6 Strategies To Heal Perfectionism
Umar Farooq Saleemi
Head Of Training@ Possibilities Global |Sales & Leadership Trainer | Instructional Designer | Executive Coach | EX Training Manager, Bayer | Training and Development
Have you ever heard about a personality disorder called " Perfectionism " ??Have you ever experienced it or worked with or under perfectionists ? No matter whether you are familiar with this term or not but this piece of article will provide you some real insights about it and strategies to cope up with lethal consequences of it .
You definitely?have realized, like me , if a person has perception , cognitive , emotional and behavioral patterns like perfectionists , how can someone be happy despite having many reasons to be happy ?
All three patterns ended up mental uneasiness because meeting unrealistic perfection of standards is not possible and avoiding and rejecting work keep them guilty , shameful and regretful towards themselves which keeps on building their stress , anxiety and disappointment and depression .
1) Re View Your Goals / Expectations
Goal can be like , I shall be confident in most of the situations rather than I shall be confident all the time . You need to reflect deeply what unrealistic expectations you are holding on your shoulders which is adding unnecessary?baggage?on your shoulders and not letting you cherish your life
2 ) Give yourself Permission be Human
3 ) Review your Belief System
I am amazed while healing perfectionists that all of their beliefs like I am not good enough based on cognitive distortions and no reality was holding it . You need to review?who contributed in making your limiting beliefs ? How credible were they ? What other things could their talk mean ? What counterexamples do you see in your life which unjustified your beliefs ?
4 ) Practice Gratitude
As perfectionists , you can have a tendency to ignore or reduce positivity and focus on what you don't have . To counter these patterns , continuous practice of gratitude can add real value in reshaping your neural circuits .
5 ) Learn To cope Up challenging time & Build Resilience
You need to explore strategies to cope up with challenging times when you will be under influence of some criticism , failures , which will definitely be triggering your critical self-talk . You can take support from some professional coach for your healing and can devise some real alternative healing strategies for building resilience and coping with challenging times .
6 ) Soften your Self talk
Perfectionism is painful but it is treatable , apply the proven strategies and re design your better tomorrow?.