6 Superpowers of a Leader.

6 Superpowers of a Leader.

Several factors directly impact the effective management of the Leader. These factors are very simple to describe but extremely complex to operate. And because of that simplicity, many organizations take it for granted that the leader knows this purpose.

I will dedicate this article to describing these 6 Superpowers and we will delve into their complexity; in addition, we will describe a series of recommendations so that they are activated effectively.

I list these Superpowers below and a brief description of each of them:

1. Develop talent: The Leader assumes the responsibility of guiding the growth of his direct reports. In this way, the energy invested by employees is optimized as they work on management skills that represent a real opportunity. Together they can create improvement plans.

Install tools to diagnose and know the effective and ineffective management styles of your collaborators, and instruct your Leaders to extract valuable information from them. Finally, enable them with a Coaching tool so that they can establish dialogues with Collaborators and generate effective improvement plans.

2.????Inspire good performance: A great responsibility of the Leader is to be able to connect with the Collaborators, the connection generates trust and this serves as a lever to inspire the achievement of results. To connect, the Leader must identify what moves the members of his team.

Allow time for the Boss and the Collaborator to coexist and dialogue. Dialogue should not be considered a waste of time, do not make the mistake of considering the Bosses and Collaborators as machines, this is a source of unproductiveness.

3.????Focus: Organizations have a huge number of objectives and indicators, many of these sometimes travel in opposite directions and when they collide they generate enormous wear and tear.

It is the job of the Organization and the Leader to designate the crucial battles that will have to be lived. Focus is extremely important because it prevents us from wearing down the team in sterile situations.

4.????Challenge: A good performance management process is based on the establishment of objectives, calibration, etc. Of course, these must come from an official cascade proposed by the general management where the objectives of the company and the area are prioritized.

Apply the SMART formula where specific, measurable, achievable, challenging, and timely objectives are guaranteed, this increases the possibility that collaborators take ownership of these objectives, and the above reduces the possibility of surprises in the calibration and closure process.

5.????Reward: Pay is one of the main drivers of performance and some organizations have not understood it. This process is not easy and is highly dependent on having highly qualified human resources staff.

Designing and updating payment systems for staff is essential, hire at least one specialist in the design of these programs. Get out of the comfort of a fixed and risk-free payment. Install flexible compensation payment until causing a higher payment, maximum productivity, and low labor cost.

6.????Acknowledge: Many leaders identify this as giving something to employees and that is, teach your Leaders to give away quality listening time, consider and implement the ideas of collaborators, recognize good performance when it arises, and give a greeting, etc. This should be part of day-to-day life and has a very positive impact as it helps build trust and connection.

Surely there must be more superpowers, but these are what I consider the basic.

I wish you a great week and remember that I am available on my social networks or by phone. I hope this reading leads you to action.

See you soon.

Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco


[email protected]

Cel 6562375686


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