6 Tips for Mowing Your Lawn in Florida and Beyond

6 Tips for Mowing Your Lawn in Florida and Beyond

From Southwest Florida to San Diego, mowing your lawn during the hotter months is simply a reality – if you have a lawn. And here, with the summer rains, our grass can grow by the inch in just one week’s time. So if you own a home in Southwest Florida, during the summer you’ll be mowing on a regular basis. At the same time, our state is known for its hot, humid weather that can make this chore a challenge. However, over the years, I’ve collected a number of tips that can keep you cool, even in the hottest environments.

Mow Earlier in the Day or Wait Until It’s Cloudy

Depending on how your weather is, you have options for just how hot it might be when you go to take care of your lawn. Locally, it can be sunny one hour, but then slightly overcast the next. To stay cool, take advantage of the times when the heat is at its least.

Use a Nice, Cold Bandana

We’ve highlighted this tip in the past, but it’s worth repeating. When you live in a hot climate, putting something cool on you can work wonders. You may even have seen professionals with a cloth or bandana on their necks that’s spent some time in the freezer, a surefire way to stay cool.

Wear Light-colored Clothing

In Southwest Florida, you learn pretty quickly that wearing darker colors while outdoors can make you feel rather hot. Instead, opt for light colors and breathable fabrics to prevent becoming a heat magnet.

Put on Your Sunglasses and a Hat

On that note, you may also have noticed how lawn care professionals wear wide brimmed hats. In many cases, these are breathable, but keep you covered. Add a pair of sunglasses, and you’ll be able to keep the sun off you that much more.

Divide the Lawn into Sections

While you may want to wrap up your mowing job as quickly as possible sometimes it makes sense to mow half the yard at an early hour and then the other half at a later hour. This gives your body time to re-energize and ensures you aren’t getting heat exhaustion.

Say Hydrated While You’re Mowing

Finally, this one may be a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people, even new home owners in Southwest Florida, seem to forget it. You’ll be very happy to have that ice-cold water bottle by your side as you mow.

Are you buying a home in Southwest Florida, but would prefer to use a local lawn care professional for your new yard? Give me a shout, and I’ll recommend a few that are known for being reliable!

Terry Records


Records Results Real Estate

Residential Sales and Property Management Service

[email protected]



