6 Tips for Mastering Self-Promotion in Job Interviews

6 Tips for Mastering Self-Promotion in Job Interviews

by Brooke Tichenor, The Career Storyteller

“I’m uncomfortable talking about myself.”
“It feels like I am bragging.”
“I don’t know how to articulate my value.”

Do any of these sound familiar?

Job interviews are not easy, and for some, they can be extremely intimidating. I often hear statements like these from clients and job seekers who struggle with talking about themselves in interview settings. Some share that it feels like they are bragging or being arrogant, while others say it just feels strange and awkward. The problem is further compounded if you suffer from social anxiety or generally have a hard time talking with strangers. If you find yourself in this predicament, you are not alone.

Addressing the discomfort of talking about yourself in interviews is crucial. If left unaddressed, it can eventually hinder your career progression.?Job seekers must recognize the importance of self-promotion, especially in a competitive job market like we are in now, and take comfort in knowing that it can be done with the right balance of confidence, humility, and authenticity.

Below are some helpful tips that we know will set you up to tell your story for interview success.

Tip one: advocacy does not equal bragging.

One effective strategy is to reframe your perspective from a sense of bragging to self-advocacy. In essence, as a job seeker, you have to advocate for your candidacy and make it be known why you are the best person for the job. This includes presenting your skills, experiences, and achievements in a manner that aligns with the employer's needs and involves articulating how one's qualifications directly address the requirements of the role and contribute to solving the employer's challenges.

It looks and sounds like this:?

“I see that you are looking for XYZ experience.?I have # years in the field, with strong skills in A, B, and C.?I have the experience to successfully address your challenges and move the organization forward.”

Advocating for yourself is crucial because no one else is going to do it for you, and no one knows your background and qualifications better than you.?So, stand tall and be confident knowing that you are exactly what they are looking for because you have the experience to back it up. ?

Tip two: provide concrete examples.

Providing concrete, real-life examples of your skills and achievements is another technique to overcome the awkwardness of self-promotion. Instead of making broad assertions, you should provide specific instances where you utilized your skills and expertise to achieve tangible goals. Incorporating success metrics, such as numbers or percentages into your examples, further strengthens your value and impact. Sharing your real-life wins not only highlights your abilities but it makes your achievements more tangible and relatable – AND it elevates your candidacy.?

Tip: Prepare achievement examples ahead of time and use the STAR format (S = Situation, T = Task, A = Action, R = Result) to structure them.

If it still feels weird to talk about your achievements, keep this in your back pocket:? these statements are TRUE to you and the impact you have made in your career. A job interview is the ideal setting to promote and talk about yourself;?in fact, it is standard practice to do so.?Employers are expecting you to tout your skills and experience. So, be your own cheerleader and go in with a winning mindset.

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Feeling stuck in a career rut, longing for your "next chapter"? I'm Brooke Tichenor, your growth-minded resume writer and career champion. Together, we'll craft a powerful narrative that lands you the job you deserve.

Brooke Tichenor, The Career Storyteller

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