6 Things To Know Before Buying PVC Plumbing Pipes

When you go to the market to get the goods and materials you'll need for building and plumbing, you'll be surrounded by a vast array of options. However, this does not imply that you should buy whatever you see because you never know what will turn out to be the best or what will not.?

If you're looking for PVC plumbing pipes for your construction projects or your home, we strongly advise you to consider the characteristics listed below, as they will assist you in finding and getting the game-changing pipe you've been seeking for.

Check water type

The water in your pipes may be corrosive depending on where you reside. Corrosive water is defined as water that dissolves the materials with which it comes into contact. Corrosive water is a concern in your home since you don't want your pipes to corrode just a few years after they've been installed.?

Although the water isn't toxic in and of itself, when it corrodes copper and metal pipes, it releases copper and lead into the water supply, posing a health risk. The level of acidity in your water supply is determined by a professional water test.

Balco use unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (uPVC) which aids safer distribution of water. Our UPVC water pipes are suitable for cold water plumbing and has negligible amounts of lead.?

Check out what makes Balco UPVC plumbing pipes an ideal choice for you.

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Choose ideal pipe material

Pipe damage is inevitable, regardless of how tiny or large a leak is. Apart from the risk of leaks, water pressure is a force that every pipe must contend with. Water pressure that is too high might cause widespread damage. Abrasive materials passing through pipes may, in theory, damage their quality over time.

You'll need to purchase water pipes made of materials that are suitable for installation. Furthermore, the pipes must be able to endure the stresses that will be encountered daily. There are different types and quality of water pipes available in markets for each situations.

Check water flow

The water flow is also important to consider because it will decide which type of pipe you choose. Specific types of water flows are heavy and massive, and as a result, they are more liable to burst in certain conditions.?

Look for a plumbing pipe that will provide you with a more consistent and smooth water flow. This type of pipe can be identified by its smooth internal surfaces, which reduces maintenance and running costs. Pipe materials such as PVC, HDPE, and CPVC are considered to be the ideal option for installations requiring few joints.

Check soil characteristics

The timeframe that determines a pipe's endurance is influenced by a number of things, one of which is the soil's characteristics. In short, the quality of the soil has a significant impact on the pipe's longevity. Excess moisture, pollutants, pebbles, and abrasives in the soil can cause pipe blockage, reducing their overall effectiveness and potentially causing pipe damage.

Check exposure to the sun

Pipes are affected by the sun in the same way as our skin is. UV rays degrade the surface quality of plastic pipes over time, making them more susceptible to problems and reducing their lifespan. Excessive exposure to sunlight might also lead to temperature-related issues.?

PVC water pipes aren't designed to carry hot water, so installing them in regions where temperatures are naturally high isn't a good idea. To avoid temperature swings from impacting pipe quality, many plumbers will employ insulating materials.

Consider environmental factors

Pipes should be able to adapt to a variety of tough situations when purchased. They should be able to tolerate extreme cold and heat.

Metal components can become fragile in cold weather. Ice forms as the water pressure rushes through the pipe. Steel pipes can explode and rupture if left unchecked due to ice blockage. Depending on the extent of the damage, repair costs can be prohibitively high or possibly necessitate a complete replacement.

Hot temperatures, on the other hand, can cause pipes to burst for a variety of reasons. Metal can expand when exposed to direct heat. When the pipe can no longer withstand the high heat, it will burst.

Environmental factors, by their very nature, are impossible to control. The best course of action is to invest in pipes that are built to last.?

Pipes are a versatile material that can be used for a variety of purposes. Remember these points when buying plumbing pipes to help you make an informed decision.


