6 steps for delivering feedback with truth and grace
Think Productive - Global Learning Partner
Inspiring and equipping people & organisations to transform work for the better.
Over the last week, I’ve been reading a new book.?
You might have heard us banging on about it, as it was penned by our Graham, founder of Think Productive and original Productivity Ninja.?
Yes, of course, I’m talking about “KIND – the quiet power of kindness at work”.?
Seriously though, whilst the book has undeniable global and practical appeal, I would actually argue that is in fact a human-centric leadership manifesto. If you’re a Leader looking for bold insights, tools and fresh thinking (from how to set clear expectations to listening deeply), this is a book that will help set you apart in the future of work.??
And the skill of delivering feedback with kindness is right up there of course.??
Giving uncomfortable feedback with truth and grace when you're face to face with someone is not easy. I’ve personally found it really helpful to prepare and follow a structure:?
1. BEFORE you give any feedback, process your own thoughts and emotions (e.g. if you’re annoyed, WAIT until you’ve processed that feeling!)?
2. Situation (describe the situation or context including when & where)
3. Behaviour/Performance (describe specifically what they did/didn’t do)?
4. Impact (explain the impact on the individual, team or company.)?
5. Discuss (leave space for them to process what they’ve heard, ask questions, share what they think)?
6. Summarise & Close (summarise the agreed-upon new behaviour or next steps).?
If you feel this is an area you or your colleagues could do with a some practice in, why not book us for an inhouse delivery of our "We Need to Talk" workshop.?
Until next time,?