6 Things to Look Forward to From Intersect (Cardano)

6 Things to Look Forward to From Intersect (Cardano)

2024 is the year of transitioning the Cardano blockchain network to a fully community-run governance structure, with Intersect having a significant supporting role.?

Intersect?is a member-based organization (MBO) that facilitates distributed governance through technical and non-technical committees, special interest or working groups, events, and various awareness initiatives.

As this transition will gradually happen through different stages and scheduled events, here are six things to look forward to from Intersect.

1. Cardano Constitution workshops

The Cardano Constitution is the foundational document outlining the rules, procedures, and other details regarding governance.

Thus, it will be a cornerstone, and its drafting and approval must reflect community consensus.

Intersect supports its members in organizing and participating in Cardano Constitution workshops to gain feedback and insights, where participants can voice their opinions and ideas about drafting the document.

Intersect will provide organization, materials, and grants to help collect member feedback from the workshops.?

Until the final version is ratified, there is an interim Cardano Constitution that can be found?here.

2. Cardano Constitutional Convention

The?Cardano Constitutional Convention?is scheduled to be the main event. During this event, community members worldwide will gather in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to present and potentially ratify the Cardano Constitution.

Planned for December 2024, a final version of the draft will be presented to the community and voted upon. The big event will also have workshops, talks, networking opportunities, and more centered around Cardano. If ratified by the community, this event will mark a pivotal moment for Cardano as the official start of its journey as a fully community-run and maintained blockchain network.?

3. DRep launch

Delegate Representatives,?or DReps, are one of the main governing bodies outlined in?CIP-1694?(a community proposal outlining the tools and features needed for governance).?

The first batch of DReps will begin operating on Cardano this year. This means registration and promotion for DReps will be open on the network.?

Anyone from the Cardano community can register as a DRep. This means it’s one of the most representative governing bodies, as they will directly participate in the Cardano network’s decision-making process.?

Those looking to become DReps need to be updated on all the developments in Cardano. This will allow them to effectively promote themselves as viable candidates to the Cardano community.?

Related reading:

4. Intersect grants

Another support mechanism from Intersect is a series of?grants?to fund initiatives.?

These grants range from technical ones to event organizing.?

Anyone worldwide is welcome to join Intersect and apply for a grant if they think they can achieve its objective.?

It’s also a great idea to apply to showcase one’s work to the general Cardano community.?

Click here to join Intersect.

5. Community hubs

Intersect will also organize other gatherings, talks, hackathons, etc. to help unite the Cardano ecosystem and promote the network to a broader audience.

The goal is to onboard more people to utilize and participate in Cardano’s governance, which will ultimately distribute Cardano’s network as widely as possible.

Some events will be organized by Intersect itself, while others will be done by community members with its support.?

The creation of Community Hubs, where Intersect members can provide information, education, and a local venue for the community to gather, will make these possible.

Click here to apply to create a community hub.

6. Cardano governance educational videos

Intersect has released the first?educational video series?on Voltaire, CIP-1694, and Intersect which will outline the basics of Cardano governance.

These videos help viewers understand how Cardano governance works and its importance to the network’s sustainable development.

More are scheduled to be uploaded later throughout the year.

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