6 Things Urgent Care Brands Can Learn From Apple

6 Things Urgent Care Brands Can Learn From Apple

In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, Apple transformed the already-booming technology industry with an incredibly simple line of products: the iMac. Through their laser-focus on consumer needs, attention to detail, and vision, they have become an absolute powerhouse. Let’s dig into what Apple got right, how it applies to urgent care, and what business strategies you can borrow from Apple to transform your operations.

Your “product” is the most important thing to get right

Apple took something that was notoriously difficult to use—technology—and made it intuitive. Before Apple’s turnaround in the 90s, technology was a tough space to navigate for the average consumer. Apple’s goal was to make technology approachable for everyone, and they succeeded. Even toddlers can pick up an iPhone and understand intuitively how it works.

Your urgent care “product” is the visit, as well as and everything the patient experiences before, during, and after visiting your clinic.?The healthcare industry has historically been difficult and costly for the average consumer to navigate. The industry has been forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, with consumers taking control of their healthcare experience via telehealth and online booking. The industry will keep evolving to lean into consumer needs—creating patient experiences that are easy, affordable, and equitable.

You don’t need to invent a brand new “product,” either. Take your existing product—the urgent care visit—look at each touchpoint the consumer has, and reimagine what it could look like if the patient was in charge of putting it together. Look at your existing workflows and think through where you can make adjustments.

Some Solv partners have made tiny tweaks to their processes to repackage their “product” and make it more consumer-friendly. Here are some ideas:

  1. Offer online booking.?Over 70% of patients search for healthcare online, and most HDHP consumers are shopping around before they choose where they go for care. The best thing you can do is?show online availability for your urgent care?and have a product that they can find.
  2. Allow patients to self-triage via telemed.?Offer telemedicine appointments during the online booking process?to help patients self-triage—this also helps load balance at the clinics! A patient with pink eye sees that they can book a telemed appointment and don’t even need to go into the clinic to get a prescription—can you imagine a better healthcare experience?
  3. Show multiple clinics during booking.?Patients value right-now care, and they’re willing to travel a bit to be seen faster. Keep patients locked into your brand by?showing multiple locations with multiple times available in the same view.

Building trust sets you apart

What motivates you, as a leader in your urgent care business? Is it providing great care? Is it revenue and growing your business? Something else? Steve Jobs’ motivation wasn’t getting rich.?It was making a product he believed in.?Do you believe in your product?

Jobs also knew that in order to gain customers—to create loyalty to the brand—he needed to create a product customers could depend on. In his biography, Apple’s marketing strategy is summed up as this:

  1. Understand and serve the customer better than anyone else
  2. Forget about everything else
  3. Make sure every little thing you do serves (1), always and everywhere

It’s a clear and purposeful vision that focuses the entire organization on the consumer. It’s so powerful that this vision still drives Apple 30 years after its inception. Jobs focused Apple on set of core products, and he got every single detail right for the consumer. The result was a brand that consumers trust. Consumers know that when they get a new Apple product, it will be easy to set up, updates will be automatic, etc.?Their experience with the brand is consistent.?The consumer knows the quality of the product and are willing to pay a bit more because they love their experience with it.

Keep UX simple, yet meaningful

So how does Apple create products that are universally loved? How do they foster customer loyalty? They focus on user experience. They don’t create an iPhone with every single feature available on the market. They streamline, with?a laser focus on their customer and how the customer will use their product.?Every touchpoint a consumer has with Apple products is useful, meaningful, and delightful—never frustrating or effortful.

Every feature of Apple products has a purpose, and Apple makes every detail count. Urgent cares can replicate this laser focus on the user experience by making sure every touchpoint of the patient experience is delightful, purposeful, and simple.

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