6 Simple Ways To Find Your Passion In Life
Kevin Payne
Helping impact driven founders diversify their income with a portfolio of micro startups
Purpose is the reason you go on the journey and your passion is what keeps you motivated along the way. Do you feel yourself lost trying to discover what’s your purpose in life or ways to find your passion in life?
As humans we all have felt a deep void in life at one time or another because it’s in our very essence to need a sense of belonging and the ability to see progress being made within our lives. I want to share 6 simple ways to find your passion but first let’s look deeper at the symptoms.
I believe all great solutions first begin by leaning into the core problem. Often we must experience pain in order to make a breakthrough to take our personal and professional lives to the next level.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow was a scientist that wanted to understand what motivates people. He believed that people possess a set of motivation systems unrelated to rewards or unconscious desired. Maslow (1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulfill the next one, and so on. Below is an famous chart know as the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
As you can see there are 4 steps before you reach self-actualization. In order to fully experience living your purpose in live with a burning passion you must have your priorities in order.
For example how can you expect to run a business you’re passionate about and be content when you don’t have basic physiological needs met such as food, water, and shelter? This may be a common sense example but if you continue following the chart up, you may find other areas of your life you’re abusing.
In my own life I had to do some soul searching; I discovered I wasn’t properly exercising and I lacked healthy relationships (love/belonging) in my life due to being far from my family.
Once you can identify the problem and create solutions you can then live a life with passion in all areas. Now let’s go over the 6 simple ways to find your passion in life as promised.
Change Your Mindset
We must learn to change our mindset and seek wisdom from mentors.
In all honesty I can’t help you to discover your purpose and passion in life because at its essence they are spiritual questions. I can only point you to the right resources and seek to change your mindset about what you believe passion should look like.
Through my personal journey to discover my passion it required two things that allowed me to change my mindset.
- Read 30 minutes daily: There are many benefits of reading daily. Some of the main benefits associated with helping you to find your passion includes increasing your imagination, making you smarter and giving you the ability to recreate yourself.
- Create a mastermind group: A “mastermind” is really just a fancy word for a group of people who get together and talk about business. They help each other brainstorm, solve problems, come up with new products, and deal with difficult customers. Masterminds can be as formal and structured or as casual and loose as the group prefers, but in general, most groups involve each person discussing a problem they’re having, and the other members chiming in with ideas to help. To learn more about mastermind groups check out Erin E. Flynn’s article.
Don’t Chase Money
Money serves only as a medium to other things. Identify why you truly desire money. I suffered with desiring money for the wrong reasons; I had self-centered desires that are good but can easily lead to bad habits that would leave me feeling empty inside. Some of my original desires before I matured were:
- Material possessions such as a MacBook, iPhone, Jordan’s, and a Ferrari
- The power that’s associated with wealth for the wrong intentions
- Respect and admiration to impress others and fill my ego
These empty desires will only provide temporary satisfaction. How many electronic gadgets and pairs of shoes, do we actually need?
If you’re seeking to find your passion to pursue a career or create an online business please take time to reflect and make sure you have a healthy relationship with money. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey who is a well known personal financial adviser who invented a methodology known as The 7 Baby Steps. Dave even created an online course called Financial Peace University.
Dave is a great example of someone who reinvented himself by first discovering his purpose and integrating it with his passion. Seek to do something you love… you will know when you find it because you will be willing to do the work whether you get paid or not.
Want to learn more? Consider reading The beginner’s guide to turning your passion into profits.
Find Your Why
Ryan Robinson is an entrepreneur and writer, teaching people how to create meaningful self-employed careers at Ryrob.com. He’s also been featured in Inc., Entrepreneur, & many other leading business publications. We had a chance to chat and here’s what he had to say when trying to find your why.
“Never go into business for yourself without having a ‘why‘. If your sole purpose for wanting to become an entrepreneur is to make millions of dollars, your chances of success will be slim to none. I’d recommend going into finance, instead. As an entrepreneur, when the journey gets difficult (and it definitely will), when you’re making painful sacrifices, and damaging personal relationships in the pursuit of making your dreams come true, the one thing you will always need to fall back upon is your ‘why’.
What’s your greater purpose for wanting to start a business? Do you want to become successful, so that you can in turn lift others out of poverty? Are you working on a solution that’ll serve to make the lives of others genuinely better?
Be super honest with yourself when you’re trying to find your purpose in business. The opportunities you’ll be most likely to stick with, are the ones which you’re personally invested in. The problems you’re passionate about solving.
If you don’t have a cause you’re particularly passionate about right now, that’s fine. It’s worth taking the time to learn more about yourself, volunteer your time in charitable organizations, seek to work at companies you admire, and expand your interests. Eventually, you’ll discover the people you’re passionate about helping and the problems that keep you up all night.”
When you discover your why and want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful – Eric Thompson
I want to be transparent and share my why with you. I come from humble beginnings and struggled with poverty in my youth. This fueled me to attain an great education and become passionate about entrepreneurship because I truly believe it’s the key to escape poverty. You don’t need a college education, connections, or the next great startup; you only need to have a heart to solve a problem you see in this world.
Even though I’m doing better it’s hard to be content when I see so many other people struggling to survive on minimum wage jobs. Online businesses have taken away the barriers! I want to help educate others to invest in themselves and break generational curses.
Ask Your Loved Ones
I want you to not only discover your passion but life your purpose to touch others and make a lasting impact on their life’s. In life we develop bonds with friends and family. They learn our personality and quirky characteristic traits. Sometimes word’s can’t get across a message but art is required.
The Fast & Furious movie series serves as a great example of the unbreakable bond of family and friendships. With the passing away of Paul Walker, Fast & Furious 7 was very heart gripping. The movie not only had a deep emotional impact on viewers but the song “See You Again” by Charlie Puth & Wiz Khalifa touched many people as well.
Remember the video earlier by Eric Thompson? There’s a growing trend. To develop a burning passion that motivates you their has to be love involved. Kevin Durant had a deep love for his coach and the same can be said about the Fast & Furious 7 cast. Take time and ask your loved ones what character trait they admire about you and see if this inspires you. to discover what your passion is.
Take The Passion Profile Quiz
I often ask myself how many hours do we work in our lifetime. The results can be pretty alarming!
Rachel & Kristen are two best friends, business partners, and certified life & career coaches. Since 2012 they have coached hundreds of people out of un-fulfilling jobs and into careers and lives they’re passionate about. They created the Passion Profile Quiz in 2014, which has been taken over 80,000 times in the past year, and their writing has been featured online at outlets like Time, Fast Company, and Business Insider.
They also created The Passion Profile Quiz to help anyone that want to create a business around their passion and get out of living life passively.
I do my best to filter out the noise and only share information from professionals that I find genuine and transparent. They really touched my heart when they mentioned what’s the purpose of working if you’re not experiencing passion and fulfillment.
Become Vulnerable
You will reach the full potential of your passion once you lean in towards your vulnerabilities. When I was trying to find my passion I learned that I must first identify my purpose in life. Through reading “Don’t Waste Your Life” I got the revelation that I was being passive. Our inabilities to act is still an choice we act upon.
I’m a christian and my purpose is to glorify God in all ways and my passion is to teach entrepreneurs how to live their life on their own terms. I do my best to integrate them together to be authentic and transparent.
I can’t satisfy everyone and you won’t either but remember be true to yourself and don’t sacrifice your desires or beliefs. Often others can sense when we’re being real with their emotional intelligence. Please let me know how this blog post has impacted you and any share with others who may find this helpful.