g. salmon) twice a week or with some plant-based protein options like hummus, beans, legumes, or nuts/seeds.
Add healthy fats to your diet
You can consume 1-2 grams of natural Omega-3 through a homemade recipe by mixing chia seeds, grounded flaxseeds, and hemp seeds. Having 2 tablespoons a day of uncooked, cold-pressed, extra virgin olive oil (a healthy Omega-9) a day can decrease your cardiovascular risk by fifty percent! Side note: All of these combined make a great substitute for salad dressing.
Drink water
Make it a daily goal to drink half your body weight (pounds) in ounces of filtered water daily. Have some of those ounces in decaffeinated green tea as a healthy antioxidant boost for your heart.
Watch those sugars
This includes artificial sugars as well. You should max out at 25 grams daily. Keep an eye on the labels and see how many sugar grams you are getting to by the end of the day. You will be surprised how quickly you can get to 25 grams. Side note: Cinnamon is a sweet alternative. Adding 2 teaspoons to a meal can reduce glycemic response by forty-six percent!
Eat protein
Eating protein at regular intervals throughout the day and avoid snacking after dinner. This can reduce blood sugar and belly fat.
Eat organic when possible
Toxins are inflammation triggers for our vessels and heart, leading to increased risk for hypertension, stroke, heart attack, aneurysms, and arrhythmias. Multiple, recent studies have shown a direct correlation between glyphosates and these issues. Keep an eye on the EWG Dirty Dozen list for the top foods found to have high levels of pesticides this year. If you can’t find or afford to buy organic from the store, scrub them well to wash off the pesticide residue.
Suffering From Sleepless Nights? Do Something Before It Affects Your Heart Health!!
At Serenity Sleep Lab, Dr. Mir Varquez and her team strive to make a difference in the people's lives that they treat. Dr. Varquez is a double board-certified heart specialist in Cullman, Alabama who also specializes in Sleep Disorders. Contact our office directly at 256-787-0362 or Book an Appointment ONLINE.
*Original article published by CentrespringMD in Atlanta