6 Super Simple Ways to Create Content Without Writing
Lindsey Imperatore
President at CREtech, the Global Leader in Built World Innovation Conferences
(This article originally posted on The News Funnel.)
Does the thought of sitting down to write a blog post seem as foreign as dancing the Nutcracker? Even though we’ve all heard that creating compelling content is the key to building your real estate brand and to upping your lead generation game, it can be a very unfamiliar and daunting process.
Don’t fret! This blog will show you 6 super simple ways to create great content without Pulitzer Prize level writing skills (or even a college English degree) …
#1. Long Live the List
List-style blogs —often called listicles— are those that present information in the form of a numbered or bulleted list. Simple enough, right? When the words simply aren’t flowing, jot down a list of pointers or thoughts on a topic and run with it.
Our recent blog, 10 Largest Residential Real Estate Brokerage Firms to Follow on Twitter, is the perfect example. Lots of impact (and a great piece for promotion and shout outs on social media) without a lot of actual writing involved.
Listicles are also known for helping readers digest information easier and satisfies our need to scan an article quickly and feel like we’ve walked away with the main talking points. It’s a win-win for all involved.
#2. Curate Your Favorite Pieces
How often have you come across a great article, bookmarked it, and then forgot about it? The next time you’re lost for blog ideas or you simply don’t have the time and energy to sit down and write, curate those articles into a blog post.
Coy Davidson, Senior Vice President at Colliers International’s Houston office, has a well-known commercial real estate blog called The Tenant Advisor. His “This Week’s Recommended Reading” series is the perfect example of how to curate interesting articles from around the web.
Don’t forget to give proper attribution to the original source, however. A quick link to the original article is the best way to give the author credit —and it’s a great strategy for link building (if you’re interested in the SEO benefits).
#3. Tap into Your Team
Tapping into the resources and experiences of your team is another great option when you don’t want to write —particularly for real estate teams and brokerages. The day-to-day experiences and interactions of your agents and colleagues can be the perfect inspiration for a blog post.
EVO Real Estate Group often posts “guest blogs” by their agents. Recently, they featured Christopher Hagerup’s article on “The Metamorphosis of Big Box Retail” and Jonata Dayan’s article on “Understanding the Benefits of a 1031 Exchange.”
Tapping into your team is not only a great way to cut down on your own writing, but also allows the agent to develop themselves as a thought leader in the space. What’s more, when the agent shares their article on social media, you’re reaping the benefits of an expanded sphere of influence. It’s another win-win for all.
#4. Feature Influencers/Vendors
Another opportunity for guest contributions to your blog is via other influencers and your vendor partnerships. Perhaps you have a great relationship with a mortgage broker who could contribute an article on recent financing changes. Maybe your favorite influencer would be interested in contributing a piece.
Jonathan Schultz recently started taking guest contributions on his commercial real estate technology blog (like this article from PivotDesk), and even has a page dedicated to contributor submissions.
Like many of the tips on this list, featuring influencers and/or vendors is a win-win for everyone. The contributor gets more exposure, you gain the attention of the contributor’s sphere, and there’s less writing involved on your end.
#5. Develop a Q&A Series
Whether you want to interview past clients, industry partners, or your colleagues —developing a Q&A series can be a great way to fill your editorial calendar without much writing. Simply develop a list of questions and the rest of the content comes directly from the interview.
We’ve recently interviewed Michael Griffin, Founder of ClientLook; Alexis Fermanis, SIOR’s Director of Communications; Pierce Neinken, Founder of CRE//Tech; and Amber Taufen, Editor at Inman News among others.
And, you guessed it —it’s a win-win for all. The person you feature enjoys the additional press, while you get another piece of content with limited writing needed!
#6. Don’t Forget the Recap
Lastly, after all that hard work is done, you’ve created another opportunity for yourself —a recap of your best and most interesting blogs! Without much writing at all, you can create a listicle of your best stuff.