6 Steps
I’m sometimes asked “what are some simple things I should be doing to improve workplace safety”!
Here’s 6 things to consider:
1)Create a plan for improving safety. I’m sure you would agree improvements don’t happen by accident (excuse the pun) A step by step plan helps.
2)Inspect your workplace. Have a walk around. What looks like a hazard? Start with things that could cause serious injury. What can I do to reduce the risk? Involve employee’s in the process. Get outside help if needed.
3)Training. We always train new employee’s in work processes. But what about H&S training? We sometimes say “ that’s common sense” But what is common to one person may not be to another.
4)Open discussion. Try and meet regularly with staff to talk through H&S issues or simply to provide a platform to bring issues up. (I know of a couple of firms who give a Repco voucher each month for the best H&S idea brought forward by staff).
5)Investigate accidents and near misses.
6)Maintain records. First aid treatments. Staff training and qualifications, hazardous substances training, incident investigations etc.