6 Steps To Receive Anything You Want
The Only Barriers You Create Are Within Yourself
Giving is known to be an important part of life.
Have we forgotten about receiving?
In times of need, we naturally give. We give as much as we can.
The process of giving and receiving is symbiotic. They go hand in hand.
If there is something within you that prevents you from receiving, then you could be preventing your dreams from coming to fruition.
It’s so important to receive. At times we don’t feel worthy, or even deserving. Why is that?
Stuck emotions are very real. They hold energy. They prevent you from getting the things you deeply desire.
These emotions are linked to past events you may have had as a kid or even growing up. Maybe someone took the ball you loved playing with when you were little? Now that ball represents everything you have in life.
Breakthrough Bullshit Beliefs
There’s no sugar coating it. Anything that doesn’t feel good is holding you back. You might have to feel those things again in order to release it.
Breaking through those fears means to actually go against the tide, and actually receive the very things you feel you truly deserve.
Receiving isn’t just about material things. It’s also about experiences. For too long, you may forgo experiences and settle.
That settling keeps you stagnant. There is a need to shift that energy regularly.
A child won’t think twice to grab what they want. That doesn’t necessarily mean to take from others. I can’t tell you how many times my daughter Myra grabs my bracelets from me.
You do have to however make a decision in your mind.
Say it to yourself everyday: I am enough. I am worthy. I am deserving.
Choice Between Fear and Love
Recognize what might be stopping you. Are you staying put at work because you enjoy it, or are you stressed about money?
Financial fears lead to feelings of scarcity. As if you don’t have enough. These too are carried through events, or the home you were raised in.
Here’s a powerful technique I learned from my good friend Lisa Solis DeLong. It was to recognize the difference between love and fear.
I love how brilliantly she put it.
In any circumstance, you can make a choice between two things. Ask your self, am I choosing love? or am I choosing fear?
Instantly your body will give you the right signal. There’s nothing coveted here. We innately know the difference between love and fear.
When you choose the former, you’ll find a whole world open up in front of your eyes. There’s more clarity, hope, and passion.
You’ll have a new zest for life. You’ll begin to find magic in everything you do or come across.
That’s living with purpose, and appreciating the journey that comes along with it.
Eventually distinguishing between love and fear forms a habit.
You’ll get really good at it.
Your path will be backed by faith.
Listen to Soulful Music
Everyone has their own different taste when it comes to music. You will truly know what music plays at a high vibration, and what does not.
I can’t tell you how much music has made an impact on my life. But my taste has evolved.
I was really into heavy metal in my teens. That evolved into hiphop and rap by the time I was in university. Now I don’t listen to anything else but soulful music.
What is soulful music exactly?
These are songs that have beautiful melodies, and they have incredibly uplifting lyrics. Here are some of my all-time favourites:
Akaal by Ajeet Kaur (feat. Trevor Hall)
Aloha Ke Akua by Nahko and Medicine For The People
Servant of Peace by Snatnam Kaur
My wife Ramsha and I get together. Sometimes we have a little bit of weed from our vape, and just vibe to these songs. Your heart opens up, and you can breathe again.
These songs are played in most of the ayahuasca ceremonies we go to. These songs are both ceremonial and healing.
It’s a beautiful thing.
I’ve got my entire sweet medicine playlist on Spotify. Check it out: https://spoti.fi/2QcNCNO
Morning or evening showers are also perfect for these songs. Just play them whenever you feel like it.
The Breath of Life
There’s a reason why the Egyptians created the Ankh symbol. It represents the breath of life. Your very life force.
It’s commonly known that the world is made up four sacred elements. Earth, fire, wind, water. But there’s also a fifth. It’s called ether.
Ether is an energetic body of substance that comes in with the air we breathe. That’s why breathwork is such a powerful tool.
The power of the inhalation, and the release of the exhale allows for ether to flow through you.
What most of us don’t realize is that you are literally bringing in your very own life force. The process is full of mysteries.
I personally have experienced some of my most mystical and serene states from practicing breathwork. You can literally get high off air.
I’ve seen floating islands to hanging out on what can only be described as another planet. You’ll experience things beyond your senses and imagination.
What’s even more amazing is that the process heals your body.
Enough studies are now showing that breathwork is a remarkable cure for many diseases, and can literally shift you out of states of stress and anxiety.
You can even play some of that healing music with it. Make it a party!
Heart to Heart Connection
In the process of giving love with your heart, you can also receive it.
Whether it’s with your spouse, kids, or even pets. They have so much love to give you, so why not receive all of it? Getting comfortable and aware of what’s happening is the key.
So you can continue to experience more of it. Next thing you know you’re feeling more bliss than ever before.
Love is energy. The same way money is energy, and even relationships.
It’s all energy.
We are in fact 99.9999999% energy. This includes all the solid things around you. That phone, the chair you’re sitting on, that desk in front of you. It’s all energy.
Appreciate your senses when you are connecting with another human being, an animal, or even plants. Really feel those moments. Be present.
Cultivate a habit from it. You can take it everywhere you go.
As you do this you’re getting increasingly more comfortable each and every time.
Be totally aware of your breath in those moments. Learn to keep extending those breaths. When you breathe in to that eternal heart space, you’ll feel more.
Pray For Your Desires
“The secret of our lost mode of prayer is to shift our perspective of life by feeling that the miracle and our prayers have been answered. Now we have the opportunity to bring this wisdom into our lives as prayers of gratitude for what already exists, rather than asking for our prayers to be answered.”
— Gregg Braden
This is probably one of the most undervalued and ignored phenomenon in the history of time. At least at this point in time.
Prayers were an ancient technology at one point. In the Lost Mode of Prayer, Gregg Braden writes about how much of today’s biblical texts are missing information on how to pray.
We have been spending so much effort asking for what we want, rather than feeling as if it’s already happened. This confusion has created lack within ourselves. When that happens, people lose faith.
Have faith. Your desires are very real. You just need to feel it. Right here, right now.
Take it from a guy who lived in his parents’ basement cooking eggs out of a microwave, to building a business doing over $10 Million a year. I have a beautiful, amazing wife. I love my kids. I have travelled all over the world. I’m grateful for all of it, and I feel blessed.
Everyone of those things though, I knew it to my core, that they were coming. There was no separation from where I was and where I was going. My current reality and dreams were all one. All of it in unison.
If you truly want to make a shift. Cultivate the life of your dreams. Start with clarity.
Be clear on your intentions. Be clear on what is it exactly that you want.
It won’t come through wanting. By doing that, you’re just adding more fear and doubt to what’s not there. You’re actually reminding yourself what you don’t have.
Create space for a new reality. Create space for the unknown.
In order to do that you’ve got to clear out the garbage.