6 Tips For How Female Entrepreneurs Can Make More Money
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Although my husband Jacob and I run similar businesses, our experiences aren’t always the same. He has no problem asking for and talking about money, but it’s taken me years to get comfortable with it.
This is a common theme for female entrepreneurs. As young girls, we are often taught to be nice, polite, and sweet. But those characteristics don’t translate to running a successful business and getting paid.
Many women are uncomfortable talking about and asking for money, but you have to get over that fear and the constant need to be liked if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur.
We made a video about this which you can see below. If you want more content like this then make sure to subscribe to the Be Your Own Boss Podcast Youtube Channel where Jacob and I teach you how you can be your own boss.
I have six pieces of advice for women entrepreneurs on how to get paid:
1. Don’t try to get everyone to like you. Too many women spend time wondering if people like them instead of hustling and making money. Worrying about people liking you limits how much money you can make. Instead of trying to get other people to like you, focus on liking yourself and building confidence. People like confident people and will be drawn to your skills and hard work.
2. Get to know your money. If you want to make more money, you have to know your money. Pay attention to your bank accounts so you know what’s coming in and going out and where you are spending. If you want to make more money, you’ve got to be interested in money.
3. Start talking and have a voice. Don’t just sit back and take notes. You can’t be a leader if you don’t talk and have a voice. Start showing up and make your voice heard. The more you speak up, the less scary and easier it will become. And as you speak up, people will realize your skills and open more opportunities.
4. People in business aren’t your friends. Don’t go into business looking to make friends. People may seem friendly until they need something from you, and it’s easy to get taken advantage of by someone you thought was a friend. Wanting everyone to like you is hurting your career. Find friends somewhere else and keep your business contacts separate.
5. Don’t fill dead air 24/7. Be comfortable with silence. Too many women fall into the trap of asking for a sale and then rambling on and on, which can discredit them. Ask for the sale and then wait for a response.
6. Stop apologizing. Get rid of those lessons you learned as a little girl. It’s good to take up space and be heard. Don’t apologize for being bold and working hard. You don’t need to apologize for being successful.
Remember, you have every right to work hard and ask for money. Own your success and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and get paid.
Jacob and I made lots of mistakes during our entrepreneurial journey and learned things the hard way, but you don’t have to. Whether you are considering going off on your own or you already have, this will be a valuable resource for you. Download our PDF on the 7 things you need to master if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.
Collectively, Jacob and I have over two decades of entrepreneurial experience, and we are passionate about helping you become your own boss too.
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