6 things you didn't know about Australia's only need-responsive charity.
Recently, one charity was noted as the "Most Trusted Charity Brand" 6 years in a row! 6 YEARS IN A ROW IN AUSTRALIA?!?! How impressive is that?
But, while that charity is undoubtedly trustworthy and does meaningful work, only 2,500 people (or 0.01% of the Australian population) were surveyed. It's so important that more Australians are educated and have a say about all the worthwhile causes out there.
In light of that charity's 6 year streak, here are 6 facts that you might not have known about the charity I work for, TLC for Kids, until today...
1. We are Australia's only need-responsive children's charity. ONLY ONE!
2. We show empathy to every child, every sibling, every parent. Unconditionally.
3. We may be one of the smallest charities for kids, but our services were used over 900,000 times last year.
4. We don't have waiting lists for kids and families who need support. Requests are actioned within 24-48 hours.
5. We have the best mascots around - Splidge and Splodge. They won the dance contest at this year's St Kilda Festival! **mic drop**
6. Our end goal is for TLC for Kids to no longer exist, in light of every sick child already receiving the support they need.
Get on board with a needs-responsive charity that acts fast when it matters the most at tlcforkids.org.au