6 Tips To Help You Feel Happier Everyday

6 Tips To Help You Feel Happier Everyday

Like most people, you likely spend at least a little bit of time each week scrolling on social media. As you scroll, you see friends (and friends of friends…) showing off some of the best moments of their lives: graduations, new homes, pregnancies, promotions at work, exotic vacations, and parties etc.

With all these people posting the latest and greatest highlights of their lives for the whole world to see, it’s easy to lose happiness with yourself and everything you already have in life. Comparison truly is the thief of joy, and when you compare yourself to others’ it’s easy to lose sight of all the wonderful things you have to treasure.?

If you’re struggling to feel happiness with everything you already have in your life, consider using the following six tips to regain some of that personal positivity:

Tip 1: Voice gratitude for at least one thing in your life each day.

It may seem a bit silly to talk out loud to yourself, but make sure you’re actually saying what you’re grateful for out loud when completing this exercise.?

For example, if you’re feeling grateful for your partner, say something like…

  • “I am so grateful to have my partner in my life.”
  • “Having my partner in my life is amazing.”
  • “My life really is better because my partner is in it.”
  • “My life wouldn’t be the same if my partner wasn’t in it.”

Sentiments like these reinforce the gratitude you’re feeling by allowing you to really hear it. When you speak these types of assertions out loud, it becomes easier for you to accept and embrace them, making them excellent reminders of everything you have to feel gracious for in your life.

Tip 2: Slow down and really enjoy what’s happening in the present moment.?

If your life feels like a constant go, go, go rat race of tasks and errands, take a moment to really slow down and absorb what’s happening in the present moment. The old saying “stop to smell the roses” applies here – give yourself some time to slow down and enjoy all the small things your life has to offer because you’ll likely discover you have quite a bit to enjoy when you do.?

For example, you can do this by actually engaging in your children’s playtime rather than just monitoring them, saying “yes” to invitations to go on fun outings with friends, or slowing down to really enjoy a meal with no distractions. Simple actions like these allow you to engage with your present moment and enjoy your life in real time.?

Tip 3: Put lots of time, energy, and effort into your relationships – even when it’s tough.?

More valuable than any gold or jewels, the relationships you form with others will always be what matters most in your life. To feel more happiness with everything you already have, do everything you can to nourish these relationships and help them grow. Spend time with your loved ones, tell your friends and family how you really feel about them, and do whatever you can to be supportive of them.

It’s important to remember that nourishing your relationships doesn’t mean that they’ll be 100% perfect all the time. It’s natural and normal for relationships to experience some turbulence from time to time – it’s human nature to experience disagreement and upset. However, taking time to work through these experiences and grow from them is most important. An important part of the “time, energy, and effort” needed to nurture relationships is learning how to work through the bad times – not just enjoy the good ones.

Tip 4: Find the pleasure in the simple things life has to offer.

Receiving a super expensive, fancy gift is always fun, but in order to feel more happiness with everything you already have in life, learning how to find pleasure in the simple things is an essential skill.?

To do this, engage in these simple pleasures with mindfulness. For example, consider taking a long, hot shower or bath after a difficult day. After an incredibly tedious day filled with working, interacting with people, and feeling like you had to be “on” for others, getting to spend some private, uninterrupted time relaxing sounds amazing. While your nightly shower or bath may seem like a pleasure-free part of your normal routine, you can reframe your thinking by being mindful about the experience:

  • Dim the lights and let your eyes feel relaxed.
  • Take note of how the hot water feels on your skin.?
  • Take big, deep breaths and focus on keeping them steady.?

With this mindful awareness, you can take your regular bathing experience and find the pleasure in something you’d normally consider mundane or routine.?

Tip 5: Appreciate your body by taking good care of it.?

A fantastic way to feel happiness with what you already have is to focus on caring for yourself. Taking good care of your body is essential – you only get one human body in this lifetime, and ensuring that you’re taking good care of it is the best way to feel physically and mentally well.

Make sure you’re prioritizing your doctor’s visits, eat lots of nutritious foods, get plenty of exercise, sleep well, and drink plenty of water. Taking good care of your body serves as a reminder of how important it is, reinforcing feelings of happiness with what you already have.?

Tip 6: Limit how much social media you’re consuming.?

Lastly, consider limiting how much social media you consume on a regular basis to feel more happiness with what you already have. If you regularly catch yourself scrolling through your newsfeeds during your downtime, it’s easy to get caught up in what everybody else is doing.?

Instead of constantly putting yourself in a position to feel the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) or feeling like your life isn’t good enough, remove the temptation altogether. You can do this by eliminating some of your social media accounts or removing the apps from your smartphone – when you can’t easily scroll through them, you are less likely to spend time scrolling through them.

Let us know if you try any of these tips and how they help you to feel happier everyday.


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