- The first step in any change is acceptance. You are in a new moment that can either set you free or you can allow it to make you feel "less than". You can never be less than because creation doesn't make mistakes. Use this now to do all of the things that you wouldn't let yourself do when you were "fully employed".
- Look for the silver lining - I am sure you have already received a lot of beautiful things by now that came in "other ways" and not directly from your job. I have good news for you and it's that more is on the way! The only thing you have to do is be a vibrational match to what is coming to you. So my advice is to get happy and stay happy and watch how good it gets!
- Consider that at some point in time you asked for a break! So this is your chance to take it. Trust me the places that you will go now will only expand your value to workplace when you do choose to come back... if you choose to come back.
- Take this opportunity to explore... get lost for the sake of getting lost and finding yourself again! Whatever you discover will only make you stronger and clearer.
- Money is one perfectly valid form of abundance and also acknowledge that good things can come to you through having something to trade, someone might give you a gift, and so don't be so focused on the money. The more free you are with money the more free money is with you too.
- You get what you put out - Remember that saying that the eastern philosophers have been saying for at least a 1000 years. The thoughts you put out come back to you. Well the way you make others feel, the value that you provide them, the gifts you buy others, it really does all come back to you so sit back and relax and in joy this part of the journey. That which is meant for you will never pass you by! And what's the rush anyway right!
I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day. If you found value here please share this with someone who might like it and leave a comment if you are inspired. Thank you! Neil
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