6 Tips on Crafting the Perfect Media Statement
Rockford Gray
Our core values are integrity, trust and we strive to earn our clients’ trust and serve as an extension of their teams.
Ask any good reporter, and they will almost always prefer an interview over a written statement.
But if an interview with a journalist isn’t the best or safest option, Rockford Gray recommends sharing a well-crafted, impactful written media statement.
The statement can help diffuse a negative story, offer your organization’s point of view and reduce the risk of a full-blown interview. At the very least, it will provide some balance to what might be a difficult circumstance.
Unlike when we were in the newsroom, our clients are getting more and more requests from reporters to provide statements rather than taking the time to conduct an interview.
Think of a statement as soundbite that the media can’t cut off or use out of context. Here are six tips to follow when crafting a statement:
A well-crafted written media statement often takes thoughtful consideration. There is an art to walking the line between saying too much and saying nothing at all.
Are you weighing whether to provide media with an interview or a statement? We can help.