6 Steps to Develop a Growth Mindset
1. Learn continuously
Challenge always provides us an opportunity to learn. Learning increases our knowledge, our skills, and the value we can offer to family, friends, and colleagues.
2. Be open to challenges
Challenges are going to come. There is no worthwhile endeavor without challenges. We must learn to embrace it. It is always during our more painful times that we develop the depth of our character.
3. Failure is a part of life
We cannot avoid failure and view this as success. Failure is truly a matter of perspective. Life is almost impossible without experiencing some sort of failure.
4. Perseverance
When we face obstacles, we must learn to reverse them and find another way out, so we can reach our goals. By doing so, we are able to view setbacks as temporary situations rather than as permanent obstacles.
5. Celebrate others
To make the climb to success an enjoyable one, we cannot live jealous and intimidated by others. In order to truly enjoy other people's success, we must commit to being happy for them.
6. Open to feedback
We increase our chances of success by being open to feedback. It is essential for us to receive effective and timely feedback in conjunction with setting goals in order to achieve success. Effective feedback illuminates our progress.
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